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The previous grudge against parents' I can rule out most of them because they are either behind bars or probation and under watch or dead. There were only a couple of others who still roam free but that was because they were no major threat.

Who the hell did this kidnapping and why. I just need one clue. One clue is all I am asking.

URGHHHHHHH.... I pulled at my hair and slumped on my seat. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes 'What am I missing' I kept asking myself. 


I keep racking my brain and I stick, Did not have a shower in two days. I received a message asking me to check my mail from the FBI. I went on my computer and as I was clicking on the internet button, my eyes fell on the video game icon, my dad and I used to play. It was programmed by Dad. He used to always tell me that no matter where he is in the world he will always be in this very game and all I had to do is search him out. Stupid logic. I really wanted a break so I clicked on the game. I don't know why but I was hoping Dad is actually in the map in this game and I could actually reach him. Dad is extremely smart. Wishful Thinking

As soon as I opened the game it started as usual but it was different from the last time I played. It was not the usual forest terrain. In fact it was a city terrain mainly focused on some sort of high story abandoned factory. What the hell, this is not what I see. It's different and new. What is this, I mean Dad had not updated to put in new terrains. He would generally tell me if there is something new with the game. 

I bring out my guns and go ahead and look at every thing. There are no people, but in one corner I could see some lines and dots. It was upside down. It did not look like it was part of the decaying building. It sure had moss over the scribbling's but it stood apart with it being a much lighter grey than the wall. I looked around and I was alone in a closed room. No door in sight. 'Thanks Dad what am I supposed to do' I thought.

I sighed and having not figured out what to do, I drew those dots and line out on a piece of paper. I tried turning it round and round and when I did turn the paper and put it slant, I got something remotely looking like a Morse code. '.... ..- -. - . .-.' I am horrible at Morse code, Dad knew this. Is this a joke.I wanted to quit the game but I was always could not back off a genuine challenge. I brought out the Morse code book and placed each letter.

I got 'HUNTER'. Hunter! HUNTER!

"Oh shit, God damn it" I exclaimed loudly. Thank god none of the maids are on my floor. This definitely means Hunter. But what does this signify. I quit the game and went into the settings, I looked in for when the update is done and it said, seven days ago. That is way after we lost contact with my parents. The FBI could not trace or contact them way before seven days. This definitely must mean that Hunter is behind the disappearance of my parents.

I have got to do something about this I really can not just sit around. But what the hell am I supposed to do even. I don't even know how the guy even looks. He has kept all information pointing to his identity a secret. I already have the FBI tracking Sven from when I was introduced to him in Georgia's house. He is absolutely clean. No one has seen him go out of his office building. Later on we found out that the top floor in his office building is his house. So it is understandable that he is never seen outside of his building. He sure as hell works up to his expectation of being a workaholic. 

Even if I want to have him investigated it is really difficult as he is in the clear. Kidnapping him and getting him to spit out information is not ideal. We do not even know if he knows the whereabouts of Hunter and this leaves with only one option given the limited time I have : Georgia.

She is the only one who actually can call her brother and talk to him. The  problem is she will be hesitant to call her brother if I make some shit up and bluff.  Oh god the only way to get her to do my bidding is to tell her the truth and make sure we present her with all the proof and evidence. Especially telling her that I am a FBI agent and I approached her with a hidden intent.

I am so NOT looking forward to the confrontation. I slammed my have on the glass table, letting some of the blood flow before dragging myself to the bathroom to bandage the wound.

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