Lockdown From Hell

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we then go to our assigned spots. i walk up the flight of stairs then start investigating the jail cells. "Are there any spirits up here?" I ask as i look at my camera screen. "Run he's going to hurt you." a spirit tells me. "Who's going to hurt me?" i question as my heart began to race faster. "a man." they tell me. I could feel my heart begin to race out of my chest. "Is there someone up here with me?" i ask.I turn my back on the cell and look down at Zak. he was investigating directly below me. I felt myself get slammed against the wall by some strong hands. "AHHHH!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "HARLEY!?!?" Zak calls me panicky. I drop the camera and try to fight this man. "ZAK!!!" I scream for his aid. I felt something shoved in my mouth gagging me. I was then pushed into a cell roughly. i was then pushed on the floor and felt him put something on my hands tying me up to a pole. I then felt him touch me very inappropriately. He then pulled my pants down. I squired and tried to kick him the best i could. He continued to touch me. I tried to scream with no success. "HARLEY WHERE ARE YOU?" Zak calls me from up the stairs. the man stops then hides in the corner. I try to get free with no success. "HARLEY??" Zak continued to panic.I then saw the light from outside the cell. I kick my foot against the wall making a loud thud. "Zak!" i say muffled. A flash light was then shinned on me. "Oh my god! Harley! who did this to you?" Zak takes the gag out of my mouth. "He's in the corner! He's still here." I tell him quickly. Just then he lunged at Zak with a knife. "NO!" I scream. Zak caught the man's hand and struggled with him."It's Dave." Billy says. Zak took the knife out of his hands then slammed him against the wall. "YOU TOUCHED MY GIRL!!" Zak then punched him in the face. "YOU TIED HER UP! ILL KILL YOU." Zak then beats the shit out of him. i've never seen zak so angry and fight so hard. Zak threw punch after punch at Dave. Dave tried to block Zak's punches with no success. The man fought back taking them out of the room. "Dont hurt him." I cry scarred. Aaron then comes over to me pulling my pants up. I continued to cry as the boys fought in the hall way. Jay and Ashley rush over to me trying to calm me down. "Oh my god." she comes over and helps. "shine the light over here so i can untie her." Aaron commands.I look to see my hands were handcuffed to a pole. "Those are handcuffs. We need a key." "UGHH." Zak screamed in pain. "ZACHARY!! ZAK!! PLEASE!!" I beg for him to be okay. "Please let me out of here!!" I struggle to get free. "Please let me out he needs me." i cry. I then heard a loud thud. they are going to fall down the stairs. "Ashley go check on Zak. Dont get in the way just see if he needs help." Ashley runs up and out of the cell. "Zak stop!" she told him. "HE TOUCHED HER! HE HURT MY BABY GIRL!! ILL KILL HIM!! IM GOING TO KILL HIM!" "ZAK STOP HES KNOCKED OUT! HARLEY NEEDS YOU SHES BLEEDING." Ashley lies to him. "Are you bleeding?" Aaron asks me. "no." zak then comes stumbling in the door holding his side. "Baby." he comes over to me. I felt him place his hand on my face, it was wet and sticky. "Zak, you have a knife in you." Billy says shocked. "Zachary." i began to sob fresh tears. He got stabbed. "Im okay baby, only hurts a little." he tries to comfort and reassure me. "Zachary, no." i weep loudly as tears stream down my face. I want to help him and comfort him but im tied up and cant touch him. I need to help him. My man, my world is stabbed in the side and i cant do a thing about it. I could tell he was in plethora of pain. He was struggling to even breath. "Zachary we need to take the knife out." I tell him through my crying. I could tell he was scared, he hide it well but i know him all to better. Zak places his hand on the knife then takes it out. He was covered in blood. He's loosing lot. He needs medical attention ASAP. "Zak take your shirt off. We need to put pressure on the wound." this is it. he needs me. I have to take care of him now or he might not make it. Stay calm Harley you can do this. "Ashley go get the first aid kit and water. Its by my coffee." I command her. She gets up and runs away. "The police and ambulance are almost here." Jay informs us. i look over at Zak to see him hunched over holding his side. "Zak, lay down." I tell him. He lays his head on my lap. "Don't worry, help is coming." "so glad i paid for your EMT school." he mumbles weakly. Ashley then came back with the emergency kit and water. "Billy, clean the wound with water and the shirt." Billy then pours the water on his wound and starts cleaning. "Ughh." Zak squirms and sucks air in through his teeth. "what can i do?" Jay offers his assistance. "Go look for a key for me." "Now what?" Billy asks. "Take the gauze and start wrapping him up. Wrap it tightly." I tell Billy. "Baby your going to have to sit up for this." I tell Zak. "i cant." he breaths. Jay then comes back into the cell. "theres no key on him." "Okay, sit zak up and hold him up while Billy wraps him." I tell jay. Jay then comes over sitting Zak up while Billy tied the bandage tightly around Zak's side wound. they finish up and Zak laid back down. "I told you he was bad news." Zak mumbles weakly. "Yes, you did." "am i going to make it?" he looks into my eyes for comfort. "You better." "Don't worry i'm still going to marry you ." "Rest love." he was quiet for about a minute then started talking again. "What did he do to you?" "he gagged me,tied me up, and molested me." "ill never send you alone again." "We could just walk them to the door next time." "Yeah." he mumbles. He's losing a lot of blood i hope the paramedics come soon. Just then the police and paramedics come in. "She's handcuffed and there's no key." The officer takes out a key and releases me. The medics took care of Zak checking him out. "He needs stitches." a medics tells his partner. They place Zak on a gurney then roll him out into the hall. I follow behind them. I see the police handcuffed Dave taking him away in their cruiser. I get in the ambulance with Zak as the rest of the crew stood outside. "Harley?" Zak breaths ever so softly. "What love?" I run my fingers through his hair. "I love you ." he stares into my eyes. I could still see fear in his eyes. I'm not use to seeing him scarred. It scares me to know he is upset and terrified. "I love you too Zachary." i take his hand and hold it.

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