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"Don't worry you will do great no matter what" she said. I wanted to change the topic. I was feeling incredibly guilty.

"Let's change the topic please" I asked her

"Alright what do you want to speak about?"

"I don't know but how about my incredible and charismatic self"

"Hardy har har. What is even there to talk about"

"You wound me woman" I said to which she let out a laugh without care.

We spoke for nearly three hours of absolute bullshit and then said our good byes and went to sleep.


Hunter pov

I got a call saying " you were right sir, The FBI made a background search on Sven. There is indeed someone in Georgia's school who is spying on her"

I sit back and lean on my arm chair and recall the call I had a few days back


"What is it? Did you find anything worth mentioning to me" I barked into the phone

"Nothing with substantial evidence and solid proof, but I have some speculations" The speaker on the other side of the call said

"I'm waiting and this better be good, or else it won't be pizzas you will be serving but yourself in that school canteen"

"Well, I think there is a group of people who are trying to spy on you. I think they figured out that Georgia is your sister. I think they are using Georgia to find more about you"

"Hmmm... Then it was a good thing that I put you as the head cook in Georgia's school. Keep me posted even if you have the slightest doubt of anything. I'll keep in touch. Make sure no one gets an inkling of doubt on you...... Wait who are the kids who are closest to Georgia?"

"She seems to hang out most with Lia and Cameron. The other people she is just cordial and does not speak much."

"Alright I'll look into them. Keep a close eye on Georgia. Understood?"

"Yes sir"

Flashback ends

I got a background check on Cameron and he came out clean. Seems like a good boy. He is into sports and aces most off his classes. Also is in good terms with most students but keeps close to only a select few. Nothing out of the ordinary. So who could be after me and who could have thought of using Georgia. Is it some other gang or my old enemies or the government. It would become much easier if I knew whose work this is. 

'I need to shift Georgia. She has to relocate and its urgent. But then again it won't solve anything. She will have to done a new appearance, new personality, new name and identity. She will never agree to this. She thinks that we have kept her relation with me a secret just so she can make friends without our background influencing anyone. It is so she can gain trustworthy friends. She will not change her identity. She will get suspicious and she will ask unwanted questions. I can not lose her. She is the only family I have. She will definitely leave me if she finds out I am a wanted man by the Government. She will leave when she knows that I have not been who I portray myself to her. She will fall apart. She will lose her trust in me. I lied and I don't want to pay the consequences' My monologue was getting the best of me. 'I cannot take this anymore. I need to come up with a plan to make sure that she changes her identity and at the same time does not lose her trust in me'

I angrily threw my chair at the wall. I am in my office in a bar I own under a false name. I shoved the files of my table. the glass shattered next, quickly followed by all the files in the shelf being thrown with papers flying haphazardly. I broke the bottle of rum I was having. I wrecked havoc in my office. 'THIS IS TOO MUCH. They went after the only person I cared about. The only thing that is precious. They found my weak spot. Whoever tries to even harm a strand of her hair will not see the light of day. THAT IS A PROMISE.'

My one and only thing that is even keeping me human. They messed with the wrong person. 'But what do I do? How can I convince Georgia to move out. I now know after that supper with Cameron that Georgia without her realizing it is slowly falling in love with him. Cameron cares quite a lot about Georgia. That is for sure but is it enough for him to love her? She might just be in danger and in the middle of hit. If anything goes wrong she will be the first to get hurt. I can't have that. It is vital I find out who it is that found my weakness'

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