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"I need some time to process all this. I will forgive you... eventually and I truly do understand why you had to do all this. It's a lot to take in at the moment" she said in a timid voice. I nodded and went back to stand with all the agents. I would take the risk of believing that she is innocent and is not going to give her brother a heads up about us and our mission.


The new guy made sure that those spy cameras disturbed the nearest hive and then all the honeybees flew making other hives doing the same as well. All the supposed civilians all fled into the houses. The new guy also recorded the bees for a few seconds hacked in and then put that video on loop. We were in the clear to move. We stealthily moved near to the huge mansion. We surrounded and quickly took out the guards and it was fairly easy enough to out power that one guard with the gun outside the house. 

We moved inside and along the corridors there were about two people. We took one out and then we took the other one, bandaged his mouth. Abiram put a taser at his head and asked for directions leading to Hunter after about a million threats and quite a lot taser, when he was on the brink of unconsciousness, he told us that Hunter was in the Dinning room. We used the taser a little more so he falls completely unconscious. 

We then followed his instructions and thankfully we did not come across anyone except for one guy who is now bound and is being guarded with the other two unconscious by Abiram. We found Hunter in the dinning room, eating. I aimed my loaded gun at him and he just continued eating. He then said " Do you really think that it would be so easy for anyone to gain easy access just like that. " he asked. Suddenly Georgia came in. She was being dragged by one of his guards. He then looked at all of us and then said "Oh no, Georgia never said a word. You really think you could enter undetected and catch me. I have not been traced by the FBI for so many years and suddenly now I'm traceable. The tracing was truly your achievement. You traced my alter Sven and you got here, but do you think I would not know that you have traced me. Also those bees and you only saw three people till now. Did you not ever feel it was too easy to be true. I mean I am one of the most wanted men by the FBI, you gotta give me some credit" He said amused. 

I looked around to see that we were completely surrounded. They also brought Abiram and he was quite beaten up. 

Hunter said "I am sorry for the state of your friend. My men had trouble with him, he would not come quietly and made quite the ruckus, but I must say he is quite skilled. Also don't even think about taking a shot, your parents are in my hands. Now be a good bunch of boys and stay calm."

One of Hunter's men came and searched our entire bodies and took away all our weapons even the small dagger at the base of my foot. Hunter gestured for someone and suddenly my parents came in. I looked over them and silently thanked god that they seemed fine. 

"I am not going to forbid you from a small reunion" Hunter said to which my parents chuckled and took me in a huge chuckle. My dad then went to Hunter and gave him a pat on the back and thanked him. What the hell is going on.

My dad must have sensed my stare on his back and so he turned to me and said "Do you trust your team?" 

"What ... yes of course I trust them"

"Well you should not" my dad said. "The FBI has been compromised Zack" he continued "Hunter does deal in drugs and a little bit of arms, but he does it for a better world. He keeps check of all the drugs in the market so that those drugs do not end up in the hands of teenagers. He has strict control over the movement of all drugs and ammunition. He is the mafia, but he is not bad. He does all this to try and save as many lives as possible from going astray."

"Dad he must have brain washed you. Dad this is all false." I tried pleading with him.

"Zack I understand that you are confused and all, but the real culprit is art of the FBI. All the wrong doings the finance director of FBI is doing is being blamed on Hunter. I am not saying Hunter is innocent or that what he is doing is correct, but he does this for a good cause. "

"Zack when we were on our mission, we came across some really strong evidence showing that the finance director of FBI- Josh is actually responsible for a lot of drugs movement in the market. He is also involved in a lot of human trafficking, money laundering and much more. Yes Hunter kidnapped us but he made sure we were treated with respect he also helped uncover a lot of dirty secrets on Josh. Sweetie you have got to believe me" Mom said trying to reach for me.

This was all too much and I was still processing everything. I saw a little movement in my peripheral vision and before I could stop anyone or anything from happening when suddenly a man stood in front of Hunter with a bullet hole in his stomach. 

The new guy fired at him. When people tried to make a grab at him. He threatened to bring the entire place down by firing randomly. 

"If any of you come near, I will kill and I am taking all of you down with me. Yes , Josh is the real culprit who pushed all his wrongdoings onto other criminals. I must say Mr and Mrs Heart you guys are really the top agents in FBI, but Josh is smarter he anticipated this and now Josh wants all of you dead." He said

"Do not do this" someone said. It was so hazy right now. I am not able to tell who from who and what from what

"I have to for my family. Only Josh can save them. I am really sorry" the new guy cried.


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