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"Baby wake up." Zak shakes me awake. I sit up and look at him. "What?" I sigh tiredly. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to the gym with me." He tells me. "What time is it?" I groan as I roll over. "Three." He chuckles. "I'll buy you a protein shake afterwards." He tries to talk me into it . "Fine!" I get up and stumble to the bathroom. I get dressed and brush my hair back into a pony tail. "Don't put any make up on." He tells me. I continue my routine and get to the make up part. "Harley." He warns me not to put make up on. "Fine, I'm to tired anyways." I then walk past him and get in the car. "Um babe. You're forgetting something." He tells me. "What?" I sigh. "Your shoes and socks." He tells me. I groan and get out of the car heading for the house. "I got them go sit down." He tells me and leads me to the car. I get in the car and try to go back to sleep. "Okay so I got you your nikes and socks along with a water and towel ." He tells me as he sets it down by my bare feet. I lean down and put them on. "Oh wait." He runs back into the house. I really don't want to go to the gym right now. I want to go back to bed. I finish and put my buckle on then make the seat lay down. He opens the door and looks at me. "Are you that tired?" He smiles at me. I look at him and cover my eyes. "I'm so tired." "Do you want to go back to bed and go later?" "No, I'm going now." I tell him. He gets in and drives to the gym. "I'm so happy you wanted to come with me." He tells me sounding thrilled. "WHy do you get up so early!?" I ask him. "The sky's awake so I'm awake and I have to workout." He messes with me. I chuckle at his silliness and close my eyes. "You'll wake up soon." He tells me. We make it to the gym and I get out with him. "I got your brace for you." He tells me as he hands me my knee brace. I take and walk next to him. We go in to see it was empty. Who would be working out at thre in the morning? oh yeah us! Zak pays and leads me to some bench. "Put your brace on." He tells me as he stretches his arms. I try and put my brace on but I kept strapping it wrong. I sigh upset at myself. "Do you need help?" He asks me kindly. "Yes please." He comes over and straps it on me. We stretch then get ready. "You should run for about ten minutes. Help you condition for soccer." He tells me. I go over and get on the treadmill. I walk at a slow pace. Zak comes over and turns it up making me run. "Zak!" I whine and run faster. He then leaves it and watches me. He goes over and starts to squat with the bar. That ass though. I smile to myself as I watch him. "I see you smiling." He tells me as he continues. I stop smiling shocked he could see me. I look to see he was standing in front of a mirror. Damn. I finish my ten minutes completely tired. He smiles at me proudly. "I bet you're awake now." He tells me. "A little." I yawn. He then goes to the dumbbells and grabs the biggest set. I look at him shocked. "Grab a fifteen." He tells me. I do as I was told and follow him. He was doing curls as he watched himself in the mirror as he listened to his music. I did what he was doing and felt the burn in my arms. I struggled to lift it and do my last set. I set them down and watch Zak. "Now we will do burbies." He tells me. I hate burbies! "Three sets of ten." He tells me. I drop down do a push up then jump up. Come on Harley. "There you go, let's go, jump higher." He coaches me. I go harder and try my best. "Higher!" He tells me. I try my absolute best pushing myself to the limit. "Higher!" "I can't!!" I yell at him. I finish my set and lay on the ground. I roll over and look up at Zak. "I know, I was just pushing you." He smiles at me. I put my feet under the chair and do twenty five sit ups. Zak does his burbies then joins me in the sit ups. We work out and push each other to our max. "Lets go into the steam room." Zak tells me. As he pulls me to the room. He hands me a towel and points to the room for women. "Put this towel on and meet me in here." He tells me then goes to the men's room. I go and do what he told me. I look in the mirror to see a beautiful reflection. Maybe I can get lucky. No Harley's don't push it. He walked out on you last night. I go in the steam room to see him waiting for me. He only had a towel on. Oh god! He was so beautiful. So manly and toned with his Badass tattoos. He smiles as he watches me come in. "Come sit down baby." He tells me. I slowly make my way over to him. I sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "I'm so proud of you. I couldn't be any happier." He tells me as he puts his arm around me. "I have to travel tomorrow." He tells me softly. "Where to this time?" I ask intrested. "Italy." He tells me. "ITALY!" I get excited. "Can I go on this one please??" I beg him. He sat there scilent. "ITS MY DREAM TO GO TO ITALY!!" I tell him as I try to soften him up. "I know it is." He sighs. "Zak please." I beg him. "I'll think about it." He tells me. "Yay." I hug him excited. "I love you so much." I tell him and continue . "We can go to Florence and go in a gondola and stroll down the water way.Wouldnt that be wonderful?" I tell him my dream. "Yeah that would." He tells me. "If you take me on a gondola I'd probably marry you on the spot." I smile at him. "You really want this don't you?" "More than anything." I confess. "What will happen if you don't go?" "I'd be very disappointed in you. Knowing that you know it's my dream and leaving me behind is just heartbreaking. I'd probably leave you." I shrug. "Why would you leave me? I'm traveling for work. It's not play time." "You always go out and check the place out. I want to go check it out and travel. I'll stay in the hotel while you guys do your investigation if you want." I try to talk him into it. "Baby..." he starts. "What?" I smile at him happily. "Nothing." He lets the topic drop. "You should wake me up and take me to the gym more often." I tell him as I stare at his tatto. "I will." He smiles at me. "Did I ever tell you how much I love tattoos?" I ask him. "Yeah, you have. You said it's a major turn on." He chuckles at me. "When did I say that?" "When you had your concussion." "That makes sense." "Yeah, I should have known then you loved me because you kept hitting on me." "Yeah." I nod and kiss his cheek. "Te amo." I tell him as I take his hand in mine. His hands were so big and manly I just love them. "Your hands are so small." He smiles at me. "I'm a small person." I smile up at him. "That you are." He leans down and kisses me. His warm lips on mine, he kissed me slow and passionately. I kissed him faster and tried to go far. He pulls me closer to him holding me tightly. My heart raced out of my chest as we kissed. He pulls back and stands up facing the door. "Get dressed. Meet me by the car." He rushes out of the room. I sigh disappointed and go get dressed. I wait for Zak to come out of the men's room. He finally comes out with a relaxed expression. He didn't! When I'm right here go goes in and does it himself. I could have done better and given him more. "Let's go get a shake." He smiles at me and takes my hand. We go get our shake and enjoy the rest of the day. I get to the house and start packing. "Where are you going?" He asks me as he plops down on the bed. "Italy! I'm going to make my dream come true." I tell him as I pack my stuff. "Harley." He sighs to me and continues. "I never said you could go." "You need me Zak. Who is going to translate for you?" "My phone." He says. "Zak, this is my dream and its right in my grasp please don't let it slip on by." I ask of him. "I want to go to Italy when it's just us." He tells me. "It will be us." I smile at him. "We could sneak out and go on the gondola and dance in the streets under the stars. Travel the city of love then sneak off to France and kiss under the Eiffel Tower and then just magic would happen and the rest of my dream would come true." I dance around the room. "You're making this very difficult." "Good, I want this more than anything." I tell him as I continue to pack. "Mom alaways wanted to go to Italy." I tell him as I plop down on the bed next to him. I run my hand though his hair and stare into his eyes. "What's the rest of your dream?" "You to propose to me." I blush embarrassed. He smiles at the thought and rolls on his back placing his hands under his head. "That would be nice wouldn't it. Get engaged there and have a nice big wedding here. A big outdoor wedding." He visualized. "No, I'm getting married in a church." "Yes ma'am." He smiles at me. "The reception can be outside." "What if it rains?" I question him. "Then it becomes a wet wedding. Plus it's good luck if it rains on your wedding day." "True."I nod my head. "How do you want to be proposed to?" He asks me softly. "Under the Eiffel Tower." I answer. "Then when I take you there you'll know I'm going to propose. That ones out. How else?" "Something magical and special. I don't want you waking up one morning and asking me in the kitchen. I want hanging lights and fireflies,dancing under the stars. Something special and sweet." I close my eyes and imagine. "Now we are talking." He smiles. "What kind of ring do you want?" "A princess cut and lots of sparkle. I don't know I haven't really looked." "I'll take you ring shopping one day. That's way in the future so don't get to excited." He brings me back down to earth. "Why way in the future?" "Harley we just started dating a month ago." He tells me. "But I've known you all my life." "Its best we don't rush things. We should get married when you're twenty one." "Three years?" "Yes, we can have wine at our wedding." "I can have something else no one will know. " "You have all your life to live you don't need to rush things." "I just want to spend the rest of my life with the man I love. I'm not ready for kids I understand that." "Oh god! Please no. No kids." "You don't want kids?" "Not until your thirty." "You know you'll be fifty one then right?" "The shape I'm in I can handle that." "You are so stubborn." I tell him frankly. "Look who's talking. You're the stubbornest person I know." "I like to do it my way that's all." "You can hold a grudge." He points out. "You do me wrong it takes me awhile to forgive you. Once I've lost trust in someone they have to prove they deserve my trust." I point out. "What happened there? You were the most forgiving girl ever then you changed." "My parents died and to many people would use me." I explain. I get on top of him and hug him. "Make my dream come true. That's all I ask." I kiss his neck.

I wake up to banging in the kitchen. I race up and get dressed not bothering with makeup and brushing my hair. I grab my bags and rush out to him. "What are you doing up?" He asked me shocked. "I'm going to Italy silly." I smile at him. He sighs and puts his hands on the counter looking down at the ground. "I didn't buy you a ticket Harley." He tells me. "Don't worry I'll buy one now." I grab the computer. "You don't have a passport." "Yes I do. Remember that time we went to London?" I smile at him. "Can you believe it Zachary? I'm going to Italy." I bounce up and down. "Harley." Starts. "I'm going in a gondola! You'll be with me the whole time!" "Harley, sweetheart." He pinches the bridge of his slender nose. "We can travel on our stomachs. That is when you aren't working. I'll be in the hotel when you do the lock down or I'll be out to dinner." "HARLEY! YOU'RE NOT GOING!!" He yells at me. I felt like my heart was ran over by a car knocking the breath out of me. "What?" I ask not comprehending what he said. "You're not going. You're staying here." "But you promised." I cry. "I never promised anything. I knew from day one you weren't going." "It's my dream Zak." I fall to my knees. "Please don't cry." He sighs upset. "It was my dream and you're leaving me here in this damn house alone. Keeping me locked away." I ball on the floor. "You promised me." "I didn't promise you shit!" He gets mad at me. "You're not going this time. I'll take you some other time." He tells me. "No you won't." I continue to cry. "I can't believe you Zak. My dream." I sob. I get up and run into the room. I plop down on the bed and continue to cry. I heard the doorbell ring and people come in. "Harley go to your room." He tells me quickly. I get up and run to my room still sobbing. He played me. My dream! I cry louder letting it all out. "What's going on?" Aaron asks Zak. "Harley wanted to go to Italy too." "Why isn't she coming?" Billy asks Zak. "She has school and this is the most dangerous lock down we will be doing. I don't want her anywhere near that place." "Zak she will Be in the hotel." Jay tries to convince him. "All the girls are still in the car. She can stay with them." "No, she can't go this time." "Dude, this is her dream. Don't do this to her." "I didn't buy her a ticket and her passport is out of date." He tells them. "Oh that changes things." Billy nods. I heard the door open and someone walk in. "Hey girl." Aaron sits down on my bed and rubs my back. "I want to go." I tell him. "I know, I know. There will be other times." He tries to comfort me. "Okay so here's the plan. I'll get my suitcase and you hide in it." He jokes with me. I smile at him amused. "I wish I could." I admit. I sit up and wipe my tears. "If it were up to me I'd take you." He smiles at me. "Thanks Aaron." I smile at him. He always knows how to make me feel better and smile. Aaron gives me a hug right when Zak walked in the room. "What's going on?" He asked Aaron calmly. "So we agreed she's going to hide in my luggage and go to Italy." He jokes with him. "Ha." Zak snorts. "Can I talk to her alone please." He asks Arron. "Sure thing G." He walks out sliding the door. "Baby, I'm sorry you can't go on this one. I'll take you another time." He brushes my hair back. "When?" I ask him starring down at the floor. "I don't know when but I'll take you." "You better." I look down at the floor. He places his hand under my chin and make sure me look at him. "Don't Be sad. I'll make it up to you." He leans down to me and kisses me. He pushed me on the bed getting on top of me. His lips were so perfect and soft. He took my arms holding them down. He kissed my neck then bit it. "Zak." I mumble. "Shhh baby." He tells me as he opens my legs. He gets back on me and continues to kiss me. I heard a knock on the door. Zak jumped off and answered it. I sit up and look at them. "Everything okay?" Billy asks. "Yeah." Zak says. "We have to go." He tells Zak. "Bye sweetheart." He waves to me. "Bye Zachary." I wave back and give him a hug. I go out and say bye to all of the guys . I wish I was going with them. I watch them drive off until they were out of view.

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