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So it must be someone from outside. Someone who is not part of Lane's group. Someone with whom my parents' did not expect an ambush from. It has got to be someone outside the known people for Mom and Dad to have their ever high guard down! This also means that I can not completely push away Lane as innocent. He is still to be part of my suspect list but just not at the top.

I stepped back from the huge whiteboard I was using to jot down all these points. Damn my handwriting was barely legible. At least I have got something, I think. I looked outside my window and it was dark, only the moonlight allowing me to even see. No doubt my handwriting is bad.


I still stared at the whiteboard and all the papers thrown haphazardly on the floor and my desk. There were random pens and pencils and highlighters all over the place. I was stepping on them to even cross the room. I switched on the light and glanced at the clock. It was displaying that it was nearly two in the morning. Why didn't any of the house staff come to call me for dinner. 

I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen in pitch black, taking my eyes a few seconds to adjust. I made myself a sandwich and headed back up to my room. I texted Ryan and Georgia that I will not be coming to school today cause I was just not in the mood. I was extremely tired and took to my bed. The minute my head hit the pillow I was out. Despite being so tired added with a lot of sleepless nights, I really could not not sleep well. It was very disturbed sleep. 

I woke up to the sun glaring in my face, it was ten in the morning and I had forgotten to close the blinds last night, I mean this morning. I checked my phone as I knew I would have gotten a text from Georgia at the very least if not both. 

from: Georgia

Is something the matter, You know you can tell me! Its been more than a week since you seem down and stuff. Are you sick! Do you want me to come over and give you some company. 

I texted back

I am good, just not feeling like listening to Mr. Wilson's monotonous voice about History. It's not something I can survive. >_<

from: Ryan

Sure man

I texted back

Yeah I have so much to do like sleep!

I am sure that he will understand the meaning behind the text. The house staff called me for breakfast and that was when I asked them about last night's dinner. I just wanted to clear my head. They apparently did call me and I had dismissed them but I swear I could not recall that incident. I sighed and politely excused myself and trudged up to my room. The entire day was an absolute waste. I did not come up with anything. I am sure that I am missing out on something. Something that was very crucial, but what was it. There was not much alibi or any sort of thing or person I can ask about my parents. They were on an undercover mission for crying out loud. What is it that I am not accounting for. 

This was definitely not one of the typical kidnapping case. There were no demands made for money or the release of criminals or anything actually. So my parents were not the scapegoat for a possible barter system. This kidnapping was done solely to either stop my Parents' progress in the case or to scare my parents or the FBI. Who would want that desperately. Wait a minute, there is a possibility to scare me. It is sort of expected of Hunter to run a background check on me. I mean I just met Sven a few weeks back. Sven could have told Hunter or even Georgia could have told Hunter about her new friends. Hunter is smart this means he would have obviously done some sort of clearance checks on all of Georgia's close friends with a lot more effort and precision. What if my identity was revealed and he took my parents to scare me. It is far fetched with no concrete evidence but not something I can rule out.

God damn it, how many people should I speculate about. The current suspects are Lane, Hunter, my parents' previous encounters with gangsters who harbor hate till now. That is damn long list. I can not possibly rule out everyone to come to the one. 

The previous grudge against parents' I can rule out most of them because they are either behind bars or probation and under watch or dead. There were only a couple of others who still roam free but that was because they were no major threat. 

Who the hell did this kidnapping and why. I just need one clue. One clue is all I am asking.

URGHHHHHHH.... I pulled at my hair and slumped on my seat. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes 'What am I missing' I kept asking myself. 


So what do y'all think of the story so far? Let me know in the comments

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