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Tonight is lock down night. I should be sleeping but I can't stop reading. "Dylan and I are going to do it. I don't want to lose it to him but I'm going to. I just hope I say the right name. He's here." "I can't believe it. I didn't lose it. We were messing around well you know what I mean. I left Zak's name cross my lips at one point ,but I don't think he heard it. He was getting ready then Zak burst down my door. He ripped Dylan off of me Yelling and screaming at him. Next thing I knew, he punch Dylan right in the face blowing him back. I quickly got dressed as I watched him pull out a knife going to attack Zak. I raced in front of him getting stabbed in my peck. Zachary then turned around beating his ass. I thought he was going to kill him. You wouldn't believe what happened next. He kisses me. He actually kissed me. It felt so wonderful,so right. I've waited so long for him to kiss me. I was in absolute heaven. It meant something it did. It had feelings behind it I'm sure. Nevertheless, I must be kidding myself. He only kissed me to pull the knife out." Now I know how Harley felt when she caught me with some girl. The pain hurt. It made my soul cold wanting to break into a million pieces. I love her with all my heart. I just need to find a balance. I'm no longer her father now I'm her lover. I need to find a balance. My phone buzzed. It was Harley telling me good luck on the lock down. She's so sweet. I don't reply as I continue to read her book. "Zak told me he loved me. I didn't know who he was talking about but then in the most romantic way he told me he loved me. We kissed!!!! I can't believe after years we are finally together. I cried when he told me. He probably thinks I'm very weak but I don't care I love this man. " "We have to keep our relationship a secret. I think he's embarrassed of me. I mean I'm not model type like he is. He's worried about our age difference. If he truly loved me that wouldn't matter. I'm probably his free sample. I don't know how long I can handle keeping this secret. I have you to tell though." "Zak tried breaking up with me today all because of my age. He made up for it afterwards though. It won't surprise me if he breaks up and goes for a woman his own age. I'm just a girl like he says. I don't know what he wants from me. He refuses to touch me or have anything sexual. That's completely odd. I know him better than that. He must not love me." I love you, that's why I'm not going to take it away from you. I'm going to wait until we are married. I really need to have a talk with her. I'm not ashamed of her. I just don't want.. who am I kidding? Yes,the age difference is bothering me. I heard three knocks on my door. I open it up and to see Aaron. "Hey bro,can we talk?" Aaron asks. "Of course." I open the door for him. He comes in and sits down. I close the hotel room door and look at him. "What's up?" "I wanted to know if I can have your permission to ask Harley out on a date?" I was shocked as his words rang in my ears. "Absolutely not." I tell him upset. He wants to date my girl! That's why he's so buddy buddy with her. "Why not?" "She's taken." I clinch my teeth. "By who?" I'm going to spill it. Don't say anything Zak. "Some guy at her college." "Oh,are you serious?" He asks me. "Yeah." "How do you feel about that?" He asks me as he looks into my eyes. "I'm okay with it." I shrug. "So you and Harley aren't dating?" "No, why does everyone keep asking that." "She likes you dude." "No,I'm just her father figure. That's all we are." "Damn." He sighs. "That's it guys. They aren't dating." Aaron calls. I look over to the door to see it open revealing the crew eavesdropping. "You set me up." I smile at him. "Sorry bro,We had to know." Arron laughs a loud laugh. "Well it's time to set up for the lock down. Come on daddy Bagans." Aaron laughs messing with me. "Shut up." I push him playfully. We go to the location setting up. "Nick, you will be doing the ouija board with the owner." I tell him. "Why me? I thought you wanted to do it." "I'm not going to do it tonight." "I see." He nods his head. We had a terrifying experience at the ZOZO house. Harley texted me when we were on break. I texted her a picture of me and kept investigating.

Tonight, I get to see my baby. I'm so happy. I haven't seen her in a week. We drive to the airport checking our luggage in. Nick went to go to his plane while we went to ours. Nick lives in Boston. "Bye bro." I shake his hand. "Bye,give Harley a hug for me." He walks to his plane. We went to our terminal waiting to be seated. "I'm not sitting bitch. " I tell Aaron. "Watch you'll get bitch." He laughs loudly at me. "Shhh,your so loud." I laugh at him. "What are you a,b,or c?" Billy asks me. "C." I sigh and check. "Yeah you're getting bitch." They laugh at me. They board the plane laughing at me. They finally call me, I get up and bars the plane. "I saved you a seat." Aaron tells me. I sit on the outside, relaxing as we are about to take off. I get to see my baby. I'm so excited.

We pull up to Harley's house at ten o'clock. I get out with the guys walking in the front door. I saw Harley on crutches fixing herself some ice cream. "What the hell happened?" I ask her as my heart slowly drops. "Soccer,I hurt my bad knee." She explains to me. She turns around facing me. I look at the red scratches on her face. They should have gone away by now. "Did you get scratched again?" I ask her lowly. "Oh that was me. My face itches." "Is your knee swollen?" I ask her as I help her to the couch. They guys watch us smiling the whole time. I lift her pant leg up to look at it. There were words written on her leg 'gotcha' I look up at her upset. "Really?" I laugh. "I'm going to kill you." "We need to talk." I take her hand and pull her into her parents bedroom. I hug her holding her into my arms. "I've missed you baby girl." I hold her close to me. She hugs me back jumping into my arms. I Hold her up, keeping her in my strong embrace . "I love you Zachary." She kisses my neck. I just love when she does that. I set her down staring into her deep blue eyes. I lean in slowly kissing her lips. I pull back and brush her cheek."We can go to my place as soon as they leave." I tell her softly. "Can't wait." She smiles at me. "We are still going to talk." I tell her as I lean down to her again. I could kiss her sweet plump lips all day. "I love you." I breath softly. "I love you Zachary." She smiles up at me. We walk out to see the guys at the front door. "We are headed out." Billy speaks for them. "Be safe." Harley tells them kindly. They said their goodbyes taking their time. As soon as they left I chased Harley up the stairs. She laughed and giggled from pure joy. We ran into her bedroom, as soon as we were in I scooped her up and put her in the bed. I laid on top of her kissing her. I love this woman so much. I kissed her neck and bite it. "I love you." I breath. "I love you Zachary." She breaths back. I'm breaking all of my rules right now but I don't care. She places her small hands in my waist holding me closer to her. "You're mine and only mine." I tell her firmly. She smiled up at me. "I've always been yours." "I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through with all the women I dated." I apologize from the bottom of my heart. "That's why you left me. Because all of the girls. I'm so sorry." I prop myself up and look her in the eyes. "It's okay Zak." She tells me lowly. She must not like thinking about it. It still hurts to think of her with that scumbag. I can't imagine what she must have felt everyday seeing that. "Let's pack." I get off of her and help pack her things. I carry them to the car, placing it in the trunk. We get in closing the doors. Now I need to talk to her. "Baby listen." I start as I drive off. "I love you with all of my heart. When I say I love you,know that I mean it. I know I was your father figure but now I'm your lover. It's going to take me some time to adjust." I continue to speak to her. "Listen,I'm not embarrassed being with you. I'm just not ready to let the guys know. I just want you to myself right now. This is our love. No one needs to be apart of it right now." I tell her my memorized speech. "Harley, you listen to me, you are not basic. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are model type. I don't understand how you don't see yourself as beautiful. You are absolutely gorgeous! You are perfect baby." I tell her from the bottom of my heart. She is absolutely beautiful. I just love everything about her. Her sweet loveable smile that's so contagious, her soulful crystal blue eyes, her soft white smooth skin, her curves, and her short stature. "I understand." She nods staring out the window. We finally make it to my house. She was quite the whole way. I walk in carrying her stuff into my bedroom. My baby is finally home with me again. I felt the pressure lift off of my chest. That heavy weight of emptiness had been lifted. I turn on the music sitting down on the couch relaxing.-It's been a long day. Harley sat next to me laying her head on my shoulder. I place my arm around her pulling her closer to me. She is upset. Then a love song by Ed Sheeren "Thinking Out Loud." Came on. I sat and up holding my hand out to her. "Will you dance with me?" I smile giving her a crookedness grin. She beams up at me with that beautiful smile. She places her hand on mine, I lead her to the middle of the floor placing my hands on her waist as she put her around my neck. I know how much she loves to dance. "This is our song." I smile to her. "We found love right where we are." I sing to her. I spin her around the room sweeping her off of her feet."Your a great dancer Mr. Bagans." She smiles up at me. "I'd only dance with you Miss Johnson." I smile and lean down and kiss her sweet plump lips. I slide my hands down to her big ass pulling her closer. STOP!! I kiss her faster slipping my tongue in. Zak control yourself. I pull back looking her in the eyes. "I think it's time to turn in." I say. I hold her close as we both fall asleep.

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