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Georgia POV

Yesterday was the day, when I spoke with Cameron.

I don't even know how I got ready and by the time I was aware of my surroundings I was already in school.

I walked to my locker and there was a post it stuck to my locker. I plucked it out and read it. I was surprised to find that it is from Cameron.

In a messy handwriting he wrote that

Hey Georgia,

Just wanted to know that if the project is as important as you claim it to be then we should probably start working on it. We have to decide on when we have to meet.
This is my number: ×××××××××

- Cameron

I quickly pulled out my phone and saved his number. I always had the habit of tearing up post it's when my brother used to leave them for me or on the rare occasion that the staff leave it for me as they are unavailable. It was just a way for me to do like a habit. So I tore up the post it and threw it in the dustbin. Unfortunately Lea saw me do it and raised her eyebrow at me to which I shook my head indicating nothing. She doesn't seem like she was convinced but she doesn't pry to which I'm grateful.

I had two hours of free periods today. One before lunch and the other after lunch. So I texted Cameron to let him know. He replied quite quickly may I add today that he can meet me before lunch. I text a quick ok.

Georgia POV

I had texted Cameron to meet up in the library after school today to discuss the English project. It was mainly cause I had nothing better to do. Ok maybe I still had that stupid maths homework that I had to work on. A little part of me wanted to meet up with Cameron. I'm sure I'm not going to admit it out loud but I knew a small part wants me to get the English project started because I will have to spend more time with Cameron.

(In the library)

I sat at my favorite table in the library. The table which is half hidden to the rest of the world unless you knew what you are looking for specifically. This table was near a window surrounded by two book shelves. It was such a nice place. Quiet and peaceful. I was waiting for Cameron but I did not want to be seen as eagerly waiting for him so I took a random book and pretended to read it with the utmost interest. I was actually glancing at the door that led into the library. To others who saw me it would look like I was reading a book peacefully but that was not he actual case.

After about five minutes Cameron walked in. He walked in like he owned this place. I mean not The arrogant way more along the lines of confidence. The good kind of confidence. He stood near the librarian's desk and looked around the place looking for me. I wanted to gaze at him a little longer so I kept to myself so that I don't give him a chance to know my location.

After a few seconds of looking at him. I waved at him to let him know where I was. He saw me and waved back in acknowledgement. He strode towards me and had a small smile on his face. He had this knowing look on his face to which I gave him a questioning look. He just shrugged and said

"I can kind of see why you like this place. It's quiet and relatively a lot hidden from the rest of the library. It's kind of very obvious. I mean of course you want o spend time with me without any interruption. You don't want any prying eyes on us. You just want it to be only us against the world. Good strategy but unfortunately for you I am not easy. You need to really work hard to gain my attention. This won't do darling... It's a great strategy but experimented on the wrong person. I know you don't need to feel embarrassed it's ok cause there are a lot of girls that do random stuff to have me glance at them." he said in a teasing way in a playful tone and winked at me.

I gave him the unimpressed look. He just chuckled and said " you don't need to cover up". I gave him a light shove on his shoulder.

Cameron being over dramatic held his shoulder that I had shoved and gave a look that screamed bloody murder and pain. " Your so violent woman. That really hurt ya know"

I just giggled at how cutely he said that and shook my head at his stupid yet cute antics.



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