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I asked Abigail, Wade and Abiram to go in the van and transport him somewhere else for the time being. I went with Charlie to get photos of the scene with all that ammunition an drugs. I got a voice message telling me that Abiram had intercepted the delivery guy and they were happily munching on the stolen food after convincing the delivery guy with the dead guy's phone that the order was for them and were too hungry to wait and so came in search of the assumed lost delivery guy. Lucky bastards. We were there nearly for three hours trying to gather all the evidence and we then dragged the still dazed security guard. We have no ride and we have to wait for another two hours minimum for the car to return and so Charlie and I dragged the security guard into the dead bushes behind the factory as we did not want to be spotted.


We sat there in cover for nearly an hour, I really missed seeing Georgia in the hallways. I know that we weren't supposed to actually get close. We just needed to  act, I mean I just needed to act and make the girl trust me and I am really dreading the day when it comes that I have to betray her and arrest her brother. I will then have to stay away from her even though my identity would not be busted, it's too dangerous. 

"omphhh" I said

The bastard of the security guard elbowed me in my abdomen and took away and........ fell? I saw him stunned as he fell and got up to run away. I then realized he still had not regained eyesight. Charlie who came running to me when he heard my grunt of pain and was now having trouble controlling his laughter. We both ran after the guard and then realized it was futile. He cannot identify us as he did not see our faces before we injected the serum and now he still has not regained eyesight as he fell but one thing is for sure he knows this property like the back of his hand. God for a plump guy he sure as hell runs fast. We can not really take him anywhere we can question him. He either won't know who he is working for or will refuse to tell us anything about said  boss. One prop I can and the rest of FBI can give Hunter is that he sure has really faithful underdogs. None of them will open their mouths to give us information. They would rather die than give us information about their master. 

We did try our best to go after him but we lost him. His advantage of knowing the terrain coming up as an upper hand when compared to us new to the location. This was supposed to be an warehouse where no one would be there. The initial tip and information gathered was that this warehouse would have a local thug as a guard and no one else inside. The number of security measures and technology used also would be less and yet we managed to have killed a man and failed in tying the guard up. We left him an escape route.

The car came back with Abiram driving and thankfully the car was clean with no blood and traces and an really uncomfortable smell of chemicals. We sat in the car and Abiram drove off

"Hey take the next right and stop before the fifth building please" I said

"Why" Abiram asked

"Well cause I'm hungry and I want to eat"

"OK... but why the right and fifth building"

"Cause there is a huge ass 'M' there high above the building. It's pretty visible. I don't know this place and the only eatery I see is McDonald's. I want to eat."

"Ahh... I did not see that"

Abiram then took a right and we soon pulled up in front of McDonald's. We all ordered what we wanted and started gobbling it down. Charlie was silent the whole time and when I asked him about it, he just waved me off. Weird. I did want to know more but hunger got the best of me.

Abiram drove us back to the crappy hotel we were staying in and we went into our separate rooms.

I was so tired and exhausted then just as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. I slept peacefully subconsciously thinking about Georgia and how life would have been if she was not Hunter's sister. I would have genuinely dated her for she had a personality like no other and so bright, I wanted to bath in all the time.

She was truly beautiful

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