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"Hey it's ok, but I was a bit preoccupied back in the last English class.... So I'm don't really know a thing about the project. I was not listening to what was happening." I said and then realized that she might ask why because of the questioning gaze she was sporting so I quickly added " that is all because I was texting my friend and so I could not concentrate.... Yeah... So what I'm saying is that I don't know what the project is about!"I said scratching the back of my neck.

Georgia gave a short little giggle and shook her head. She opened her mouth to say something when the bell rang.

" I will tell you the topic later" she said and turned around to go to her class.

(Same day)

Georgia POV (finally!!)

I immediately spotted  Cameron near the school doors. It looked like he was debating on whether he wanted to go out or continue inside. He looked like he was having a battle with himself. I raised my hand to give him a small wave. As soon as I did that gesture he slouched and had this expression of mild irritation. I dropped my hand. Was it because he saw me. I was a little disheartened, but I mean I have to talk to him. It is for the English project  and he likes it or not he is my partner.  So I hesitantly walked towards him to talk to him.

We were partnered for the English project. Ummm.... So I was kinda thinking.... You know.... That we should probably get started on it right away. It kind of seems like an time consuming assignment" I said

"so you want to waste no time in trying to spend more time with me. If you wanted to get me alone all you had to do was ask .... Babe. I'd never say no."

" No no no... I did not mean it like that . We actually have that project to do and I wanted to finish as soon as possible so that we can have a few days to proof read it. It's a bit complicated so that's all." I ranted on and on.

" Chillax I was just pulling your leg but anyway why did you seem hesitant to walk over to me?"

" I don't know how to approach you"

" Sorry what? Come again" he said in amusement.

"Huh.......... Ohhhhhhh" I said mentally chastising myself for that moment of utter stupidity. i mean he is totally good looking but I seriously can't allow my inner thoughts to come out like this in front f them. i already guessed that he has a huge ego. He is drop dead gorgeous and he knows that.

" I dint mean it like that. I swear it came out wrong. I'm so sorry." I rambled on and on.

"Hey it's ok, but I was a bit preoccupied back in the last English class.... So I'm don't really know a thing about the project. I was not listening to what was happening.  that is all because I was texting my friend and so I could not concentrate.... Yeah... So what I'm saying is that I don't know what the project is about!" He said scratching the back of his neck.

I almost swooned outwardly. That was so cute. I wanted to say 'aww' but I could not so I swooned inside my brain.

I then realized that his absent minded slouching was not because of me and for some odd reason it greatly lifted up my spirits. I was unintentionally really happy and giggled. He looked so innocent when he did that neck scratching thingy.

I giggled louder and said something along the lines of I'll let him know about the project later, I guess it was because the bell rang or maybe because I wanted to talk with him again... No way it was definitely because the bell rang. I turned around to go to my class room. I don't even know that I was skipping happily till Lea looked at me warily and gave me a questioning gaze to which my only reply was a shake of my head insisting that it was nothing and went inside the class room. Apparently I had a smile throughout the day.

I knew Lea would ask me later on cause that is who she is, but for now I was really content. Tomorrow I will have to answer her interrogation.

That entire day went by fairly quickly.

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