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"No!" I heard Zak yell next to me. I turn over to see him sitting up in bed holding his head. "I'm so sorry." He mumbles.  "Zachary what's wrong?" I sit up and rub his back. "Nothing I'm fine." He gets up and walks out. "Zachary." I call after him. I get out of bed and get in my chair. I roll over to the bathroom and open the door. I saw him sitting on the floor with his face in his hands. "Baby." I get out of my chair and sit in his lap. "Baby,what's wrong?"  "I never want to lose you baby." he Says as he holds me close.  "You won't baby." I hold him close to me. He holds me close not letting go. "Did you have a bad dream?" I ask him.  "Yes." He breaths softly. "Don't worry baby, I'm here."  "Please don't leave me."  "I won't."  I sit and hold him until he felt better. We get dressed and ready for the lock down. "Zachary?"  "Yes love?"  "When are you going to ask me?"  "That's my secret baby girl." He wrapped  his arms around me. "It's going to happen don't worry."  "Okay good." I smile at him. We Then get in the car and wait for the guys. 

It's lock down time. The guys had the cameras in their hands ready to go.  "Harley you are going to stay with Bill and Jay. "  "I can't be with you?"  "No,your staying at nerve."  "Zak."  "Harley. I can't take you through there. I need to work."  "Fine." I cross my arms. "I'll come see you durning breaks." He tells me.  "Okay." I say and look up at him. Zak gives me a kiss and heads up the stairs to investigate. Billy rolls me to the nerve and sets me in front of the monitor. I watch as the guys go up to the room where the little girl died. 

I look over at the guys to see them watching the monitors silently. This is going to be a long night. I watch the screen with them watching over my baby. They get several responses from the little girl. Zak offers her Candy. That's where my candy went. "That's my candy." I tell Jay. "Shh." He tells me. I cross my arms and look at the monitor. I can't even talk to them. Ashley is right they are different. I just hope Zak isn't different with me. "What do you want to do to the  candy?" Zak asks her. "Lick." She answers.  "Dude." Billy says and looks at Jay. "That's crazy." He smiles back at Billy. Really? I watch as Zak talks through his mask with the guys. I would never wear one of those things. I then heard a loud bang from behind them. "Oh my god dude what was that?" Aaron asked.  "Something was thrown." Zak tells him. They look down to see a big piece of he wall laying on the floor. "I think it was this." Zak says.  "was that what was thrown?" I ask Billy.  "Shhh." He tells me. Really? I cross my arms upset. Why can't I talk? Zak and Aaron come in and take there masks off. "Hey princess." He comes over and kisses my cheek. "Hi." I answer plainly.  "What's wrong?"   "I can't talk."  "Well you have to be quiet so the guys can hear if the spirits are talking." He explains.  "You never told me that."  "Sorry I thought it was self explanatory."  "How long am I going to be here?"  "Till seven."  "Can I please go with you?"  "No." "Why not?"  "I don't want you hurt." "Zachary, I'm not going to get hurt."  "You don't know that." "Zachary, I'm apart of the team now. I want to make myself useful and help talk to the spirits. I don't want to sit here for hours starring at a monitor where I can't even talk."   "Harley, I don't care what you want. I'm going to keep you safe."  "Let me do something instead of sitting here and keep getting shushed."   "No can do." He gets up and goes over to Aaron. "Arron help me here."  "Not this one girlie. I don't see how we can get you up the stairs." He looks over at Zak.  They must have had a conversation upstairs about me. Aaron always has my back. "This is not fair." I lay my head on the table. "Harley just play on your phone." Zak tells me.  "I don't know where my phone is." I mumble.  "Here." He sets something next to me. I look up to see it was his phone and mine. "Also I packed you some paper and pencils." He hands them to me. "Zak just let me go with you just this once."   "No."  "What's the real reason you don't want me out of here?"   "I don't want evil entities to scratch you or attach to you. I can't go through that again."  "There's no evil here."  "Yes in the basement."  "I won't go to the basement."  "No." he walks out. "Aaron."  "I'll try to talk to him." He gets up and follows Zak.  "Sorry Harley. We don't mean to Be rude we are just doing our job."  Billy apologized to me. "It's okay, I understand." I go over to the deskand grab Zak's phone. I go to his pictures and see the one of us at Hawaii. I start drawing the picture of us kissing. I love Zak so much. He guys continue to watch the monitor as I drew. After two hours I finally finish. I look at it so happy with my work. Jay looks over at my picture and smiles at me. He takes it and shows Billy. "Aww that's so cute." He smiles. He hands it back to me and the guys come back in the tent. "Bill I need you." Zak says and walks out. He doesn't want to talk to me. I watch the guys go up the stairs into the hallway. They do several experiments only getting an orbe of light. "What do you want?" Zak goes back to the room where the little girl died and asked her that question. "Harley." She answers. I look at Jay shocked she wanted me. "What do you want with her?" Zak asks her. "Cleansing." She answered.  "We should bring her up G."  "How Arron?"  "Carry her."  "No." he refuses. I roll away from the table with Jay watching me. "Where are you going?"  "No where." I roll out into the dark, empty, torn down hospital hallway. I roll to the stairs and wait for the boys. I felt someone roll me back into the room. I look to see it was Jay. "No, stop it." I tell him. He sets me infront of the table and puts my breaks on. "Are you serious?" I get mad at him. He trapped me between the table unabling to get out. "JAY!" I try to push the table off of me. "To close." I get madder at him. "Quiet!!" He yells at me and puts his headset back on. I hate this!! Zak is going to kill Jay for doing this to me. It's not fair! I wish I could walk and not be stuck in this stupid chair and have my breaks put on not letting me go anywhere. He trapped me here. I wonder if I can slide down my chair and get out. I try to slide down with no success. This is hurting my stomach. "Not fair." I mumble and sit back in my chair. I try to push myself from the table. I finally give up and lay my head down. I just want to cry. Jay looks over at me and sighs upset. "Please don't cry." He asks me. "You don't know my pain Jay!" I cry. "I know I know. I'm sorry." He then goes back to watching the monitor. I lay my head down and cry. My legs hurt and I'm stuck here. I can't take anymore of this. Zak then walks in the room. "What's going on?" He asks Jay.  "She tried to roll away so I brought her back here and put her breaks on. I yelled at her and now she's crying." He explains.  "Harley." Zak sighs.  "My legs hurt." I tell him. He gets out my pill bottle and hands me three. I take them and try to push the table farther from me. "You trapped her here?" Zak asks Jay. "Yeah sorry."  "Wish I thought of that."  "Zachary!!" I get mad at him.  "Harley, we are going to try something."  "What is it?"  "We are going to take you upstairs and see if we can get the little girl to talk to you."  "Yay!!" I try to push the table off of me. "WOULD YOU GET THIS TABLE OFF OF ME!!" I yell completely upset. "Baby calm down." He let's my breaks off and rolls me away from the table. "I can breath now." I sigh relieved.  "Here, I have to put the mask on you." He grabs a mask and puts it on my face. I couldn't breath. The mask was sticking to my face every time I breathed in. "Zak!" I grab it off of my face. I don't like the feeling of not being able to breath. "I'm going to turn it on hold on." He tells me softly. "I don't like it."  "You have to wear it." He tells me softly.  "Okay." I nod my head. "Here I'll turn it on now." He takes the cover from the bottom of the mask so I could breath. He puts it on me and tightens the straps. "Better?" He asks me.  "Yes." I smile at him and breath clearly. "Let's go beautiful." He rolls me out to the hallway.

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