15 1 0

I really wanted to text Georgia, but I knew it would not do me any good. So I texted Ryan.

'I am sick, wont make it to class. Don't bother with my homework.' I clicked send

Then another message

541: Keep an eye on Georgia and report any new or suspicious movements

P.S delete after reading

I sent him our code 541 stating that I am on a mission for the FBI.


I went to the airport and we all boarded the plane. It is going to take us all the way to Orlando. The five people came along with me and we did the instructions on the plane. We don't transport in civilian planes, we have our own planes which are really bad there is absolutely no comfort, space for keeping luggage near our legs. Definitely not one any would prefer while travelling. 

The team consisted of Draco, Charlie, Abiram,  Wade, Abigail and me. Apart from Abiram, all of us were born in the USA, but Abiram was born in India. All of them ranged in ages from twenty to about twenty five, with Draco being the oldest among us. All of them were easy to get along and none harbored major douche vibes or humongous ego's. So that was a major plus. To pass away the uncomfortable flight journey we each gave the others a small glimpse of our fake identities. 

It was around two in the afternoon when all of us landed in Orlando. The plan was to rest for half an hour and then proceed with our mission.

I freshened up and met the others in the lobby of the hotel. We had a hailed a car and went towards the Redbrook Avenue. As we drove towards this area. The more alert each became unconsciously. We all had our guns ready and we were unlocking it. All of us could feel that there was something fundamentally wrong with this area. It was dead. There was no one walking about. No dogs and cats. Vegetation on the side of the road was dead and a very unhealthy brown and ugly. 

We glanced at each other and I could tell that everyone did not like the place and It was sketchy. There were houses far apart from each other, but they were all either broken or they were not maintained from the evident growth of moss and climbers on the buildings. There was absolute no noise and such an eerie feeling despite it being only five in the afternoon. 

In the distance Draco spotted a tall building which looked like a abandoned factory right of the lane to our left and so Wade who was driving steered the car to the exit road. We stooped a bit away from the factory looking building and parked the vehicle behind a heap of crap. 

We did a quick perimeter scan and Draco put Abiram and Wade as lookout. Wade near the car's driver door and Abiram doing rounds stealthily. We did come just as the evening fell so we did have more cover while not losing out on visibility. We also dropped a sensor nearly five miles before the factory and another sensor right where we had to take the exit road. Both the sensors will alert all of us in case there was a vehicle that will pass by. 

I gestured for Abigail to take the right side of the factory and Charlie to cover Abigail. I took the left and when we scanned it, it was like an large open room with absolutely nothing. When we checked the walls, there was this really small crack or indentation in the wall. It must be a crack , these buildings were absolute shit. Abigail and Charlie came towards me and they told me that they found nothing and it was just an empty open space. We were going to go back, when I suddenly saw a sort of string connected from floor to roof right next to the indentation. I ran my finger across the thread while not putting much pressure. It was not a cobweb or a lose tree tendril. It was a wire. It is a wire that is thin but has got great strength. My eyes followed the string and unfortunately the wire disappeared into the wall at the roof. 

"Hey Charlie what say that you wouldn't possible be carrying a Non contact electric detector with you right now" I asked

"What" Charlie gave me the incredulous look

"You see this wire, I think it is sort of a way for us to be transferred into another part of the factory where we might actually find something. It seems odd that the wire is the only thing of this generation and looks like it is been used fairly well, It even has the slight warmth in it compared to this damp, cold building. I wanted to check if this place has electricity and if the wire is linked to a electrical power source" I explained.

He then looked at the wire for a few seconds and then shook my shoulders while giving a grin. "Dude, we might have just found an electrical source"


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I know the chapter is short, but the lock down and the pandemic has messed up my schedule and life... so....

It is really weird and I have no clue on what I am doing and where this story is going. So its taking longer than usual. As I mentioned before I lost the draft for the story and so I have no idea on what course this story was supposed to take, I am literally just writing on spot and its really hard. There are times I just stare at the computer for a long time and drift off to crazy imagination land and then I come back and I'm like OH SHIT!!!!!

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