Special Times

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I open my eyes to see the sun beams seeping through the window

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I open my eyes to see the sun beams seeping through the window. Then bed was cold. I move my hands searching for Zak...empty. I sit up looking at the clock; nine o'clock. I get up and do my daily routine. I walk out to see Zak cooking something on the stove. I go up and hug him from behind. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He smiles to me as he continues to cook. "Good morning, handsome." I replied. "You are a sound sleeper." He continues. "I got up went to the gym, came back, and took a shower, you were still asleep." He puts the hash browns on a plate. "Yeah,I was tired." I admit as I sit on the counter watching him cook. He glances over at me and smiles. "So I was thinking,after breakfast you and I could go to the amusement park. How does that sound?"  He places his hands on either side of me looking me in the eyes. "Perfect." I kiss him then pull back. We set the table then sit down. Zak cooked eggs with cheese, hash browns,and bacon. "I have a soccer game Wednesday, are you going to come?"  I ask as I stare at my plate. Zak doesn't come to my games anymore, the first game he went to I got injured. He thinks he's bad luck. I glance up at him to see him playing with his eggs he was thoughtful. "This Wednesday?" He asks in a monotone voice.  "Yes, it's a home game."  "Yeah, I'll go." He finally says. I look up at him full of smiles. "Really?"  "Yes, please be careful." He smiles back to me. "Yay." I'm so happy he's going to my game. We finish breakfast and the cleaning. I grab my purse racing towards the car. Zak was already in playing his techno music. I close the door placing my seat belt on. "Are you all caught up on homework?" He asks as he pulls out.  "I am."  "Good."

Zak pulls into the crowded parking lot. We go finally find a spot then go to the front gate. "Two please." He asks the lady as he pulls out his wallet. He paid for us then we enter the park. "What do you want to do first Miss Harley?" He smiled at me. "Can we ride the roller coaster?"I grab his hand. I pull him towards the roller coaster as he chuckles at me. I'm so excited I could bounce up and down. We get in line waiting to get on. "I'm so excited." I tell him with a big grin. "Really, couldn't tell." He says sarcastically. "I think I'll let you go on this one alone." He stares up at the roller coaster. "Why?"  "I don't do roller coasters." I look at the floor. That's right he's afraid of heights. "Let's go ride something else then." I go to walk out of line. "No,you really wanted to ride this." He grabs my wrist. "I'll ride this one with you but that's it." He tells me frankly. "Yay." We get on strapping up. "Oh god what did I get myself into?" He mumbles to himself. "Do you want to get off?" I ask him as I turn my head towards him. "Yes, but will I? No."  "Welcome aboard 'cliff hanger' ." The voice says. "Please keep hands and feet inside the ride. If you have hats,glasses or wallets please place them in the bag in front of you. You will lose them when you turn upside down." I look over at Zak to see him holding on staring up at the ceiling. "Shit." He mumbles. I put my hand on his. "Let's get off." I tell him softly. "It's to late." He says as we start to move. "I'm sorry." I tell him. We start to go faster as we fly around a curve. I started screaming from pure joy but Zak had his eyes closed from fear. We went upside down "whoooo." I yell. "Fuck fuck fuck." Zak says as he opens his eyes. We then come to a stop. "Zak, it's over." I tell him as I put my hand on his shoulder. "The things I do for you." He sighs. We get off and sit on a bench trying to calm him down. "Are you okay?" I run his back. "I'm fine."  I look at him catching him on a lie. "Okay,that wasn't my cup of tea."  "I'm sorry, do you want to go home?"  "No, let's go have some fun."  He stands up waiting for me. I go to take Zak's hand but he puts them in his pockets. I sigh and look ahead of me. I watch all the couples around us laughing and holding hands. I wish we could be like them. "Let's do bummer cars." Zak says to me. I nod my head and head over. I watch as the couple in front of us starts kissing. Zak rolls his eyes and makes faces at me. I shake my head at him then stick my tongue out. We get in and pick our cars. "Your going to get it." Zak tells me. "Bring it." I get in the blue car while Zak got in the red. The ride starts, Zak chases me as he makes faces. He finally gets me and I crash forward.  I chase Zak and bump him. "Ow." he laughs as I crash into him. "Boys against girls." the intercom says. I had a bunch of guys crashing into me. "Good Lord." I smile as they trap me. They finally let me go. A bunch of girls then do the same to Zak. "HAHAHA." I laugh at him sticking my tongue out. "Loser." he laughs at me. The ride ends and we get off. "I won." I tell him. "There were more girls. That's not fair."  We go and play the carnival games having a friendly competition. We walk past a high striker or the strength test. I watch as the men line up and hit it making the bell ring at the top. I stare at the prizes and especially at the big red lion. "Wich one do you want?" he asks me softly. "I want the big red lion." I smile at Zak. "You'll get it." he smiles at me and goes into line. I smile and lean against the gate. It was Zak's turn. He hit a 150. The bell rang proclaiming him a winner. I smile proudly at him. That's my strong man. "Which one?" The lady asks him. "The red lion." He answers back. 

"For you ma'am

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"For you ma'am." he hands me the lion. I smile happily at him. The lion was taller than I was. It was kind of hard for me to carry."Here let me carry that for you." he takes it out of my hands and carries it for me. "let's ride the marry go round." I smile at him. "Alright." we go to the marry go round and get on. Zak sat next to me on a beautiful black horse while I sat on a majestic white one. He got out his phone and started Snapchatting. "I'm winning." he said into the camera as he videos me. I make a concentrated face and pretend I passed him. He put his phone up and got off as soon as it ended. "Let's grab some grub."he smiles at me. "Yes!" i grab my lion. "Harley, that thing is as big as you are." he laughs. "Damn right! I like the big ones." I joke with him. I turn around to see him videoing me. "That's what she said." he laughs back. "Who won you that lion?" "You did." I smile into the camera. "That's right." he smiles at me. "Do you want me to carry him?" "No, I carry Simba." I say with an accent. He puts the phone away and grabs Simba. "Your dragging him on the floor." he tells me softly. We go get a burger then head back to the park. Zak and I had so much fun. I am so happy right now, no words can describe the how happy and pleased I am. We drive home smiling the whole way. Simba was buckled in the backseat. Zak wanted to tie him to the hood. We make it home and chill outside . 

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