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*Harley's pov**

Today, Zak comes home. I wait patiently for him to arrive. He comes walking in the door. I jump on him and hug him. He stood there motionless. I pull back and look him in the eyes. "Hey baby." He gives me a creepy grin. He then shakes his head as if clearing a bad thought. "Are you okay?" I step back from him. "Never been better." He steps towards me and pulls me close to him. He kisses me harshly. It kinda hurt. He grabs my arms tightly. "Zak stop! That hurts." I tell him. He let's go and continues to shake. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I was holding that tight." He tells me. "What's wrong with you?" I ask him softly. "Nothing, I'm fine." He presses me to the wall. "I want you." He whispered in my ear. I look at him shocked. "What?" I ask in a small shaky voice. "I want you now!" He growls at me. He tugged at my pants trying to take them off. "Since when?" I treble. This is not my Zak. I felt negative energy when I'm near him. It's so wrong so evil. "I've always wanted you." He places his hands on either side of me. "Stop." I try to escape him. He picks me up and slams me on the ground. I kick and scream trying to get away from him. He took my shirt off then held my neck chocking me. "Zak!" I gasp in pain. "No, you listen to me!" He yells at me. "I will! Stop please." I beg him. He let go of my neck but held my hands down. "Stop!" I cough. "Shut up." He slaps me. "Let me pleasure you." I try to talk him out of it. "Do it." He gets off of me. I get up and run to the dungeon as he runs after me. I grab the holy water and sprinkle him with it. Zak pulls back and falls to his knees. He starts screaming as he holds his head. "Zak!?!" I call him. He stops screaming and looks at me. "Harley help me." He begs me. "Leave him alone!" I yell at the spirit. He stops and looks at me. "He's gone now." He says out of breath. He looks at me. "What happened?" He sits up and holds his head. "You were different. Very rough." I spare the details. "Did I hurt you?" He looks at me horrified. "Just my arms." I lie to him. "Why are you shirtless?" He asks me. "You took it off." I tell him truthfully. "You need to sleep in your room tonight." He tells me as he hands me my shirt. I put it back on and help him up. "If it gets worse you are going to your house." He tells me and goes into his room. I go in mine and sit on the bed. "Harley, lock your door." Zak yells from his room. I get up and do just that.

I wake up to the sun In my eyes. I get up and get ready for my day. I walk out to see Zak still in bed. That's weird. I go in his room and kiss his cheek. "Would you go away!im trying to sleep damn it!" He yells at me. I stand there shocked. "I'm sorry. I was saying goodbye." I apologize to him. "Bye!" He tells me rudely. I walk out upset. I was just being nice. I get in my car and drive to school.

I get home to see Zak on the couch watching tv. I sit down next to him and smile. "Hi baby." I smile up at him. "Hi." He tells me in a monotone voice. "Are you mad at me?" I ask him simply. I don't know what I did to make him mad at me. I just don't understand. "Yes!" He yells at me."why?" I ask softly as I look down at the ground. "I don't need to explain myself to you." He glares at me. "Zak,why are you mad at me? What did I do?" "EVERYTHING!" He gets up and yells at me. "YOU CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT! I JUST WANT TO SIT AND RELAX AND YOUR DISTURBING ME!" He yells as he walks into his bedroom and shuts the door. Zak has been very irritated lately and yells and fights with me. Last night he threw a plate at me. He's been shaking and screaming. I think this is going to be the end of us. I go out to see Zak staring out the window. I try to sneak by him. "Harley?" He calls me as he turns his head. "I'll go back to my room I'm sorry." I say to him. "Go now!" He tells me bitterly. I go back to my room and try to go to sleep. I heard muttering from Zak. I get up and crack my door open. He was muttering to himself. "Harley." He called me in a panicky voice. I get up and go to see him on the bed. He was shaking.There's something different about him. "Zachary?" I ask . He sat there shaking and trembling. He was muttering in a different rough language. It scared me to see him like this. I don't know what's wrong with him. I go over to him and place my hand on his face to clam him down. He jumped up tackling me to the ground. He started beating me violently. I cry as I try to fight him. "Zak stop!!" I beg him. I felt the blood trickle down from my nose. I managed to get him off of me and run out of the house with him following me. He stops at the back door and shuts it. I sit in the driveway and cry. I wish I had my phone of the keys so I can get help. This is not my Zak. I think he's possessed. I lay down on the cold hard ground and go to sleep.

"Oh my god!" I heard some gasp. I felt someone prop me up. I was sore and in pain. I open my eyes to see Aaron. "What the hell happened? Are you okay?" He asks me worried. "I'm fine." I tell him. "Harley! You're covered in blood and bruises." He freaks out. "Zak beat me. It's not him! He's been muttering in a different language." I tell him. His eyes were wide with horror. "I'm calling a priest." He takes out his phone and calls. We wait for the priest to arrive. In the mean while Aaron takes care of me and helps me get cleaned up. He finally arrived and we go in the house. Zak was shaking in a corner rocking back and forth. It hurt me to see my strong man like this. "ILL KILL YOU! I'll kill all of you!" He yells at us. "Harley you should go in the room and lock the door. Do not come out until I say so." Aaron tells me. I do as I was told and lock the door. I heard Zak screaming a high pitched scream. I wanna help. I have to help him. "Come out of this man." The priest commands as he tries to get the demon out of Zak. Zak screamed as if he was in the most pain. I open my door to check on him to see they had him pinned down to the ground. I watched as a black mass came out of Zak then disappeared. Zak laid on the ground motionless. "Ugh, my head." He complained. "Zak is that you?" Aaron asked him. "Yeah, what happened? Why am I not in Italy?" He questioned as he sat up. "We've been back from Italy for about a week now. That angry demon that possessed you there followed you home." Aaron explains. "Where's Harley? Where's my baby girl? Is she okay?" He panicked. "Zak, she's not doing to well." Aaron tries to tell him calmly. "What's wrong with her? Did I hurt her?" He panicked as he grabbed Aaron's shirt. "I'm fine." I walk out. "Harley, stay away. It might not be over." Aaron holds his hand up to me. I freeze where I was and look him in the eyes. They were soft and frightened. He looked at me and fell to his knees. "I did that?" He says heartbroken. I must look really bad. Zak starts to cry as he looked at me. "You didn't do this." I tell him trying to comfort him. "Who did then?" He yells at me upset and broken. "I got into a fight at school." I lie casually to him. "He sits up and looks me in the eyes." "I will kick their ass." He tells me. I slowly walk over to him. I stand above him and hold my hand out to him. He takes it and stands up wrapping me in a warm embrace. "I won't let anyone hurt you." He whispers in my ear. Aaron and the priest leave. Zak went to the couch and got on his iPad. He went to watch his cameras in the house. Oh no. I sit next to him and watch. He rewinds it to Saturday,when he came home. "Let's not watch this." I tell him. "I'm watching it. That thing possessed me for a full week." He then watches as he walks in the door. "Zak please." I ask him. "I'm watching it baby." He tells me softly. He watches in horror at the chaos the spirit caused. I held him in my arms. "It wasn't you." I tell him softly. He watches all the stuff I put up with all week. He then gets to yesterday. "I think that's enough." I try to close it. "No." he tells me and pulls my hand back gently . He watches as he beat the shit out of me. I look up to see him crying. "I did beat you." He cries. I've never seen Zak cry before but it tore me apart. He cried into my shoulder holding me close. "Why are you still here?" He looks up into my eyes. "Because I love you. I didn't know exactly what was going on with you but I knew it wasn't you." I kiss his head. "Baby I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." "I forgive you. Just please stop crying." I ask of him. He sits up and looks at me. I softly wipe away his tears from his cheeks. "I'm never going to forgive myself for this." He whispered. "It wasn't you." "I let it happen. I didn't even take precautions after I got possessed in Italy. I should have done a cleansing afterwards." "Well now you know. I'm fine babe no need to worry." "You're not fine! You have a black eye and your lips are swollen along with all the bruises! Harley I beat the shit out of you! I could have killed you." He gets mad. "Zachary." I call him calmly. He looks up at me still with hurt in his wet eyes. "I'm not dead, I'm still here for you. It was not you beating me. You do not need to think of the what ifs." I tell him as I put my hand on the side of his face. "Okay." He nods at me and holds my hand to his face. We go to bed and I sit up and write in my diary. Zak lays his head on my shoulder as he reads what I write. "Can I read the rest when your done?" He asks me softly. "Go ahead babe." I kiss the top of his head. It felt so good to have him laying on my shoulder with his arms around me. I write that in my diary and Zak smiled as he read it. I finish and hand him the book. "I'll read it tomorrow." He tells me as he continues . "I don't want you going to school until you are healed." "I can live with that. We should travel. Get away from everything and everyone." I smile at him. "Yeah. Let's do that." He smiles at me. I lay down and he wraps his arms around me and lays on my shoulder. Now I know how Zak feels when I do this to him. It's simply wonderful. I put my arms around him and drift to sleep.

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