With You Gone

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I wake up feeling sore in my chest. My heart hurts. I can't take this, My heart cant take this. It's been three weeks now. He's showed up here a few times wanting me to forgive him. I will never forgive him for what he has done to me. I get up and go to the bathroom not even putting my makeup on. I get downstairs and sit on the couch. I heard the doorbell ring. Great! It's probably Zak. "Hey Harley you home?" I heard Aaron call from the front door. I get up and unlock it. "Hey girlie." he comes in. He hands me my favorite coffee and walks to the living room. "So how have you been holding up?" "Not good. I woke up with pains in my chest again. If it keeps up I'm going to the doctor." I tell him as i sip my drink. "That's not good. Have you been eating fried foods?" "No, I haven't eaten anything." I look down at the ground. "Harley, you need to take care of yourself. Youre going to end up in the hospital again." "It wouldn't matter if i did anyways." "What do you mean?" "I belong in the hospital." i sigh. "Why would you say something like that?" "I'm just a stupid selfish hoe. I belong back with my parents." "Harley, don't think like that. We love you. All the fans love you. Please don't hurt yourself or end back up in the hospital." "I wasn't going to hurt myself. Aaron do you think i'm a self, spoiled , ugly brat?" "I don't think that at all. I think you are the toughest, most caring, beautiful, strong, and the stubbornest person I know." he smiles at me. "Thanks." I smile at him. "I'm sorry i got in the way of the investigations. I should have never joined." "Harley, i'm glad you did. We all are. You belong in the team. All the fans miss you. Personally, i miss you." he tells me as he sits closer to me. "Thanks Aaron. You always know how to make me feel better." "Any time. So what are you going to do today?" he smiles. "Sleep." "You've been sleeping for weeks now." He tells me. "It helps me. Helps take my mind off of things." "You haven't checked your phone. I've been trying to reach you for a couple of days now." "Sorry, i thought you were him." I say leaving his name out. "You haven't blocked him?" he asks me shocked. "No, i haven't figured out how. I Just dont go on my phone." "I see."he nods his head. we sit in silence then he speaks softly to me. "Do you miss him?" "More than anything. He was my happy. I just don't know. He hurt me pretty bad. He told me he never loved me. was our love just a lie? I mean we were going to get married." I try not to cry. My chest began to hurt thinking about him. I feel so empty and feel like something is missing. I'm worthless with him gone. I began to cry. "It was all a lie." I hold my face in my hands. "Awe Harley, your love wasn't a lie. If it was then he wouldn't have done all the stuff for you. If he didn't really love you then he wouldn't have stayed day in and day out by your side when you were in a coma. He wouldn't have taken care of you when you couldn't walk." "Youre right." I wipe my tears. "Then why did he tell me he never loved me? Or call me all of those things and try to hit me?" I continue to cry. "He was mad. Haven't you noticed that he has quite a temper? He said all of that because he knew it would hurt you. Honestly he was a dumbass. If he really tried to hit you then i'm going to talk to him." "Don't talk to him. I want nothing to do with him anymore." "Harley, just think about it. He misses you so bad. He's a wreck. I've never seen him look so bad. He cancelled two investigations." he tells me. "And what am i suppose to do about that Aaron? I want nothing to do with that man!" "Harley I know your hurt but give him another chance. He loves you so much." "Aaron I don't want to go back. I always end up here. I think it's time I stay here." "If you say so. Are you ever going to come back on investigations?" "No, that means I have to see him." "I see." He nods his head. "Harley, you two need each other. I'm not here to tell you what to do with your life I'm just telling you what I see. I see yo broken people who aren't taking care of themselves. Your about to end up in the hospital and Zak god. He's going to end up dead." "Why?" "He's not eating, sleeping, showering, and he's been so stressed. I'm scared for him Harley." "I see. He'll get over it I'm sure. He has girls falling down at his feet." "He doesn't want them. He wants you. You don't know the pain of seeing a grown man cry. I go over there and see him crying all the time. He called me when you first left. I've been over there everyday since then." "I wish that stupid party never happened." "So does he." "Take him back Harley. Get married and have kids. Choose your happiness." He gets up. "I don't want anything to do with him. I'm happy here Aaron." "You look so happy. Not eating having small heart attacks. Not taking care of yourself." "I'll get better. I don't need him. I'll find someone else. That or I'll just live here by myself." "Yeah die alone instead of being with the man you love good choice."he rolls his eyes. "I'm happy here." "Keep telling yourself that. Until you realize that you need him. Your going to stay miserable. I need to go check on Zak." "Don't tell him you were here." "Okay, Harley take care of yourself. Please don't end up in the hospital." "I'll try." He then gets up and leaves. I lay on the couch and look at the picture of me and Zak hanging on the wall. I'm sorry.

**Zak's pov ***

My baby girl! I need my baby girl! I want her back. I need her home. I look at the photo album she gave me for my birthday. My sweet girl. I felt the warm tears run down my face. She's gone! I feel like she's died. I need her back. I can't go on like this. She was going to be my wife. "Harley." I cry. "Please come home. I'm sorry." I sob on the floor. She made me into a better man. She was my joy. She made me keep fighting when I was struggling. I need her. "Harley." I weep. I heard the front door open and someone enter. "G? Where are you?" Aaron asks me. I dont answer him. "Awe g." He says from behind me. "Did you see her? Is she okay?" I sit up and ask. "Yeah I saw her." He sighs and sits on the bed. I sit up and look at him. "Is she okay?" "Not really. She's doing terrible. She's having chest pains again. I'm scared she might have a heart attack again." "My poor baby." I hold my face in my hands. She's going to end up dead all because of me. "I recorded the whole conversation we had if you want to hear it. Warning it's not a good one." "I want to hear her voice." I tell him. He then pulls out his phone and plays it. "Hey girlie." Aaron greets her. I listen to how bad she was doing and how she misses me. She misses me? "I don't want anything to do with him Aaron. I'm happy here." She tells him. My heart just sank. She doesn't want me? "She doesn't want me back?" I cry on the floor. My baby girl! My stubborn angel. "G, come on. She doesn't know what she wants. She misses you terriably yet she's angry." He tells me. "It feels like she's dead Aaron." "I know G." He sighs. "G let's get you something to eat." He walks out of the room. I lay back on the floor. "G." Arron calls me. "Come here." He tells me. I don't want to go. He then comes back in the room. "Harley ate today. So you should eat as well." "She ate?" "Yeah, I bought her a coffee." "Her chocolate chip frappe?" "Yes."he answers me. "Eat for her. She'll want you to." "For her." I get up and go to the fridge. I make a smoothie and sit down. I take deep breaths trying to calm down. I look over at the Christmas tree and all the presents we have under there. I was going to take her to New York and propose under all the lights and the big Christmas tree. "You should see her for Christmas." Aaron tells me. "She doesn't want to see me." I sigh. "Yes she does." "Every Time I go over there she locks all the doors and hides." "Well that's a new one. Zak she is having enteral conflict. She doesn't know what she wants. She still loves you." "You think so?" I smile at him. "I know so. Christmas take the dog and the presents and go see her." "Yeah,I'll do that." I smile at him. "Christmas is the season for forgiveness. Just give her a little space. She's still really hurt. She believed all the things you told her." "I was a real jackass." I sigh and hold my head. "Yeah and you almost hit her?" "Yeah, she pushed me then i almost slapped her. I controled myself though." I say upset. "G." Aaron sighs. I then heard his phone buzz. He takes it out and looks at it. "It's Harley."he says shocked. "What did she say??"I get too excited. "Is he okay?" "What are you going to say?" "Not really. He ate though." He says as he types. "Okay, tell her I miss her." "He misses you terribly." He reads again. "Okay." He reads the message she sent. "She hates me." I hold my face. "He says he's so very sorry for what he did and said. He wants to put that in the past and show you the world and love you right." He reads as he texts her. "Yeah." I smile. "I don't know." "You could go to Italy." He bribes her. "I don't want to go anywhere with him." She texts back. I look down at the ground heartbroken. "G, she's just mad." "She hates me." "I don't know. She's just broken. You were all she had left. Now she's alone in that damn house. She has nothing Zak. I'd be angry too." "I know." I hold my face. Aaron takes care of me and tries to get me to take better care of myself. He then leaves. It was now dark outside. Gracie then started crying for Harley. She's done this every night since she left. "Come here baby." I tell her softly. She comes over to me still whining. She lays on my lap and I pet her trying to comfort her. We soon fall asleep on the couch.

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