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"Where you currently" she asked

"I am in England sweetie. I'm in London, I have got some important work to do, but don't worry I will ensure I finish it as fast as possible and come and visit you"

"I'd love that actually. Ok bye I have got loads of homework" to do she said softly.

"I am sure you don't. You just don't want to cry on the phone right. It's okay sweetie, I'll visit you soon."

Georgia said bye and hung up. She then looked at me and said something I wanted to strangle myself for.


"What made you make such crazy inferences that my brother did bad things" she asked

"I am sure you know this, but he is into selling drugs into the international market. He is a drug lord with a huge mafia on the side. I am guessing he also dabbles in arms and ammunition as well. All of this is done illegally. Now that you have helped me, I will let you on in a small secret of mine. I am a FBI agent. This is how I got information on your brother and his illegal activities. This is the reason I approached you and befriended you. It was all to catch Hunter." I said

I could see the crestfallen look she donned. It was truly believable. She was so damn good at it. But there is still something at the back of my mind telling me that she was truly innocent and everything on her face was not a bluff.

"I am going to London" I said. I wanted her to inform someone so that I could know for sure, she is on the bad side too. 'Blood is after all thicker than water.' I thought disgustingly.

"I will also come, I want to prove it to you my brother is a gentleman and I want to be there when you apologize" she said and went upstairs, I followed dumbfound and contemplating on what her next plan could be" I saw her packing a few clothes and she sent a message to Lia that she came down with a cold as she ate ice cream.

As we were exiting her house she said " Oh by the way I know you must have already figured this out and know this but I am just putting this out in the open. You met my brother." I gave her a confused look to which she continued " Sven! Sven is Hunter. You guys met recently. You even had lunch together." She said.

'Holy shit. He was right under my nose and I missed. The hell' I was berating myself the entire drive to the airport.

I called Ryan and asked him to pack up and get along some really good FBI agents. We were going to London. We reached the airport and we got on this really crappy private airplane. I asked the tech guys to track down Sven. Bastard I am. I could not even make it out that Sven could be Hunter.

We arrived in London and we all rented out a care and drove to the location shown on the map. We could see that only the house had a gunman and no one else. There was not much security. That is odd. Also this place is in a heavily crowded area. There were civilians all along the road and place. We were all nearly 20 feet away from the building that had Hunter. We could see all this in the camera. The tech guys bought along with them various high tech gadgets and they had sent out spy cameras that looked just like honeybees. They looked so realistic, even with all the synthetic fur on the body.

We were spying and suddenly we spotted that the so called civilians had guns tucked into their pant pockets only visible when they bend down. Also the civilians acted quite off, If observed for long there was a sort of pattern. There was never more than or less than 25 people on the streets. All of them despite acting like civilians were quite alert and their bodies were clearly of those who have undergone quite the vigorous training. There was also no sighting of children. Hunter is smart he got his guards to act as civilians and it looked like a gated community so there was no way one could easily sneak in and out. The place was also flooded with cameras.

We so can not go into the place unless when we transformed into those spy honeybees. Honeybees Honey bees. I stood up and told the rest of the agents. There were six of us plus Georgia. I asked the tech guy if they could go and disrupt one of the numerous honeybee hives. This will disturb the other hives as well and all those people will have to run inside and then it is easy for the tech guys to trip the cameras to only see empty land with honeybees buzzing about.

I was in charge of this team and so it was much easier for them to follow my orders also. I licked this team, Abigail, Wade and Abiram I already met during my last mission to that warehouse, Ryan and another new guy. All agreed to the plan and I looked at Georgia who was watching all the events unfolding with a little bit of evidence that her brother is not someone he claims to me. She was shocked. For the first time in nearly two days I went up to her and cupped her cheek and said softly," you know I did not mean a word I said about you the last time we were in your house. I was angry and said things I knew would make you lose logic. It was a bait. You were a bait but not anymore. I like you.... a lot. " I took a deep breath and continued " I can see that you don;t know anything about all of this and I ma sorry for deceiving you but this had to be done there was no other way. I am ashamed of what I said and did to you but trust me I really like you."

"I need some time to process all this. I will forgive you... eventually and I truly do understand why you had to do all this. It's a lot to take in at the moment" she said in a timid voice. I nodded and went back to stand with all the agents. I would take the risk of believing that she is innocent and is not going to give her brother a heads up about us and our mission.

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