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I get into my bedroom and start undressing

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I get into my bedroom and start undressing. I put on an oversized t-shirt with short shorts. I finish turning around to see someone standing in my doorway. "Oh, God." I jump, placing my hand on my heart. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Miss Harley," Zak says softly as he continued to watch me. "It's fine, Zak. How long were you there?" I ask him softly. He gets a little smirk on his face then quickly wipes it off. "The whole time. I'm sorry, I should have left. I didn't know you were changing." He apologizes as he looks at the ground. He then bites his lip and looks up at me. "I came to tell you goodnight."  

"That's sweet. Goodnight, Zak ." I smile as I walk over to my door. I stand in front of him, staring up into his beautiful eyes. "You know you look beautiful without makeup." He whispers softly. I blush and look down at the ground. "Thank you." 

"Well, goodnight, sweetheart." He tells me, then walks away. I crack my door then climb into my bed. I pick up my book and start reading where I left off.
I read for two or three hours, wholly indulged in my book when I heard a knock on my door. I look up, "Come in." Zak then opens the door standing there awkwardly. "Hey, Harley." He says in a scratchy voice. He wore his thick black glasses, his nice black zip-up jacket, and ruffled hair. He hasn't changed his clothes or slept. Something is up. "Hey, Zak." I get out of bed and go over to him. I could tell he was upset and had something on his mind. "Can we talk?" He asks me softly. "Of course, Zak, go sit down."

He walks into my room as I shut the door so the rest of the crew couldn't hear our conversation. I turn around to see him sitting in my swivel chair by my desk. "Sit on the bed. Get comfortable." I tell him nicely as I sit back in my bed. He comes over, sitting next to me. "What's bothering you, Zachary?" I ask softly. He got a small smirk on his face. " I couldn't sleep; I'm too stressed out." He tells me as he fiddles with his hands. "What about?" I ask sincerely.    "About this girl." He starts. I nod my head and mumble. "Oh, I see, girl problems." He shakes his head as he fiddled with his hands. "Yeah, there is this girl I'm crazy about. Just everything about her drives me wild. She's the sweetest, most caring, loveable, happy, gorgeous, and the wisest girl I've ever met." He says to me as he gets a beautiful smile on his face just thinking about her. My heart sinks; it hurts to hear him in love with a girl. I should be happy for him. I've always liked Zachary. "Does she know this?" I ask him softly as I stare at the bedspread. "No, that's the problem." He talks with his hands. "I've flirted with her and dropped hints, but I don't know if she picked up on it or just doesn't like me. Plus, I can't just go up and tell her."   "Why is that?" I question. "Because we are close friends, and if she doesn't like me back, I'm scared of losing that tight bond we have ." He explains to me.   "I see, but there is also a chance she might feel the same way." I try to lift his spirits up. He then sighs. "I doubt it. You see, our age differences are pretty big -Twenty-one years difference- I don't know if she likes older men." He looks at me, studying my expression. I nod my head and think. "Is she legal?" I didn't bother to do the math in my head. "Yes, she's legal." He chuckles then continued."If she weren't, I'd wait for her."   "That's sweet." I smile at him. He really likes this girl. "I think you should tell her, Zachary. It sounds like you really love this girl."   "I do. I love her." He agrees with me and looks at me. "That's part of the reason I haven't told her because I don't want to lose her."

"How long have you loved her?" I ask curiously. He sighs."A year, I loved her since I met her." He continues to look at me."I'm sorry to bother you with this, but you always give me the best advice and make me feel better."  "You're not bothering me. I'm happy to help you." I smile truthfully at him.

"You seem upset."  "No, I'm not upset. I'm just thinking." I reassure him."I think you should tell her. Tell her how you feel. I think she might feel the same way." He then looks up at me with a smile. I love his smile; it's just so stunningly beautiful. "Really?"  "Yes, what else are you scared of ?"   "Well, I'm scared of what the guys will think about me dating an eighteen year old. I think I'm some creep or something. I'm old enough to be her father." He stresses out about this. this is a problem for him.  "Who cares what anyone thinks? It's your life, not theirs. They have no right to bad talk you or say anything negative about it." I get defensive."If they talk shit, I'll talk to them and put them back in their place. As long as she's legal, everything is fine. They have absolutely no say in who you should date or who your heart falls in love with."

"You're right." He nods his head in agreement. "What would you do if your closest guy friend was in love with you and you didn't feel the same way back?" He asks me. I sit and think, 'What would I do?' "Well, I'd simply tell him I don't feel the same way. Let him down easy, so I don't break his heart. I'd still be really close friends with him, though, and nothing would change there." I say truthfully. He nods and then speaks."That's good." He stares down at his hands. "What if you liked him back? What would you do?"  "Well, we'd probably start dating. If we both had feelings for each other, then it's probably a good idea." I smile. "That's good." he nods.

"You should tell her, Zachary. She needs to know." I encourage him.   "How should I tell her?" He asks me softly as he gets out of the bed and paces the floor. He was indeed stressed out about this.  "To her face, preferably. That's a lot braver and manlier. I want you to call her right now and tell her. Just call her up and tell her how you feel. Be like, hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but I need to tell you something. I really cared about you and was wondering if you feel the same about me." 

"That sounds good, or I could just say 'I love you'.'" He puts his head in a corner. I then speak up, "Well yeah. Whatever you think is best." There was then silence. "I hope she feels the same way about me." He breaks the silence as he turns towards me, staring at the floor.  "I'm sure she does. Any woman would be crazy not to like you. You're smart, funny, handsome, sweet, caring, and strong. You are the whole package, Zachary ." I try to lift his spirits. He then looks up at me slowly as my words sank in. (Like in the picture.) "Really?" He smiles at me happily. There's that beautiful smile of his. "Really." I return his smile."Even an eighteen-year-old will have enough brains to understand that." I smile at him.  "She doesn't act eighteen; She's an old soul." He smiles and sits down next to me. "Then she must be crazy if she doesn't have feelings for you then. Take out your phone and call her now." He takes out his phone and starts dialing, then holds it up to his ear, looking into my eyes. My phone then started to buzz and ring. "I'm so sorry," I whisper and see who was calling me. It was Zachary. I looked at him, confused. His face was straight, with no expression. "Are you going to answer that, Miss Harley?" He asks me.


"Can we talk?" He asks me softly. I stare into his eyes and reply."Yeah."    "I'm sorry to bother you this late, but I need to tell you something."    "It's okay."  I continue to look into his deep eyes.  "I love you, Harley." He tells me. I look at him, shocked as it sank in. He loves me; I'm the girl he is in love with. I try not to cry as it sank in. "I love you, Zachary," I say as a tear rolls down my face. He wipes my tear and looks me deeply in the eyes then at my lips. He hangs up his phone and leans in. I close my eyes and lean in too. I felt his soft lips brush against mine. My heart was racing as my head was spinning. Our lips shaped themselves around each other's lips. His warm breath on my skin felt so right. We pull back, and I open my eyes. He had a small grin on his face, pleased. I rest my head on his strong shoulder and take his hand. "Thank you for the advice, Miss Harley."  "Anytime, Zachary." I smile up at him. He kisses my forehead. "I hate when people call me Zachary, but I just love it when you call me that." He tells me with a smile in his voice. I chuckle. "Good, cause I like calling you Zachary." I yawn tiredly.  "Go to sleep, baby girl."   "Will you stay with me tonight?" I yawn once more.   "Will you date me?" He asks me in return.   I smile, "Yes."   "Then, of course." He smiles back. I turn the light off and crawl back into bed with Zak. He took his glasses and jacket off. He got into bed when I feel Zachary hold me close. "Goodnight, baby girl." He whispers

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