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I wake up at ten o'clock. I get up and go to the bathroom to see hickies all over my neck. Shit! I try to cover them with makeup with no success. I get dressed then walk downstairs to see Zak Sitting at the kitchen table with his hands folded. Oh no. "Care to explain what happened last night?" He asks me calmly. I felt complete shock wave through my body. "What do you want to know?" I ask him. "Sit down,this is going to take awhile." I sit down next to him. "I'm going to only ask you this once. Did we have sex last night? Before you answer I want you to think about it." He says ever so calmly. He's so pissed. He's going to blow any minute. "No, we did not." I say to him strongly. That's the truth. We didn't have sex. He looked very displeased. "Oh really?" He gets mad. "Really we didn't have sex." I say truthfully. "SO EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I FOUND YOUR UNDERWEAR IN MY BED AND YOUR SHIRT IN MY SINK!!" He yells at me. "Zak, we didn't have sex. We did stuff but I'm still a virgin." "YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR!!I KNOW YOU HARLEY!!" He slams his hand down on the table. "We didn't! I stopped you." "I CANT BELIVE YOU! YOU ARE A DISHONEST HOE!!" He gets up and yells in my face. "IM NOT LYING!! THATS THE TRUTH!" "Youre a slut!" "YOUR AN ASSHOLE!!" I yell at him. He then pushed me. "I don't even know why I wasted my time on you! You're a lying,selfish, hooker! I never loved you!" He throws it in my face. "I didn't lose it!" I say as tears run down my face. He never loved me?? Our love was a lie? I was his free sample. "Go ahead and cry! I DONT CARE ANYMORE! YOU USED ME!!" "WE DID NOT HAVE SEX!! I STOPPED YOU!" I hit my hands on the table. "Get your ass in the car. We are going to the doctors." He storms pass me hitting me with his arm. "Please no." I beg him. "What are you scared of? I thought we didn't have sex." He tells me rudely as he glares at me. "That's so embarrassing Zak, please no." "WE ARE GOING! GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR!!" He yells angrily at me. I cry as I get in the car. Zak gets in and drives out of the driveway. "I can't believe you. After,I told you how I feel! HOW I WANTED TO SAVE IT FOR OUR HONEYMOON!! WELL FUCK THAT IDEA!!YOU'RE A SLUT! I CANT BELIEVE I WANTED TO MARRY YOU!! I WENT OUT AND BOUGHT YOU A DAMN RING!!" He opens up the dash board and throws something at me. I continue to cry hard as he yells at me. "Pick it up!" He yells angrily. I sit still crying my eyes out. "GO ON!" He yells. I bend down and pick up the black velvet box. I open it to see it was the ring I fell in love with. I felt my heart drop. "GUESS WHAT!NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!" He grabs it and slams it back in the dashboard. "I don't even know why I was interested in you!! You are ugly,dishonest, too young, gold digging, brat child, and absolutely the most selfish person I have ever met." He tells me as he continues to drive. I cry even louder as he told me this. My love hates me. "WHY DID YOU EVEN GO FAR WITH ME!?! I WAS WAISTED." "Because I love you. I stopped after I thought of it." "WELL I DONT LOVE YOU! You're a lying ugly slut." I started whimpering. "Would you shut up already!!" "You're a jackass!" I tell him as I hide my face. "I'm giving you a week to move out. You're fired as well." I cry as my world starts crashing down around me. "I'm not paying your bills anymore,your house is paid off but you're paying for your own shit! I want nothing to do with you." "You're going to regret this." I cry to him. "Ha no I won't." He parks the car. I get out still crying. Zak storms in slamming the door in my face. I sit in a chair in the corner and cry. Zak sits across the room messing on his phone. He's probably blocking me on everything. The nurse comes out calling me. Zak gets up and follows to a room. "What are we in for today?" She asks us. "I want to see if she's still a virgin." Zak tells her. "Okay." She nods then walks out. She comes back in with a gown for me. I cry again unable to contain myself. "Sweetheart it's alright. It won't hurt." The nurse tries to reassure me. "I don't want to do this. I'm humiliated." I cry. I look over at Zak to see him roll his eyes. "You're doing this if you like it or not." As he crosses his arms. "Dad you're going to have to step out." The nurse tells him. Zak gets up and walks out. "It will be over quick." She hands me the gown. She walks out and I put the gown on. She then comes back and checks me. I've never been so humiliated in my entire life. This is hell. I feel so violated. I put my clothes back on and Zak comes back in he room. "I HATE YOU!!" I push him. He turns around and goes to slap me. He stopped and composed himself clinching his hands into fists. The doctor comes in and sits down on the stool. "Well she's a virgin." She told Zak. I saw his face just drop feeling ashamed of how he treated me. "She's still a virgin?" He breaths back. "Yes." She nods. Zak rubs his face with his hands then looks at me. "I'm so sorry." "Shove it!" I tell him and storm out. I go to the car and sit on the ground dissolve in tears. The car unlocked and Zak comes over to me. "Baby, please forgive me." "Don't talk to me!" I get in the back seat continuing to shed bitter tears. Zak gets in the car placing his head on the starring wheel. "I didn't mean anything I said." "I don't want you speaking to me." I tell him flatly. "Harley, I didn't mean anything I said. I was upset. I was hurt and felt betrayed." "WANNA KNOW HOW I FEEL!?! I FEEL COMPLETELY HUMILIATED! I HAD TO HAVE A DOCTOR SHOVE THINGS UP ME AND CHECK ME OUT!! HAVE YOU ACTING LIKE THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE, YOU SEE THIS RING YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT!!" I mock him. "YOU'RE AN UGLY HORRIABLE PERSON I NEVER LOVED YOU!!YOU'RE JUST AN UGLY ORPHAN WHO NEVER LEAVES!! NO ONE LOVES YOU!!" I yell at him. "I never said that." He refers to the last part. "FIRING ME, KICKING ME OUT! FIND SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY CARES FOR YOU MR.BAGANS BECAUSE, IM DONE. FIND SOMEONE YOUR OWN AGE AND WHO IS RICH. SEEMS THAT IS ALL YOU EVER CARE ABOUT!!" "Baby please don't be like this." He tells me softly. "DONT CALL ME BABY! We ARE NOT DATING!" We pull up to the house. I get out and go to his room. I start taking all of my things out. "Harley can we talk? I dont want to lose you again." He begs me. "It's too late mr. Bagans." I shove past him putting my stuff in the car. I pack all day as Zak tries to talk me out of it. I've had enough. I can't do this anymore. Zak brought me two dozen roses placing them on the bed. "Burn them." I tell him. "Harley, please please don't leave me." "I'm leaving and I'm not coming back." I tell him harshly. "Please, I'll have sex with you. I'll do anything. Just don't leave me." "I don't want sex with you. I don't want anything to do with you!" I throw a hanger at him. He sits on the bed with his head in his hands crying. "I love you. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me." "Too late buddy." I pack all of my stuff in the SUV. Zak comes over to me standing face to face. "Harley, I love you. Please don't leave." He asks me softly as tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm leaving Zachary. I can't take this anymore. We were never meant to be together. Like you said I'm a child. FIND SOMEONE ELSE." "What are you talking about?we are meant to be together. We were going to get married and have kids." He takes my hands. I pull back from him. "Find some other girl to have babies with cause it's clearly not me." "Baby, I'll go in there and love you right now if that's what you want. I'll do it." "Get it through your head! I don't love you anymore." I slam the car door in his face. I lock the doors so he couldn't get in. "Call me when you get home." "No!" I drive off. I can't believe that's the end of us. We are over for good. I drive to my house crying the whole time. I get out and unpack all of my things. I finish and lay on the bed crying. I get several calls on my phone from Zak. We both are two hurt people. Today has been nothing but pure hell. I don't think I will ever love that man again. I never want to see him. He never loved me. It was all a lie. All a show. All those good times we had or when he took care of me was a lie. We were going to get married. I had my dress all picked out. He hurt me to much. My Gracie my Rose. I'll never see them again. I'll never see the guys again. I'm going to die alone. I lay in bed and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up and look at my phone. Zak blew it up with messages and missed calls. "Baby please come home. Don't do this to us. I love you I do. I love you more than anything. " "please come back I'm so sorry. Let me show you how sorry I am." I then text him back. "Leave me alone! I want nothing to do with you I'm blocking you." I text him back. He didn't reply. I go down the stairs and start my day. No more Zak. No more anybody. This is the end.

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