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"Wake up, wake up." Zak shakes excitedly. I open my eyes and look at him startled. "What time is it?" I mumble Still groggy. "Seven, today is the day." He smiles ear to ear.  I cover my face with my hands trying to go back to sleep. "Five more minutes."  "No, now! You have to get ready. We interview and film today."  "Baby, please let me sleep." I whine.  "Harley Ann, come on please."  "Fine." I sigh then get up.  "I have your clothes laid out for you." He smiles. I get up and go to the bathroom then put on my clothes I bought yesterday. A white sweater, long green under shirt, black jeans, white beany hat, black scarf and warm black boots. I put on my makeup then go over to him. "Perfect, now lets go have breakfast."   "Where's my phone?" I ask him as I search for it. I'm positive I left it here on the charger. "I have it don't worry." He holds the door open for me. I step out into the hall way and wait for him. We go down to the lobby. "Are the guys coming with us?"  "Nope, just you and me." He smiles widely.  We get in the car placing our buckles on. "Where to?" He asks me.  "I need a coffee. Do they have a Starbucks?"  "Yes."  "We can go to Starbucks then we can get you some real food." I tell him. Zak doesn't drink coffee. He's weird like that. I don't know how he does it. I live on coffee , I can't function unless I have my morning coffee. Zak is well aware of that too. "No, I'm not hungry, I just want a smoothie." He smiles as he continues to drive with one hand. "Alright." We then find a Starbucks at the end of the block. It's chilly and I didn't pack any gloves. We get out and I take Zak's hand. "Your hands are freezing. I think you should get a warm coffee today sweetie."   "Okay." I agree with him. It was finally our turn to order. "I would like a white chocolate mocha with a chocolate chip muffin." I tell the lady behind the counter. "Alright what's the name?"  "Harley." I tell her as she writes It down on my cup. "I would like a wild berry smooth with three brownies." Zak orders. Three brownies? What is he doing with three brownies? "And your name?"  "Zak, Z. A .K ." He spells it out for her. "Would you like your brownies warmed up?"  "No thanks." She then handed him the bag of brownies and my muffin. I pay for it the next go to the table.  "Why did you get three brownies?" I Ask him.  "For you later."  "Really?" I smile at him.  "Yes."  "Zak." The lady calls him for his drink. Zak gets his drink then waits at the counter for my drink. I nibble on my muffin as I wait for him. "For you." He smiles as he hands me my drink.  "Thank you." I smile up at the beautiful man. He then sits down across from me. "One day I'm going to make you my wife." He tells me.  "One day." I smile the next take a sip of my drink.  "When I get on one knee know that this time it is real. I'm not going to choke up. I love you so much and I want this for us."  "I want that too Zak. Okay, I'll keep that in mind." I eat my muffin.  "I think we should still get married when your twenty-one though. We could have Champaign at our wedding then on our honeymoon we can drink."  He tells me. He really wants that. I might as well agree. "Okay we can wait. It gives us more time to plan." I agree to him.

"Really? You'd wait for me?" He asks me shocked, knowing my previous opinion on the subject. "Yes, id wait." I smile back at him.   "Thank you baby. You know what?"  He smiles a beautiful white smile. He's so handsome. "What?"  "I think we should get married on Halloween. I love the day of our anniversary."  "Me too, but think of the kids that come to our wedding they'll be missing out."  "It's one day. We can have a candy table for them. Plus I think us getting married is more important then them dressing up."  He tells me.  "True."  

"You know what?"


"I think our break up turned you back into the sweet little girl I once knew." He smiles a sexy smile at me. "Yeah, I've changed. You have also changed for the better."  "Think we realized we need each other and to treat each other with respect." He tells me. "I agree." I had a bite left of my muffin. "Here you didn't get a bite yet." I slide it to him. "You can have it sweetie." He slides it back to me. I eat it then drink my coffee. "So glad I listened to you."  I tell him. "You warming up?"  "Yes." I sip more.  "Good, well we better get to the prison. The interview starts soon." He stands up. I grab my coffee and follow him out the door. We get in the car starting the heat immediately. Zak gets out his phone putting the address in. "Do you have my phone?"  "Its at the hotel,  sorry love."  "Do we have time to go get it?" I ask softly.  "No, we are late."  He tells me then starts to drive. "Oh okay, can I play on your phone when we get there?" I ask him as I watch him drive. "No, I'm keeping it with me today."  "Oh, okay."

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