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I walked into the lobby and greeted marge, she is the receptionist of the place.

"Hey marge, I am here because...." I trailed off. I knew she would know the reason.

" Yeah about that the director wants to speak to you on your next assignment. Go to the top floor. You will find him there." she said

" I know where to find him marge"

"How do you know where to find him. No one is allowed to go to his floor"

"Exactly, the only place I am not allowed is the top floor and also I heard he likes to keep to himself and unless and until you are called by him none can go or even see him"

She just laughed it off

But there is one nagging feeling at the back of my head. Why did the Director want to see me. I mean all my missions were handed to me by his assistants. Most of the missions handed to all the agents were also handed to by the assistants.

What is so special about this assignment that the Director himself wants to meet me and hand over the assignment.

I went to the top floor and was greeted by the Director's personal assistant.

"Are you Mr. heart?" she asked. I just nodded.

"Follow me" She said and started to walk. I just followed her.

After a few turns we stopped in front of a huge set of doors. She opened one and gestured for me to go in. I did as I was told

"Ahhh!...... Hello Zack, please have a seat." he said motioning towards the chair.

" I would like to discuss your next assignment. Your next assignment is kind off dangerous. You need to find out about the mafia king. The details of this assignment, Name of his family ... all the details are in this file, but remember you need to be very careful. He is very smart. This is not like the other petty missions you have been assigned. This is important. One slip off can cost you the entire lives of every individual working in and with  the FBI. I have to say I am impressed at your work from your previous missions and your track record. That is why I have chosen you for this task. Be very careful. If you successfully finish this mission, rest assured you will become one of the best agents at such a young age, You can go on missions that are assigned to the best agents like your parents. Remember one thing you need to be extremely careful and cautious and alert. Good Luck" he said and gave me the file.

Damn the file was pretty thin. Very less information. How does he expect me to go on such a serious mission with so less information. This is stupid.

I need to find more information or else I won't be able to do this mission.

As soon as I opened the file the name of the person that was in bold and for me to catch is literally the mafia king. God I am screwed.

The Mafia king known as ....well Mafia king popularly, is very well known pain in the ass. The FBI have been behind this guy for ages and yet we could not get a hold on him. He definitely was a mastermind.


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