In The Beginning

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"Wake up." Zak shakes me. I open my eyes shocked. "We have lockdown today."  He tells me.  "Okay." I get up and get ready for the day. I'm so tired. I lay back in bed trying to get more sleep.  "Baby come on." Zak calls me. I slowly get out of bed and follow him out the door. "Wake up future Mrs. Bagans." Aaron says from behind me. I smile at him."I need coffee."  "You and me both." He smiles. We wait in the hallway for Jay, Ashley and Billy. "How does it feel to be engaged?"   "Wonderful." I smile. Soon Billy comes out of his room. "Good morning." He smiles. "Good morning." We smile back. Soon Ashley and Jay come out.  "Alright Starbucks then the location." Zak says then starts walking down the hall. I follow them then trip on my shoe. "Harley, you okay?" Billy asks me. Zak ten turns around looking at me. "Yeah, in fine."  "You look hungover." Aaron tells me. "I'm just so tired." I say as Zak comes over taking my hand. "Let's get you some coffee." He says then punches the elevator button. We then pull In and ride down. i could not stop yawning the whole way down. We walk out of the hotel then pile in the car. Zak shut the door then slide over to me. I then laid my head on his strong shoulder. "Next time you two are doing it please be quieter." Billy says.  "what are you talking about Bill?" Zak asks him.  "Someone was having sex last night and it was so damn loud."  "It wasn't us." Zak replies. "Must have been the other side of me then. Wait thats Jay's room." He then looked over at Jay. "Sorry." He chuckles. "You assholes." Billy laughs.  "See I told you." Zak whispered in my ear. "You still owe me when we get home." I whisper back. "Okay." He smiles. I love him so much. I take his hand then close my eyes to sleep.

I open my eyes to see I was laying down in the car alone. Where is everyone? I sit up and see we were at the jail. I get out of the car heading inside. "Zak?" I call him. This place is huge I'll never find him. I then walk into some room to see nerve all set up. I saw everyone sitting around talking. "Well speaking of the devil." Billy smiles. I saw Zak just light up when he saw me. "There's my beautiful fiancé. Good afternoon baby." He comes over and hugs me. "What time is it?"  "Ten o'clock. You slept for three hours." He tells me. "Did I really? Why didn't you wake me up when we got to Starbucks?"  "I wanted you to get some rest. Your coffee is in the ice chest over there." He points. "Okay." I walk over and open it to see four chocolate chip frappes. "Which one is mine?"  "All of them."  "Oh, thank you." I grab one and start to sip it. "So you guys were talking about me?" I question.  "Yeah, Steve thought there was more of us and I told him my fiancé was in the car sleeping and should be here soon then you walked in." Zak explains to me.  "Got it." I nod my head. "We are about to get locked In." Zak tells me. "Good thing I woke when I did." I say as I sip my drink. "I was going to come get you." He smiles at me.  "Thanks. So are we getting locked in with people?"  "Yes, they are coming later." Zak explained.  "Oh okay, is everything set up? Are all the X cameras set up?"   "Yes ma'am." He smiles then leans down to me. "Babe, you should get cleaned up. You look a mess." He whispered in my ear.  "really?"  "Yeah, your hair is everywhere and your makeup is smudged." He walks over grabbing my purse.  "Come on." He leads me out of the room. We go into the next room which was a bathroom. I look into the mirror to see he was right. "Man I look terrible." "Well you were asleep for three hours in a car. Your going to look terrible. Honestly you look like you just had sex."  He leans against the wall watching me brush my hair. "Yes, because that's what I was doing in the car." I joke with him. "With who?" He plays back. "Your twin brother Damion."  "Nice, going after my brother." He laughs at me.  "He looks just like you. I didn't know the difference." I continue to brush my hair. "Yes, but you know I would never do that with you yet."  "It was a special occasion." I smile at him. "What's the occasion?"  "The engagement duh. Don't worry it was just the tip."  "It's never just the tip." He chuckles at me.  "True." "Was it big?" "Huge." I smile.  "Well thank you."  "I thought we were talking about Damion?" I turn to him.  "Well he's my twin brother and we look exactly alike so you complimented me." He explains. I then start on my makeup. "What? You don't think so?"  "Not at all, I've seen you, your huge. To be honest on our honeymoon I'm kinda scared because of how big you are."  "Really? Do t worry love, I'll take it easy on you and go nice and slow our first time." "Thanks." I then finish my makeup and go over and hug him. "I love you." I kiss his cheek. "You missed." He smiles at me. I then get on my toes and kiss him. I love my handsome fiancé. I can't wait to be married to him. Just kissing him makes my heart race. He's so malt and attractive. He's going to be all mine soon. We pull back and smile. "In eight months we will be married. " he smiles at me.  "Can't wait." We then go back to nerve. "At least now you don't look like you had sex with Damion." Aaron dies laughing. Oh god they heard us. I felt my face get red hot. That's so embarrassing. "Look how red Harley is." Billy laughs.  "Oh stop." Ashley helps me put. We then sit down and wait to be locked in. Eight o'clock soon rolls around. We get locked in with our guests. Dave came over and shook my hand. "Hello dear, nice to see you again." He flashes me a smile. Dave wore a black muscle shirt with his tattoos running down his arms. He was a very tall and built man. He was in shape just like Zak. He must have been about twenty three. He had a big brown bread and looked very badass. "You as well." I smile politely.  "So do you work behind the scenes? Sorry I don't watch the show."  "No, I help investigate with Zak."  "That's nice how long has the show been on?"  "For about ten years. I joined about a year ago."  "Nice, so are you the only girl?"  "No, Ashley is the still photographer." I say. He sure does want to know a lot about me. "Do you enjoy doing this?"  "I love it. I love coming to see what the spirits have to say."  "That's really neat." "Yeah it is." I then look at Zak to see him watching intensely. I shrug my shoulders at him. "Do you go and investigate by yourself?"  "Yes, usually Zak sends me to a place to listen to them by myself while he goes with the crew. I usually get the best evidence that way."  "You must be very brace to investigate haunted places by yourself." He smiles at me. "I guess so." I shrug. "Your very beautiful." He tells me. "Well thank you very much." I smile up at him.  "Harley can I speak to you  please?" Zak comes over to me. "Of course." I follow him out of the room. We go into a room down the hall shutting the rusty door. "You need to stay away from him. I don't like him flirting with you. You need to tell him your engaged." Zak tells me. "Okay I will."  "Good, if he causes you any trouble let me know and I'll handle him."  "Zak, please don't start a fight."  "He's asking for it. He lays one finger on you I'm kicking his ass."  "Be good for your show."  "No, everyone will see I don't mess around when it comes to you." "Zachary, please don't start a fight."  "I'm not promising you anything because I already want to knock his teeth out."  "Don't."  "He touches you and I'm going to kick his ass."  "Zak." I sigh.  "Why are you trying to protect him?"  "Im not, it's not good a good image for you if you beat the shit out of him." I argue back. "Don't worry about my image. I'm worried about you. Harley listen, your an extremely beautiful girl and to him you are nothing more than a score. I see right through him." "THEN BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!" I throw my hands up in the air giving up. "I will!!" He says angrily. I go out of Thebes's room storming down the hall. "Harley." Zak calls me. "What?" I turn around crossing my arms. "Please don't be mad."  "Your going to ruin your image over some piece of trash."  "Harley, I'm going to protect you. I don't care about my image."  "Okay."  "Baby please don't be mad. Think of us and our wedding."  "Okay." I take deep breaths then we go back in the room with everyone. "Everything okay?" Jay asks us.  "Yeah, just talking." Zak answered him. "Good." Billy says. I sit down in a chair and sip my drink. I then look at my ring some more. Zak sat next to me pulling out his phone. "What color should the bridesmaids dressed be?" He asks me. "I don't know."  I sigh. "I was thinking black. It's nice and classy."  He tells me. "Yeah, but I don't want them looking like they are at a funeral." I tell him. "True but it's Halloween."  "I know I was thinking a nice red or gold."  "Why red?"  "Because our flowers are going to be red and white roses." I tell him.  "Why roses?" He smiles already knowing the answer.  "Because roses are special to us. You always gave me red roses." I smile at him.  "Good." He smiles agreeing. "Have you looked at dresses yet?"  "Yes, and I have a general idea." I smile.  "What's your idea?" "I want lace sleeves , a big flowy bottom, and a design on the skirt."  "Lace sleeves? Isn't it a bit hot for that?"  "No! Your going to be wearing a tux it's not hot at all."  "You really want lace sleeves don't you?"  "Yes, my dress had to have lace sleeves."  "Okay, I think that's beautiful." He says as he looks at pictures on his phone. "Am i going with you to find your dress?" "No." i say a little to loud. "Dude that's the number one rule, you cant see the wedding dress until its your wedding day." Billy smiles. "Yeah man, its bad luck." Aaron smiles. "Sorry." Zak chuckled. We then wait until dark. "Alright time to start." Zak gets up. Jay and Aaron grab their cameras as i grab a digital recorder.We walk out onto the dark hallway heading to the boiler room first. "Lets do a spirit box session." Zak tells us. Aaron pulls it out of his vest, handing it to Zak. Zak turned it on then began the questions. "Do you recognize who we brought with us?" Zak asks the spirits. no answer. "Do you know his name?" Zak points to Dave. "Dave." a male voice comes through. "What do you want to do to Dave?" Zak asks.  "Hurt." the box says. I bet Zak agrees with him.  "Why do you want to hurt Dave?"  "Because."  "That's a good answer." Aaron jokes. "Yeah, just because." I joke with him. We do spirit box for thirty minutes then investigate the basement. It was real dark down here. "Harley?" Zak calls me. "What love?" I smile. "Where are you?"  "I'm behind you." i grab his shirt. "Oh shit."  "Its me don't worry." i giggle. "I don't like the feeling down here. Do you hear any spirits?" I then stop and listen. "Hide they are coming." i heard a female voice whisper. "They're here, run."  a second voice tells me. I then heard a dark low laugh. "Yeah i hear them." i tell Zak along with the rest of the crew. "Good or evil?" he asks me. "Both." I answer taking his hand. "Stay by me." he tells me. "Okay."  "Now this show has romance."Aaron laughs loudly.  "Wait are they together?" Dave asks. "Yeah they got engaged last night." Jay tells him. "Oh."  Zak then turns around to him"Yeah, so back off, shes mine." Zak tells him strongly. I bet hes been dying to tell him that too. i love how protective he is with me. We then continue to investigate. Zak pulls out the obulous and turns it on. "Okay, choose some words out of here and communicate with us. Harley can hear you too so you can communicate with her as well. Babe i want you to repeat everything you hear." he turns towards me.  "Okay." i nod my head. Zak then turns toward the cameras. "we are about to see how accurate her ability is."  "Run.'' a voice says so i repeat it. "Why do we need to run?" zak questions.  "Pain, hurt molesting." I repeat. "That's not good." I tell Zachary.  "Did you say that or the spirits?" zak questions me. "I said thats not good."  "Okay, keep listening."  "Punch him." i repeat. Then the work punch shows up on the device.  "Dude she nailed that one." Aaron smiles.  "Run." i repeat then the word shows up again. This goes on for several minutes. We then break heading back to nerve. We all sit around and analyze the footage and the digital recorder. "Listen to this." Zak hooks the digital recorder to the computer turning the volume up all the way. Aaron comes over and videos the screen. Zak then plays it for us. "Run." a female voice whispered a class a EVP. I then repeat it. "Isn't that crazy! She can really hear what they are saying." Zak smiles his beautiful breath taking smile. "Dude that's insane." Aaron laughs.  "She can really hear them ." Dave says from behind me.  "That must suck when you are trying to sleep." Billy comments. Jay then joins in. "Maybe that's why shes always tired." 

  "I don't hear them when i'm tying to sleep though." I smile at them.  "Shh, we are theorizing." Zak smiles playfully at me. Hes so cute. I cant believe i will soon call this handsome man my husband.  "Okay." i smile back. I go over and take out one of my coffees. I then sit and talk with the guys until our break was over. "Harley you will be going to the second floor by yourself. I want you to investigate the cells up there. I'll be right below you." Zak tells me. "alright."  "Dave thank you for joining us." Zak releases him. We then go to our assigned spots.

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