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**Zak's POV**

I finally get Harley home while she was silent the whole way. She was shocked at what just happened, and I can't blame her. I know we have had a trafficking ring close by but didn't realize how dangerously close they actually were. She sat on the couch, staring off into the distance, not even moving. "I managed to swipe the footage from the cameras. Let's look and see if it captured all of it." Aaron says as he goes over to the tv, pulling the USB into the TV side. I sat next to Harley, putting my arm around her; Aaron sat downplaying the footage. I watched her drive to the store and watched Aaron fast forward during her shopping time. "Okay, here she comes," I tell him to stop fast-forwarding. I watch as she looked over at a man by an SUV. She walked over to a couple and had a man walk her to the truck. Once she got there, he grabbed her arm, pulling her out, but I watch as she stabbed him with the knife I got her. "Ooooh, nice move!" Aaron cheers. I look at him shake my head no, but then I heard Harley giggle at him. Maybe that's what she needs to laugh about it, make it seem like it wasn't as bad as it really was. "Smart thinking," I comment, playing along with Aaron. She backed up, hitting a guy and breaking his leg. "Oh, snap!" Aaron says with a loud laugh as he covers his mouth. I watch as the man in the front fires a shot at her.
"That was a close one; good thing you decided to hit him," Aaron says. "Beep beep, move it, asshole." Aaron jokes around. I watch as Harley speeds around, driving around like a professional driver. She was speeding around corners, flying down the road swerving in and out of traffic. I was shocked; she was able to drive so well; she drives crazy every time I ride with her. Well, she does get really nervous when I'm with her, she forgets how to go. I heard the whole conversation between her and me before she swerved into the police parking lot.

"Well, you drive like a Dale Earnheart Jr.," Aaron smiles with a loud chuckle. Harley laughed as she flashed that beautiful white smile. "The well good thing is that you're safe and you're back home. From now on, I'm not letting you out of my sight. If anyone tries to mess with you, they'll have to go through me." I tell her as I kiss her cheek.

"You know I've been thinking. I think Harley is cursed; I mean, look at all the stuff that happened to her. This isn't normal. I mean, she's been in a coma, y'all had a falling out, she was in a wheelchair, last investigation where she was chained up, and now almost kidnapped and sold into a human trafficking circle." Aaron names off.

"That's true; this isn't normal for a person to go through all of this." I agree with him. "Did you touch anything crushed or keep a cured object?" I question her.

"Well, I did keep the rock from the cave in Tennessee." She shrugs nonchalantly.

"From the bell witch cave?" I question her as I turn my head in confusion. I can't believe she took a rock after telling everyone repeatedly not to take a rock because it was cursed. No wonder all this bad stuff has been happening to her; she took a freakin stone!

"Yeah." She looked around, not knowing how big the problem was. "Where is this rock now?" I question her.

"In my room."

"Go get it, and we are sending it back." I pinch the bridge of my nose. I can't believe, after all this time, she still has that damn rock! I watch as she goes up to her room to get that cursed rock. "Well, now we know why all this crap has happened to her. I knew all this wouldn't have happened if she didn't take a cursed object. I am so thankful she is okay and not seriously hurt, but I can't let her out of my sight. She is in danger everywhere she goes. Now we have two cases to worry about; I hope she doesn't get charged with hitting two people and stabbing a guy. It should be classified as self-defense and should get off free, but who knows what will happen. I get off the couch, getting a box to ship off this damn rock so life will be somewhat normal. I watch as the rest of the crew comes rushing in. "Where is she?" Ash asks, freaking out.

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