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I gave her a few blankets and a pillow and I went to my room to sleep. I could not sleep and was in deep thought when I heard shuffling outside my door which were hesitant and slowly my door opened. I pretended to be asleep and I heart soft foot falls and Georgia curled up on the farthest point on my bed. A small smile came onto my lips. I turned and discretely looked at the time. It's been nearly three hours since I left her. I guess the sofa was really uncomfortable. I turned towards her again and pulled her close to my chest. When she gasped and turned to me, I pretended that it was a move I did in my sleep. After some time she drifted of to sleep and her breathing evened out. I pulled her even closer and I slept peacefully.


By the time it was nine, we were still asleep and even though I was awake I did not want to get up. It was hell-a comfortable. I sighed and enjoyed it for another half an hour before I woke up and left to prepare breakfast. I was making pancakes, One of the very few things that I could make that was actually edible. 

'I did not want to make Georgia feel bad when I tell her about her brother, as well as I can not keep her in the dark. She has the right to know about her brother's true nature and  it is important that she does not get hurt. I mean it is a fact that she has no idea about her brother's mafia side. She is innocent. Yet she does not want to reveal details about her family. I mean I don't get this. What is she so afraid of that she is unwilling to impart details regarding herself. Is it because she thinks I am still not close to her or is it because she is scared and threatened by her brother and she is here to only escape him and not relive her painful past. Is it because she knows everything and is ashamed of her family or is it because she is really good at acting that she is only fooling me, but it is not easy to fool me... right? I have been receiving a lot of calls of late to speed up this mission and I am clueless. What should I do and how do I so this. Why can't I just do this the traditional way, arrest her as a suspect and bring out information and let her go, all under the radar. No one will know. So much more easier and better. The Director of FBI is not interested in this case and he is literally at my neck with the amount of pressure he is putting me through. This becoming such a has....'

 "Cameron... Cameron...What are you thinking about? I called you nearly six times before you even looked at me, but you were perfectly preparing pancakes like a robot"

"Nothing..... Just thinking about school and how much homework I can get away with and with what excuse" I said

Georgia gave me a disappointed look to which I grinned and shrugged. I gestured for her to come and sit and eat to which she obediently did the same.

"Oh my god. These are really good. I really thought you would mess these up as your focus was elsewhere but damn these are delicious"

"Well it's thanks to the maple syrup that my... my mom made"

"Well you tell her that it is absolutely awesome. Also do they know that you are sick?"

"Not really, I did not want to bother them"

"That is not a nice thing to do. You need to tell them. They will feel more guilty if they learn it after some other time"

"Yeah Yeah Yeah.... I'll tell them later... happy?

"Very" Georgia said

Georgia and I were eating our pancakes in silence when her hone rang. She looked at it and then excused herself from the table.

I tried my best to eavesdrop but it was of no use. I could not make out with whom Georgia was talking to and her side of the conversation was also not so audible and I barely caught on to a few words here and  there.

She came back "Is everything all right?" I asked

"Its just my aunt..... Nothing important. She just wanted to inquire about me" she said

I could tell she was lying. After eating those pancakes she said that it was too late and her plan did not include sleeping over. It is high time she goes home. I nodded and offered to drive her, but she refused it by saying that I was sick and she did not want to trouble me even if I had only light fever. I am still recovering.


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