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"Alright mom, I love you and I love you dad, I know you are eavesdropping into our conversion." I hear my dad's unmistakable boisterous laugh. "Stay safe and come back home soon.... I-I-I- i miss you" I whispered only the last bit.

"I love you Zack and so does your father so very much" mom said followed by a distant " Love you bud and we are proud of you" from my dad

I hung up and went to sleep


I had school today and I did not want to go. I don't feel so good. Also it is already near noon, it is of no use to go to school. I had a long week. Convincing myself with these statements I went back to sleep. 

Georgia's Pov

I don't know what is wrong with me, even Lia seems to have sensed that I have not been on the best shape. I zone out in class a lot of times. I had to see Cameron. It's been three days since he has come to school.  I was getting worried. I knew that his parents were always out of town and he does not live with anyone else. If he was sick, then there was no one to take care of him. I am really worried about him. I have to make sure that he is alright. I even went to his friends and asked them about him, but none of them knew anything they were too engrossed with the upcoming football game this Friday. I had to urgently see him. Anyway he is lagging back on his work. Yeah, I mean I am being a good friend, and now I will go see him as a good friend after school gets done for the day.

I collected all his home works and school work in the lunch break and I was just waiting for the school day to get over. The classes passed by in a blur and I was taking down notes mechanically. Lia noticed my mind being somewhere else and did ask me about it with a questioning look to which I just shook my head.

I ran out of the school as soon as the last bell rang and hailed a cab and told him the address. The journey took me about 20 minutes with me berating myself about if my decision was actually correct or not. Now the doubt starts to set in 'Stupid Georgia' I was lightly hitting my forehead and talking to myself. What I did not realize was that the cab driver was looking at me from the mirror with merriment on his face. I saw him looking at me and gave him a sheepish smile to which the  cab driver game a small laugh.

"Why are you beating yourself and hitting yourself?" The cab driver asked

"I don't know if I am doing the right thing" I said

"You plan on running away. Look kid, running away is not worth it. It is a brutal world out there. If you have any problems with your parents, you should sit them down and talk to them. Don't leave your house kid. You can also talk to child services or the police. You know we have a good system in place..." He was going on and on

"Oh my god, stop. No I'm not running away I just was not sure if I should go to my friend's house or not that's all" I said trying my best not to laugh

"Oh my bad. sorry kid. It's just that I know a lot of kids who have lost their way because of one stupid mistake. I did not want you to do the same especially if I could help with something. Anyway we have reached"

"Thank you and here's the money"

I got down from the cab and rang the bell. I rang it another three times and no one answered. I called Cameron's number and on the fourth ring he picked up

"Hello" Cameron said groggily. My heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, Ummm... I just wanted to ask how you were, you were not in school for nearly three days" I said

"Well seems like someone missed me. Wow I'm honored" He said. I could feel my ears turn warm with the blood flow.

"N-n-no it's not like that, I just wanted to make sure you were ok, that's all. This is because our teachers' in school wanted you to be up to date with your school work. Th-They asked me to deliver your school work that is the reason I am here that's all" I said

"Well, Georgia if that makes you feel better" There was a pause and " Wait a second, Where are you"

"Umm.... In front of your house. I tried ringing the bell but you did not open the door."

"Oh um.. your right. I'm sorry that I did not open the door, I-I-I I'm outside, shopping"

"Shopping, I thought you were not feeling well" I urged 

"Shopping- shopping shopping for snacks. I'm at Walmart. I was craving a few snacks" He said hurriedly

Cameron Pov

"Shopping- shopping shopping for snacks. I'm at Walmart. I was craving a few snacks" I said hurriedly. Oh damn it. I threw the sheets of my body and I stumbled about to get ready

"God this Walmart is really bad. Too much people. Give me ten minutes. I will be there as soon as possible" I said

"Don't drive too fast. It's okay I will wait..... That is if you want" she said timidly

"Of course please do wait. I'll be there soon" Already sitting down in the driver's seat in my car just about to speed off into the road.

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