New Love

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I wake up to feel the bed empty. "Zachary?" i call him. I sit up to see i was all alone? Where is he? I go to the bathroom then put some clothes on. I walk down the stairs and see him in the kitchen making breakfast. He wore a grey shirt with dark grey sweat pants, his snapback turned to the side and his thick glasses on. He was so handsome. I go over to him and hug him. "Good morning love." he smiles.  "Good morning." i smile back. "Whatcha cookin?" i smile up at him.  "Omlets." he replies then flips it over.  "What can i do?" i let go of him.  "Set the table and get drinks." he tells me. I set the table then pour us some orange jucie. I go to Gracie and start singing. "Baby we found love right where we are." i sing Ed Sheeren's song. This is going to be Zak and my wedding song. I smile as i sing then look at Zak to see him smiling. "Ive been thinking." i start.  "Oh no." he chuckles.   "I think that should be our wedding song." i tell him. "I agree." he smiles. "Really?" i sit up and look at him.  "Of course. Thats our song afterall." he puts an omlete on a plate. "Im glad we agree." i smile.  "Lets wait to discuss wedding stuff until we are engaged." he tells me. "Okay." i agree.  Im still going to be planning in my head. I cant wait until we get married. I found my soulmate. I found my true love. I was meant for him and he was meant for me. I love that man with every piece of me. He sets the food on the table then looks at me. "What?" he smiles a cute smile at me. "Im just thinking how much i love you. I found my soulmate. Im so glad it is you. I feel like i feel in love all over again." i smile lovingly at him. "Well, we are starting all of again love. This is our new love. We are going to be better partners and help eachother out more. We are a team." he smiles then comes over to me. He helps me up then leads me to the table. "All over again. Staring from scratch. Im going to promise you this. Im not going to be some stuborn bratty kid anymore. Im going to listen and do what you ask of me, Ill help out with the food and bills, ill do the chores, i wont get in the way of your work, ill love you to the moon ad back, ill take care of you and not yell or get mad." i promise him.  "I promise to take care of you, pay the bills, not get mad, no yelling, no hiding things from you, take care of you, and treat you better."  "Zak, you have been doing all of those things. Im the one who needs to change. Ive been acting like a spoiled brat. I need to change. Ive hurt you and ill never forgive myself for it." i tell him as i sit down.  "I understand why. You dont need to feel bad about it." he tells me then sits down next to me.  "Im going to change." i promise him.  "We both are. Ive been an asshole to you. Ive been treating you like your still three years old." he admits.  "Well today is the start of our new relationship." i tell him then start eating my omlete. Wow! This is good. I finish mine as Zak finished his. "So what do we have planned for today?" i smile at him.  "Packing. Your moving back in."he smiles and takes my plate. "No you cooked so ill do dishes." i take the plates from his hand. I do the dishes as he sat on the couch. I finish up and sit next to him. "Im sorry for causing fights and hurting you these past months. How can i make it up to you?"i hug him. "Just be the girl i fell in love with and never leave me again." he wraps his arms around me.  "Okay, what else?"  "Thats it."  he says softly.  "I need to repay you for what i did." i continue on.  "Honey, you did last night." he smiles.  "I can do that more if you want."  "i was talkin about you taking me back." he chuckles. I felt my cheeks get red hot. Im so stupid! "Oh, well that too."  "ive been thinking. How about we save that for special occasions?"  "was i not good?"  "No, thats not it at all. You were good. Better than i thought youd be actually. How many guys have you messed with?" "Four including you." i tell him truthfully.  "Four?!? Who the hell else and when?" he gets mad.  "They were before i met you. plus the one you caught me with." i say calmly.  "I cant believe you messed with five guys." he tells me still heated.  "Compaired to all the girls you slept with." i rebutle.  "Your right. Just dont mess with anyone else." he tells me calmly.  "I wont, plus they were so inexperrienced compared to you. ." i smile at him. "Haha well i have a lot of experience under my belt." he smiles.  "I can tell." i smile back. "Alright, lets pack." zak sits up then goes upstairs. I follow him and start packing. It takes us till noon to get eveything packed. We load it up in the car and drive to his house.

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