Hospital Continued

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"They both asleep?" I heard Aaron say. I open my eyes to see the crew walk in the room standing in a little circle. "Well good afternoon, sleepyhead." Aaron smiles a big holy smile. "Afternoon?" I look at the clock shocked, It was one o'clock in the afternoon. Man slept I so late, I get up to go to the bathroom and start my daily routine. I come out to see Zak still passed out asleep in the bed. I climb back into bed with him then look at the guys. "What time did you guys go to sleep?" "Zak went to sleep at two, I went to sleep at four." I tell them as I rub the tiredness from my face. "Gosh." Aaron chuckles. I lay my head on Zak's shoulder then he started twitching. "Harley." He mumbled. I look up at him to see his face all scrunched in pain. "I think he's having a nightmare." Aaron tells me. His heart monitor started beeping faster and faster. "Harley." Zak whined.

"Baby, I'm right here." I tell him softly. Zak sat up opening his eyes grunting in pain his eyes were wide while sweat formed on his brow. "Zachary?" I call him softly. He turns his head to look at me with tears in his eyes. "You died he rapped you then killed you." He tells me his dream. That night really took a toll on him. He holds me in his arms trying to shake off the dream. "I love you." "I love you too Zachary."

"Awww." Aaron coos. Zak snaps his head up looking at the guys shocked. He lets go of me and lays back down. He likes everyone to think he's a big tough hardass when in reality he's a big soft teddy bear. Although he only acts this way with me. "When did you guys get here?" he clears his throat "Ten minutes ago." Billy answers with a sneaky grin. "Oh." He mumbles nodding his head. "So you saw that?" "Saw what?" Jay shrugs his shoulders and turns the corners of his mouth down. "I didn't see anything." Billy joins in. "Same." Ashley joins in. We then look at Aaron. "Psh yeah, we saw bro, not gonna lie." He laughs a smokers laugh. Everyone was trying to hide their smile's from Zak.

"So... how are you feeling?" Billy asks still with a smirk changing the subject. "The same." He tells them. "Do you want me to call the nurse?" I ask him. "Not yet." He takes my hand "should we ask them now?" "Yes." I smile ear to ear becoming giddy.
"Aaron, will you be my best man?" Zak smiles at him.
"Of course! I'd be honored."
"Thanks, Aaron, guys I was wondering if you'd also be up there with me?" "of course." they all smile at him.

"Ashley, Diana, I was wondering if you will be my bridesmaids?"

"Of course!" they smile jumping up and down. I see everyone giggle at them. "I think they were way more excited than you guys." Zak laughs. The guys all look at each other than jump up and down squealing like girls. "Okay, that's enough of that." Billy smiles. "Harley, who else is going to be up there with you?" Aaron smiles asking me. "Hailey is my maid of honor and Veronqueie." I say. "What Nick is going?" Billy asked shocked, I'm sure if he had a drink he would have to spit it out. "Yeah, he's gonna be up there with us too." Zak tells them in a monotone voice. "Harley must have talked you into it." Billy smiles knowing all too well Zak wouldn't invite him. "she did," Zak sighs not too pleased. "So when is this wedding?" Aaron asks us. "Holloween." Zak and I smile. "Next year, groovy." Ashley smiles widely. "Yeah, we are waiting until she's twenty-one." Zak smiles. I know how important that is to him. "I understand that." Billy nods. "When do you get out again?"Aaron asks Zak. "You make it sound like I'm in prison." Zak laughs at him. "Sorry G." he laughs a big laugh. "Tomorrow." I answer the question for him. "Alright." "Love, help me up please." Zak asks me holding his hand up for me to take. We help him up walking him over to the bathroom. "He closes the door and does his thing. "Now you are the one who has to take care of him." Aaron smiles. "I don't mind, I owe it to him." I smile at him. I sure do after he stayed with me while I was in the hospital and taking care of me while I was in a wheelchair, this is nothing. Zak opens the door coming out holding his side in pain. "Calling the doctor would be helpful." I go over helping Zak get back in bed while Billy calls the nurse. "My ass is showing." Zak mumbles as he tries to close the back of his gown. I noticed he didn't pull his pants all the way up. I go behind him pulling his pants up and closing his gown. "Thanks love." "No problem baby, I got you." Zak then climbs ever so slowly back into the bed. I then get in bed with him wiping the sweat away from his forehead. I watch as the nurse comes in carrying her clipboard. "Good afternoon, how bad is it?" she asked. "Ten." Zak answers her with irritation in his voice. She goes over checking his vitals then gives him some pain killers in the IV. "That should do." She smiles. "How long until it starts working?" Zak asks impatiently.  "Ten minutes or so." She gives him a rough estimate shaking her head looking out into space as she thinks. "Can you put more in there?" Zak asks him wanting more pain killers. "I'm sorry, I can't." She denies his request. "Why not?" He became irritated. "Overdose." I answer his question. He shot me an evil glare as if I had betrayed him. "I don't care, I want this pain to be gone! I'm in agony!"  "Zak." I warn him giving him the eye. "I want to speak to the doctor. You clearly don't know what you are doing." He loses it. "Zachary Alexander!"  "She doesn't! I'm in a bunch of pain and she won't give me something for it." He raised his voice at me. I was taken back at how he was acting and how he was speaking to me. "She did, you have to be patient."

She placed the food on the counter then leaves. She probably didn't want to deal with his harassment. Zak keeps insisting that I be his nurse and check his vitals or give him the pain killers. It's hard to keep that man in line, I know where he's coming from but still. "Honey you don't know my pain." Zak tells me. "So you'd rather die than get married?" I ask him with my arms crossed. He sighs then looks down at the floor. "No." "Then be patient." I tell him. "Okay." "Thank you, now apologize to the nurse." I tell him. I like how he's listening to me and doing what I say, this is new and I like it. Now I know how Zak feels with me, well.. I never listen so I do see his point of view. "I'm sorry." He sighs not really meaning the apology. "It's fine." She sets the tray of food on Zak's little table. "Do you have any food for my fiancé?" He asks her. "No." "Zak, I'll eat in the cafeteria." I tell him then get up going to the door. "I don't want you to leave though." Zak tells me with his begging eyes. "Okay, I'll stay with you." I get back in bed with him. "We can get you guys some food if you want." Billy offers. "Will you?" Zak smiles getting his way. Aaron then butts in, "Yes, what do you want?" "Chick-fil-a." Zak answers. I get up looking around the room trying to find my wallet. "Harley?" Zak calls me. "What?" "What are you doing?"
"Trying to find my purse." I answer.
"It's in the car." Aaron tells me.
"No, I brought it in for her." Ashley picks up my purse from the floor behind her. I then grab my wallet and give them some money. "No, I got it." Aaron pushed away my hand. "No, you don't." I try giving it to him once more. "Harley, I want to pay for you. It's the least I can do." he gives me a warm smile. He really wants to help us out. "Babe let him." Zak tells me softly. "Okay." I put the money back and give him a big hug. "Thank you, A." I Barry my face in his chest. "My pleasure, sweetheart." I pull back and look up at him. "Now what do you guys want to eat?" He smiles. We tell him what we want while he writes it down. "Alright, be back in a jiffy." They leave the room. "Harley, please lay with me." Zak asks me. I get in bed cuddling up next to him. "can I tell you something?" Zak asks holding me closer. "Of course." I take his hand in mine. "You can tell me anything." I encourage him. I could tell he really hesitated to say what was on his mind. "Harley, I'm truly scared, I truly am. I feel like I'm gonna die. I'm lightheaded, faint, cold, weak, and in so much pain." His voice shakes as he is telling me this. "Zachary, you'll be okay. All of that is because you lost so much blood. You'll be okay, your vitals are good and your gonna make it." I kiss his hand. "Don't lie to me, my vitals are bad and you know it. I want the truth, Harley." I then get up looking at one of the machines "heart rate normal." I tell him. I then grab the blood pressure device placing it on his arm. I squeeze it until it got tight. "Normal." I read the device taking it off of him. I go to my purse and grab my light pen. "What are you doing with that?" He asks. "Check your eyes." I sit on his lap checking his eyes. "Look at my finger." I hold my finger up. He gives me a smirk then does so. I move my finger side to side then up and down. He's fine, I turn the light off then smile. "Perfect, you're good babe." I lean in and kiss him. I place my hand on the side of his face kissing his sweet lips. I can't help but kiss this man, he's the man of my dreams. I can hear the bells already. I can't contain my joy I've finally found the man of my dreams. He grabs my hips holding me close to him. Just hearing him breath sends my heart into a race. His hand goes to my back pulling me to him. He pulls back keeping his eyes closed placing his forehead on mine. "Harley...." He trails off looking up into my eyes. "Yes?" I breathe back. "I can't wait until you're my wife." He smiles. "I can't wait either." I smile back at him. I get off of him then sit next to him. "Soon." He holds my hand. He falls asleep waiting for the food. I notice a bulge in the sheets. I grab another pillow placing it on his lap. He opened his eyes looking at me then at the pillow. "Thanks." He says. "No problem." Soon the door opened and the crew came in. I could tell Zak was relieved I grabbed a pillow. "Okay lunch is served." Arron places the food on the table for Zak and me so we can eat. He pushed it over to me but wouldn't fit since the pillow was in the way. "Move the pillow." Arron tells him. "No." Zak holds it there. "Oh, OH." His eyes open wide as he realized what it's there for. "What were you two doing?" Billy asks with a smirk. "Nothing." Zak answers. "Yeah okay." He chuckles. "Dude, they haven't had sex yet, I thought we discussed this." Aaron says. I sigh holding my face embarrassed. "That's lame, Zak use to get ass..." Billy starts then gets hit by Ashley. "All the time." He mumbles real low. I look over at Zak who glared at Billy. "Sorry." Billy says. Zak and I dig into our food chilling with the guys and Zak occasionally losing his temper. I hope he gets over this soon. I hate to see him in pain. It breaks my heart to see him like this.

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