Start Over

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May 14, it has been two months since Harley first entered the hospital. Harley is in a coma from the seizure She had. I haven't left her side for more than a minute. "The doctors don't know how you had the heart attack. They tell me that your arteries are clear. You had a seizure from choking and not getting oxygen to your brain. Now you're in the coma form your seizure." I explain to her. "They also say you're not going to make it." I sigh and hold her hand. "You will, you need to fight this baby. Come back home we need you. Billy is taking care of Gracie the best he can. He says she's not eating. He's bringing her in tomorrow." Her heart started beating faster. "Yeah I'm excited to see Gracie too." I kiss her ice cold hand. I feel her arm to see it was cold. I get up and put socks on her as well. I push the call button for the nurse. She then comes in the room. "Can I get two more blankets?" I ask her nicely. "Of course." She walks out and brings the blankets . I put them on her and sit back in my chair. I watched as Nick walks in the door. "What are you doing here?" I get mad at him. He looks at me."I'm here for you two." He says. "I don't want you here." I tell him flatly. "Harley would want me here." He tells me. I was silent knowing he was right. "Baby, Nick is here to see you." He heart went a tad faster. "She's excited to see you." I tell him not taking my eyes from her. "Can she hear us?" He asks me. I nod my head. "The doctors say she can plus her heart proves she can hear us and she's alive." "Hey Harley." He sits on the end of her bed. "I heard you're not doing to well. I just want you to know we all want you to recover. You can do it." He encourages her. "Veronique and I are having another baby. We want you to be he godmother. So hurry up and get better." He smiles at her. "You want her to be the god mother?" I ask him shocked. "Yes." Nick nods. "Harley would love that." I say as I hold her hand. "You hear that baby. You're going to be a godmother." Nick stays and talks to Harley then leaves. I lay my head down on her bed and try to sleep.

I felt someone playing with my hair. I sit up to see Harley starring at me weakly. Her eyes were half open and her smile short and tired. "Oh my baby girl!" I jump up and hug her. "My sweet baby girl." I cry tears of joy. "Zzzak, I I love you." She stutters. "I love you Harley, I promise I'll change. We can tell the whole world about us." I promise her. "Tthank you." She holds me close to her. "Wwwil you llay wwith mme?" She asks me. "Of course which side?" I pull back and look at her. "Lleft." I get up with her and pull her close to me. She Looks around the room and then looks at me. "WWhat's ggoing on?" "You had a heart attack and seizure. You then were in a coma from the seizure. The doctors didn't think you were going to make it." "I I'm going tto make it." She tells me softly. I hope she does. "I I saw my parents and saw Jesus." "Did you?" "Yyeah hhe told mme to go back it's nnot my time yyet, ssso I came back." "How long were you gone?" "II came bbback and you were ccrying." "Did you hear me talking to you?" I ask her. "Yess." She puts her hand on the side of my face. "I'm ggglad yyyou talked to me. I can't talk ssstraight." She tells me a bit upset. "It's okay love, I'll call the doctor." I reach over and push the button. We wait for the nurse. "I'm so happy your awake now." I hug her. The nurse in and sees us. She then looks over at Harley. "You're awake! I'll go get the doctor." She smiles so happy Then walks away. "The guys will be here tomorrow, we can tell them then." "Aallright." She stutters again. I feel so bad for her. She is stuttering now, unable to talk straight. The doctors then come in and smile at Harley. "My god she's awake." He comes over to Harley and checks her. He shines a light in her eyes,checks her heart,takes her temperature, and blood pressure. "How do you feel?" He asks her. She hesitated then answered. "Iii'm finnne." She stutters. "Why is She stuttering?" I ask the doctor. "It's from the seizure she had. It affected her brain." He dumbs it down for us. "Is It able to be fixed?" "No, it's not. I'm afraid it's permanent." "NNo, it's not." Harley argues with him. I look at her upset. "Harley, be respectful." She knows better than that to argue with someone like that. "Iii will get better. Hhe said so." "Who's he?" "Jesus." She smiles at me. "If you say so." The doctor says then continues to talk to me. "Also, she may be a little slower,have memory loss, confused a lot easier, and become more exhausted. To be honest it's a miracle she's even awake." "I understand, do you think she will make it?" "Medically speaking it's a slim possibility. Personally miracles can happen and I think a miracle is set in place for her." "I'm going to make iit." Harley tells us confidently. I hope she's right I don't know what I'll do without her. I'd probably stay up every night and talk to her using all my ghost gadgets. I don't know how I could live knowing she's gone. I love this woman more than life. The doctor then leaves us alone. "I'm just so happy you're okay." I tell her truthfully. "Me too." She says without stuttering. "You didn't stutter that time." I kiss her cheek proud of her. "I tried real hhard." "You'll get it don't worry." "MMom says hi." "So I take it they'd aren't in your house anymore?" "No, tthey are in heaven." "I see." I nod my head. "I wanna ggo home." "Soon baby. The doctors have to clear you." I explain as I yawn. She places her hand on my face and smiles. "Go to sleep." "I wanna stay up with you though." "I'll bbe here." She says softly and leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back and hold her close. Her heart rate monitor started beeping like crazy. I go to pull back but she pulled me closer to her. She must have really missed me.she finally pulls back breathing heavy. I run my fingers through her hair. "Thank you." She whispered softly. "For what sweetheart?" "For stttaying with me." "You're welcome baby girl." I yawn once more. "Tomorrow you can open you're presents everyone got you." "Yay." She smiles happily."I'm nnineteen nnnow?" "Yes baby, you're nineteen now." "How oold are you nnnow?" "I'm fourty." "Fourty! Gosh you're so ooold." She jokes with me then looks in my eyes. She still has a sense of humor. "I'm your old fart." I smile back at her. "You are." She smiles at me. "Happy Birthday." She tells me making up for lost time. "Thank you, happy birthday to you as well. I loved my present you gave me." I yawn again. "Go tto sleep iii'll bbe here." "You promise?" "I ppromise." She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

I wake up to hear people walking into the room. I open my eyes to see everyone pulled in. "Zak, why are you doing up there?" "Harley wanted me to lay with her." I rub my face with my free hand. "I think he's lost it." Billy whispers. "No, she woke up last night." I explained. I loook at Harley to see she was sleeping. I shake her softly. " Baby, everyone is here." I tell her. She laid there not moving. "Baby?" "Zak, she's not coming back." Aaron tells me softly. "No,she did!" Maybe she went back into her coma. I began to feel complete sadness wash over me. I hug her tightly wanting her back. I felt her move in my arms. "Zak, you should get down." Billy tells me. I look up to see Harley open her eyes. I heard shock sweep through the room. "Good morning." I smile at her. She smiles back at me at me then looks around the room. "Harley!" Aaron smiles at her. They were all so relieved to see her open her eyes. "Hhhi gguys." She stutters softly.she was embarrassed to talk. They all noticed but didn't say anything. "How do you feel?" Billy asks her. She hesitated then finally spoke. "BBetter." "Don't be scared to speak. It's fine they don't mind." I tell her as I pull my numb arm from under her. She takes my hand in hers she looked into my eyes and smiled. Everyone brought chairs and placed them around the bed then sat down and looked at us. I look at Aaron to see him smiling at me. He then motioned over to Harley. I look at her to see her starring at me lovingly. "What?" I smile at her. She places her hand on the side of my face. "Iii've missed you so mmuch." She tells me as she leans in. I see what she was doing. This is her way of telling everyone about us. I smile and leans down to her. We kissed with everyone watching us. "No!!" Aaron says shocked. We pull back and look at everyone. "Oh yeah, Harley is my girlfriend." I smile at them. I can't believe the cat is out of the bag. They are going to hate me now. This is the end of our friendship. They all had smiles on their faces except Jay. Aaron held his hand out to him and smiled. "Pay up bro." Jay took his wallet out and paid all the guys. "What's going on?" I ask them. "We had a bet." Aaron smiles widely at me. "We all thought you were dating,Jay was the only one who didn't believe it. I knew from day one." He brags. "Oh yeah?" I smile at him. "How long have you two been dating?" Ashley asks us. "October 31st . So seven months." "Aww Halloween that's so cute." Aaron smiles at us. "I'm so happy for you two." "We all are." Diana says to me. They all agree. Thank god! It makes me so happy they approve of our relationship. "So you guys don't mind us dating?" "Not at all Zak. We are all so glad you finally started dating her." Ashley smiles at me. I can't believe you kept it a secret that long." Jay says. "That's my fault. I was afraid you guys would hate me for dating my daughter." "She's not your real daughter Zak. It's all good." Aaron chuckles. "We support you all the way." Ashley smiles. "Thank God!" I sigh relieved. Harley tries to get up but unable to do so. "What's wrong?" "Bbbathroom." She tells me and tried to get up. I get up and help her up. She sat there a minute dazed. "You okay?" "I can't mmmove my lllegs." She stutters. I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom. I set her down and get her all ready. I shut the door and let her do her thing. "G she's going to have to learn to walk again." Billy tells me. "Yeah, I know." I sigh. I heard the toilet flush and I got up and knocked on he door. "You done?" "Yes." I go in and get her. I pick her up and go to walk out. "I wanna brush my teeth." She says clearly. "You can use mine, I haven't used it." I hold her above the sink as she brushes her teeth. When she finished I set her back in bed. "Present time." Aaron smiles. We sit all the presents at her feet. She opens them getting big steppin gear, new boots, soccer gear, and ghost adventures gear. They all take pictures and post them on social media. They leave us alone. "We should let the world know." I smile at her. "Yay!" She smiles. I get out my phone and start a live broadcast. "Hey guys. So as you know Harley has been in the hospital and in a coma. Yesterday she woke up." I smile at the camera. I look over at Harley to see her eyes were closed. "What are you doing?" I smile at her. She opens her eyes and makes faces. "Ha." I chuckle. "You are silly." I smile at her. "So as you can see she's doing better. She's going to have to learn how to walk and talk straight though." "Baby you wanna say something?" "Hhhi ggguys. Ttthank you for the sssuport." She smiles into the camera. "Do you want to tell them?" I ask her. "Yyyou can." "So we've been keeping a secret from you guys. Harley and I have been secretly dating. We've been dating since Halloween. So it really hurt me to see her like she was. See her unmoving, unresponsive, laying there basically dead. I love Harley with all my heart and it just hurt to see her like that." I break down. I end up crying on camera but I didn't care. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I wipe my eyes. "Iiii'm better nnnow." She kisses my cheek. "I know." I try to smile for her. "Just to be blessed with a second chance to have her back is just so overwhelming. I'm just so happy she's living and breathing and awake again." I tell the camera. Harley comforts me as I talk to the camera. "Are yyou gggoing to get married?" She reads a comment. "That's the plan." I smile weakly into the camera. "Just waiting for the right time to ask." "Not fffor awhile." Harley says. "It's going to be a little while though." We fish the broadcast and I turn towards her. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you." She smiles at me.

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