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"Zak, you need to watch this." Billy sets the computer on Zak's lap. "Did it capture what he did to her?"  "Yeah it did and more." I then lean my head on Zak's shoulder trying to see. This position hurt my neck. "Lay with me love." Zak tells me softly as he pats a spot next to him. I get up and climb into bed with him. I finish getting settled and then Billy pushes play. I walked up stairs to the cells. "Are there any spits up here with me?" I ask. I then shoot down the hall. I saw there was a man standing there. Zak paused it and looked at it. "That's a prisoner." he gasps. "I never saw him." I tell Zak. He then plays it again. "Who's going to hurt me?" I questioned the spirit. Zak then paused it again. "What did the spirit tell you?" Zak turns to me. "Run, he's going to hurt you." I tell him softly. "Got it." plays video. "Is someone up here with me?" I ask frightened. I turn my back to the cell then video Zak below me. I screamed then dropped the camera. The camera turned facing me showing I was handcuffed to the pole. Zak watched in horror at what he did to me. Zak then came up and helped me. The man luges at Zak and they started fighting. Billy then plays the footage from the other camera. I watch as Zak bolted up the stairs to find me. "Harley???" Zak would call me. Zak then took them out into the hall. Billy set the camera down and filming the fight. ZAk was kicking his ass. Dave reached in his pocket pulling out a knife stabbing Zak in the side. Zak stopped fighting for a second and leaned on Dave. "Ughh." "ZACHARY!!" I screamed for him. Zak then took Dave's head slamming it repeatedly into the wall until he was knocked out. Dave fell to the floor and Zak got on top of him continuing to punch him. Ashley came out trying to rip Zak off of him. "Harley needs you, she's bleeding." Ashley lied to him. Zak then stumbled into the room. The video ended and Billy took the computer. "From now on we are doing background checks on all of our guests and leading them to the door. The girls will not be leading our guests out." Zak tells the guys. His heart monitor started beeping faster. "Zachary." I warn him. "Sorry."  "How long is he going to be staying in the hospital?" Billy asks me. "Two days." i answer him. "So what are we doing?" Aaron asks. "I've been thinking, since we captured a spirit on camera we show all the footage to the fans and we go back when Zak's better." I speak up. "You want what happened to you on tv?" Zak asks me.  "No, we cut him touching me out. Just before and after."  "I'm up for it." Billy says. "Yeah that location is a hot spot." Ashley speaks. "I guess we will go back. In the meantime we need to change our plane tickets." Zak tell everyone. "Alright." Billy smiles.  "You guys go to the hotel and get some sleep. I'll be fine." Zak tells his crew. "You sure?" Jay asks him.  "yeah, i want to talk to Harley alone." Zak tells them. Great what does he want to talk about? Am i in trouble? What did i do wrong? He's being really nice to me so i don't think i'm in trouble. Everyone says goodbye then leaves. "What do you want to talk to me about?" I ask him nervously. "Did he put fingers in you?" he asks me. "Yes." i look down at my hands. "IM GOING TO PUT HIS ASS IN JAIL!! HES LUCKY I DIDN'T KILL HIM!!" "Zak, can we please not talk about this and pretend it never happened?" i sigh looking down.  "No! We need to talk about this." he grabs my hand. "I don't want to talk about it Zak. It hurts too much to think about." "You know we have to go to court right?"  "I know." i sigh.  "Just tell the truth and everything that happened."  "okay, can we talk about something happier?" I ask him as i wipe my tears. "How about our wedding?" he holds my hand. "Yes." I smile. "So our center piece will be red and white roses, what are the bridesmaid's dresses going to be?"  "Black dresses with a red sash belt thing. the guys will be wearing black suits with red ties."  "I like it." he smiles at me. "Now who is going to be standing up there with us?" "I want Hailey as my maid of honor, Ashley up there as well. Oh and i can have Taylor up there too." "You havent talked to Taylor in months."  Zak tells me as he brushes his thumb on the back of my hand. "I know but i don't have many friends."  "You need more friends."  "I know."  "How about Diana up there with you?"  "Yeah!"  "So we have Diana , Ashley and Hailey. Who else?" he asks me. "Veronque." i smile. "Nick is not coming to my wedding." Zak shakes his head at me. "its my wedding too. just put it off for one night." i try to reason with him. "No, he is not welcome."  "Zachary."  "No!" he begins to get frustrated. "Yes!"  "you wouldn't want someone who walked all over you and lied."  "I wouldn't care, that's years of friendship and i could look past it for one night."  "You really want him there don't you?"  "Yes."  he then throws his hands up in the air. "Fine."  "Okay, so we have Veronque, Hailey, Ashley, and Diana."  "Good, so i have Aaron as my best man, Billy, Jay, and.." "Nick." I smile.  "absolutely not."  "Yes."  "This is my choice not yours."  "Who else then?"   "Fine!" his heart rate monitor started going off. "Im not happy about this. I want nothing to do with him."  "You will." i smile at him. He crossed his arms starring at the wall as his monitor slowed down. "We are getting married." I smile "I know." he smiles as the monitor stops beeping. I put my hand on the side of his face making him look at me. I lean in and kiss him softly. His heart rate monitor started beeping like crazy. He smiled so I kissed his cheek. "I'm not done with you,Come here." He kisses me again. The door opened revealing a nurse. "That's enough excitement for you two." She tells us with a cheeky smile. Zak pulls back and smiles "sorry." The nurse checks all of his monitors then asks. "How is your side?" "Burns like fire." She then gave Zak more pain meds. "Get some sleep."

"No promises." He mumbles when she walks out shutting the door behind her. He turns to me and smiles his crooked grin. "Kiss me."

"You're going to piss her off again." I chuckle.
"Please baby girl?" He gives me a soft pouty face puckering his bottom lip out. I softly kiss him as his monitor went off again. "Bagans." The nurse said in a warning tone from the hallway. "Sorry." Zak laughs then turns to me. "What time is it?" I pull out my phone to check the time. "Two." I answer.
"We should get some rest." He states.
"I'm not tired. I had three coffees." I tell him.
"Well I am."
"Get some sleep love." I put my hand on the side of his face then kiss his cheek.
"I'm kinda scared to go to sleep." "Don't be. You're going to be fine. Plus the doctors are here to help you." I tell him softly trying to calm him down, to give him ease at mind. "Plus, my wonderful fiancé is going to be watching over me." He smiles. "You know it babe." "I still can't believe it. You were breaking down then flipped the switch and were taking care of me." "Well the guys did." "They wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't tell them." "True, well you need to thank them." "I will tomorrow." He then started to nod off. "Goodnight, handsome." "Goodnight, baby." He yawns soon falling asleep. I wish this night never happened. He is in excruciating pain. I look at bridesmaids dress saving some as I go through. I flip back and forth between dresses and social media. I look at the clock feeling the drowsiness slowly creep in. '4:00' I better get some sleep. I look over at Zak to see him peacefully sleeping. He was beat up. My heart drops when I look at him. I wish I could go back and change everything. To see him in this hospital bed just kills me. To see him in pain hurt. I wish I could make it better. "ILL KILL YOU!" Zak yells. I look over at him once more to see the most outraged face. His fists where clinched into balls. He looked ready to fight. "Zak." I call him softly. "Baby?" He mumbles. "Zachary, it's just a dream. Open your eyes." I speak softly not to startle him. He slowly opens his eyes then looks around the room. "You were dreaming ." I place my hand on his. "Oh." "You'll be alright." "My side hurts and I hate laying on my back in this uncomfortable fucking bed." He starts to squirm around. He gets on his left side and puts his arm over me. "Want me to call the nurse?" I ask softly. "No, I'm fine." "Zak if you need her then we should call her. I don't want you in pain all night." "So pain I have to deal with. Plus I don't want to overdose on pain pills." "You're right." I nod my head. "I know." He tries to go back to sleep. "Why are you still up? Aren't you tired?" "I'm going to sleep right now." I confess. "Okay, I love you. Goodnight" "Goodnight." What if I never scream? What if Zak didn't come? What if I could have fought him? What could I have done to protect Zak? What could I have done differently? He's hurt because of me. It's all my fault. I wish this ever happened. My mind continued to race as I tried to go to sleep. The guilt is taken over causing me unease. That's my love. He's hurt and in the hospital because he was stabbed. Now I know how he felt when I was in the hospital. I'm not going to leave his side. I'll always be here for him. Through sickness and through health. May God be with us on our journey.

Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I use to. Can barley find the time. Going to get back into updating more for y'all.

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