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I take a deep breath as I realize what today has in store for me. Today is our wedding; I'm marrying Zak. I turn over with a rustle of the sheets to see Zak staring at me lovingly. "Good morning, beautiful." He smiles.

"Good morning." I reply with a soft smile.

"Today is the day I get to make you my wife." He placed his right hand on the side of my face before gently rubbing small circles with his thumb on my cheek. "That you do." I smile as I get up, kissing his lips before sitting up. "We need to get ready; I'm surprised I'm not getting dragged out by Hailey." I chuckle. The doorbell started ringing like crazy as if on queue. "Wake up bitch! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!!" She yelled as she walked through the house.

"You better go." He breaths softly to me before placing a kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you soon." I get up and get ready to go with Hailey. I walk down the stairs to see her waiting impatiently for me. "I'm here." I tell her hoping she would calm down. It's my wedding day, shouldn't I be the nervous one and stressed out. "Come on! We need to get you ready!!" She pulled me to the door as Zak was coming down the stairs. "Let me say bye." I tell her.

"Hurry!" She tells me as she let go and crosses her arms. I walk over and hug Zak before getting on my toes for a kiss. He bent down, meeting me halfway before pulling back and smirking at me. "The next time I see you, you'll be my wife." He smiled as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "I can't wait." I smile up at the man I love. I was pulled away before he could say anything more as I watched him chuckle.

We walk into Hailey's house going to her room, and I notice two other women are there waiting for us. "Alright, this is Gwen; she will be doing your hair." She points to the skinny blonde woman. She got up and came over to me with a smile as she gave me a quick hug. "And this is Janet; she will be doing makeup." The girl with dark black hair smiles at me.

I was forced into the chair that sat in front of a white vanity with many lights around the mirror. I look at my reflection, seeing the same tired face I'm used to seeing. They turned the chair around, and I was then judged while they talked about what would look good on me. "I want something elegant and simple. I don't want to be wearing a face cup of makeup that looks like it could melt off." I told them what I wanted because they seemed to have forgotten my opinion. "I was thinking a 50's look to match my dress."

"50's! oh, I love it!" Gwen smiled as she clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Me too!" Janet smiles. They got to work as I sat back and listened to music they had playing thinking about the day ahead of me. We had rehearsals all day yesterday, and I'm fully confident I won't mess it up. I still can't believe we are getting married today; after so long, it's finally happening. "There, you look so gorgeous!" Janet smiled at me as she did the finishing touches. I look in the mirror, not recognizing the face staring back at me; I look stunning. My hair was up in a lovely French twist, with a strand of hair hanging on either side of my face. My makeup was simple yet elegant, just like Marilyn Monroe. A lovely red lip, all my blemishes vanished, my facial structure outlined. My eyes popped and were so simple with a bit of black winged eyeliner and fake lashes. I loved how simple yet beautiful it all was. "I love it." I smile as I try not to cry. I don't think I've ever felt this beautiful before. "Don't cry; you'll ruin your makeup!"

"You didn't use waterproof?" Hailey questions.

"I did, but crying will make her eyes puffy." She rolled her eyes as if they asked an amateur question. Hailey looked at her phone as she checked the time to make sure we were still on schedule. "Okay, my turn." She announced as she sat next to me in the other chair. I watched as they went to work, making her look like a model. I still can't believe I'm getting married at twenty-one to the man that has changed my life. Am I doing the right thing? Would my parents approve? I wish I had my daddy walking me down the aisle and giving me away, like in tradition. I stared out the window as I was lost in thought, trying to convince myself I was doing the right thing. "Harley? Are you okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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