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Zak and I have been home for about a week now. We have tried to forget everything that has happened while we were away. "Okay, what kind of flowers?" I ask him as I sat with my notepad. "I don't know black and orange roses?" he replies, not knowing what to say.

"How about black roses with white baby's breath and white roses to balance it out. It can be a classy wedding." I suggest.

"Sounds great." Zak nods in agreement. I then glance at the next item on my notepad we needed to discuss. "Tux?"

"Too early for that." he bites his nail as he stares off into space.

"What do you mean too early?"

"Harley, I could get fatter or skinnier." he explains to me.

"Do you at least know what style you want?"  I question him further.

"Yes, dear." he gives his sexy smirk. I love his smile. I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams. Yes, we have had our ups and downs. He was overprotective of me for a while, but I get it. "Okay, where do we want this to be?" I ask him softly.

"Good question, I thought since you want a church wedding, we can go look at some out here," Zak says as he plays on his phone.

"What are you doing on your phone?" I ask. We are trying to plan our wedding, and he is on his phone. "Looking at churches. Since you have agreed to a Catholic wedding, I'm looking at cathedrals." He tells me as he swipes through his phone.

"Oh, great. While you are looking, I will keep planning some more." I say. I'm not Catholic, but whatever makes him happy, I'm willing to agree, I'd want to get married in a Christian church. I know it's mainly the same practice with a few differences, so I don't mind. I glance over at him with a smirk on my face. He looked up at me, catching me staring at him. He gave me that sexy smirk of his before looking back at his phone. I heard the front door open before it being slammed shut. "Zak!?!" Aaron's loud booming voice called out.

"I swear he lets himself into anywhere." Zak shakes his head in disapproval. "In the living room."

"You have to listen to this!" Aaron plops down on the couch.

"We have a new case; you'll never guess where." He announces as his arms flying all over the place.

"Aaron, can't this wait? Harley and I are trying to plan our wedding." Zak puts down his phone in announce. I couldn't help but grin thinking about how he wants to plan the wedding with me instead of talk about a new case.

"But bro, I thought.." Aaron starts, but Zak cut him off.

"Okay, I'll come to talk to you about it." Zak stands up, kissing me on the head before walking off with Aaron. "I'll be back."

"Thank god you came." I heard Zak whisper. I knew he sent Aaron a 'save me message' because he was stressing out about the wedding. I decided it was time for me to take a break as well. I slowly get off of the leather couch, walking into our large kitchen. I open the fridge looking for snacks to see the fridge was empty. I close it then walk into Zak's dark, creepy den. "Aaron, I think I'm about to hire a wedding planner. I can't do it anymore, I thought we could do it ourselves, but I was way in over my head." I heard Zak mumble.

"That's understandable." Aaron agreed. "How have you two love birds been anyways?"

"It's been perfect. I can't complain. We both are putting in the effort and doing our parts. I knew things would turn out perfectly." Zak says, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"That's great news, G."

"Yeah, things are too perfect. I'm waiting for something bad to happen. I don't know what it is, but I feel something terrible is bound to happen sooner or later. I feel like I'm cursed or something, I can never have a normal happy life." Zak sighs.

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