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Today the doctor is going to see if Harley is ready to go home. I am so ready to Be out of this hospital. I've spent two months here and I'm ready to go home with my baby girl. "Zzzachary." She calls me. She has trouble saying my name the most. "What is it love?" "Can can you itch my leg?" "Which one?" "Left." She answers. I scratched it for her then sat back down. "We are starting all over again baby. You don't need to get mad at yourself. You'll be back to normal in no time." I tell her softly. "Iii don't don't think I can." "You can,just don't get mad at yourself." "Okay." She nods. The doctor comes in and sees her. He checks her out and writes on his paper. "Looks like someone can go home." He smiles at her. "Yay!!" She smiles so happy. "So you can set up therapy and we got her a wheelchair do you need crutches?" "We have some." I answer him. "Alright, we are prescribing her some pills for her heart. She will take it everyday. Her heart is not healthy enough for sex yet." He tells me. I look over at her to make sure she heard it. "You hear that?" "Nnnot like like we were anyways." She crosses her arms. "We aren't married." "Okay," she huffs. The doctor takes her off all the machines including her heart monitor. I'm going to miss hearing that thing beep when I kiss her. She was all good and I helped her into her wheel chair. "Let's let's roll." She stutters as she points to the door. I chuckle and push her out of the room to the nurses at the desk. "I'm checking Harley out." I tell them. "Oh my god!" She smiles as she looks at Harley. "I am so happy I got to see this day." She tells us. I get her all checked and and set up for therapy. "Take care now." She waved to us. "You too." I wave back. I get Harley out to the parking lot and put her in my car. I'm so glad Billy drove it over here for me. Harley stared at her legs as we drove. She would move them only a little bit. "What are you doing?" I ask her softly. "Trying to move my legs." "Baby,you will. Just rest." "I've been resting for two months! I want to go run and play soccer." She tells me upset. Soccer. "I guess I'm off the team now." She looks down at the floor. "I was going to tell you later but they replaced you. They needed an extra player so they took a girl who just moved here." I explain to her softly. "I can't believe they did that to me." She holds her face in her hands. She's no longer a soccer player. They kicked her out. "How do you feel about that?" I asks her kindly. "I'm fine." She sighs upset. "Don't lie to me. Soccer is your life." "I'm fine! I'm no any use to them. I can't even walk!!" She hits the dash board with her hands. I knew she wouldn't take it very well. Soccer to her is like ghost hunting to me. "I CANT CANT DO ANYTHING!! IM IN A DAMN DAMN WHEELCHAIR AND HAVE TO BBBE TAKEN CARE OF LIKE A BBBABY!! IM JUST DANDY!!" I let her blow up. She is not going to take this well. I knew she wouldn't. She didn't last time this happened. "Harley." I start. "What what about college?" She asks me. "They failed you. They said when you are better you can retake the class." "I hate tttthis." She looks out the window. "Baby, things will get better." "Nnnnot fast eenough." "Be patient, just beq glad you have a second chance." "You're right." She leans back in the seat. "Do you want me to get you a care taker again?" I ask her kindly. "No." she seems to says one worded answers just fine. "Why not?" "Ttthat will make me feel bad." "Okay, I won't." I pull into our driveway. "Welcome home baby." I smile at her and get out of the car. I get her wheelchair out and go over to her. She had the door opened and was trying to move her legs. She gets mad and just picks them up and sets them out the door. I pick her up and set her In the chair. She is so light now. I close the door and wheel her inside. "SUPRISE!" Everyone pops up and says. Probably not the best idea after she had a heart attack. Harley smiles ear to ear seeing everyone. Gracie comes over and jumps up on Harley's lap. She was so happy to see Harley. She held Gracie close and spoke to her in Spanish. "Hi baby." She smiles holds her in her lap. I look to see Hailey and Harley's grandma where here. "Where do you want to go?" I ask her. "Hailey." She tells me. I wheel her to Hailey and her grandma. "Hey Bae,how do you feel?" Hailey asks her. "Bbbetter." Harley stutters. Hailey noticed and looked up at me. I shake my head to her not to say anything. "You sure?" "Iiimmm surrre." She smiles and looks at the ground. "Just tttell me when you neeed anything." She plays with Harley. "Yyyyour an asss." Harley laughs. I look at Hailey upset. Why did she do that to her? Harley hates that she stutters now. Her grandmother comes over hugging and kissing her. "My precious baby." She holds her tightly. "Careful." I tell her. "Zak she'll be fine." Her grandmother tells me. "I'm just so happy my grand baby is okay." She wipes her eyes. They stay and visit with us for awhile. I watch as Harley tries to wheel herself away. "Baby,where are you trying to go?" I ask her as I get up. "Bano." She tells me. What? Oh bathroom. I go to wheel her away when the girls came over to help. "We've got this one." Hailey tells me and rolls Harley to the bathroom. Can they lift her? They are going to drop her. I follow them and they shut the door in my face. "G come sit down they got her." Aaron tells me. I sit on the couch getting antsy. They are taking a long time what's taking so long? "Are you going to propose to her soon?" Billy asks me. "Not yet." "When?" "Not for awhile. When she's walking agin." I say as I watch the door. Hailey comes out and shuts the door. "Is she okay?" I ask her as I get up and walk over to her. "Yeah,calm your tits." She tells me. "Where is her clothes?" "Our bedroom." I walk in and show her our closet. She grabs her a button up shirt and new pants. "Underwear?" I then show her the drawer. Star picks out a nice pair for her. "How's the sex?" She asks me. "We don't have sex." I cross my arms. "That's shocking. She not good enough for you?" "That's not the case at all. I want our honeymoon to be special." "If you say so." She walks out. Why is she asking about our sex life? Harley must have put her up to it. I walk out to the couch and sit down. I wonder what they are doing in there. I heard the water run. Oh they are giving her a shower. They come out and sit next to me. "She's taking a shower so don't freak out." Hailey tells me. I visit and joke with Aaron for twenty minutes. I start to get nervous. I knock on the bathroom door. "Baby you okay?" "Yes." She answers me. The water turned off. "Do you need help?" I ask her. "Can you get Hailey and and grandma !" "Girls? Harley wants you." I tell them and sit on the couch. They get up and rush into the bathroom. I look over at the stairs. How am I going to get her to bed? I can't wheel her up the stairs. I'll just carry her. She's not that heavy. Harley finally comes out and rolls over to me. "All better?" I ask her. "Much." She smiles at me. She looks much better . All cleaned up with makeup on, new fresh clothes. She looks alive and happy. Everyone soon left us alone. I clean up as Harley sits in the living room. I heard a thud in the living room. "What was that?" I ask her as I race into the room. I look to see her on the floor. "Baby are you okay? What happened?" I try to help her up but she held her hand up to me. "Let me do it." She tries to pull her self onto the couch. I watch her struggle to pull herself Up. She gave up and laid on the floor. I pick her up and put her on the couch. "Harley,listen to me. Call me when you need help. I do not want you to feel embarrassed to ask me. That's what I'm here for. I'm going to help you the best I can. We are in this together okay." "For better or for worse." She smiles at me. She didn't stutter this time. It made me so happy. "That's right." I smile at her. I kiss her cheek and then go clean up the kitchen. I finish and come back to see Harley laying with Gracie. They are so perfect together. Gracie really loves Harley. Harley just adores Gracie. My family back together again. I sit next to Harley and wrap my arm around her. "I love you." I tell her from the bottom of my heart. "I love you." She beams up at me. I lean down and kiss her gently. Her heart monitor would be going crazy. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me ontop of her. "Harley." I breath. She holds my face in her small hands kissing me harder. I love this woman! Gracie moved out of the way as I laid ontop of her. Harley moved her hands to my back holding me down. I can't do this to her. I get up off of her. "I'm going to take a shower." I tell her. "Figureddd." She sighs. "Figured what?" I ask her. "You alllways run aaway." "In not running away. I just need a shower. I can stay out here with you if you want." "Just go." She sighs down. She is really hurt by me not going far with her. Must be all those hormones of hers. One day babe. You'll be sick of me touching you. I kiss her forehead and stand up. "Trust me I liked it." I tell her to make her smile. She looks up at me and smiles widely. "Really?" "Really,now try to get some rest. I'll be back." I tell her and put the blanket over her. She lays down and closes her eyes. I go upstairs into the bathroom and take my shirt off and my pants. I heard a thud down stairs. What is she doing now? I walk downstairs to see her army crawling on the ground. My poor baby. "Harley?" I sigh. She looks up at me shocked then gets a smirk on her face. "I lllike your new loook." She winks at me. I shake my head at her. That girl. "What are you doing?" I sigh and step behind the counter. "Playing with Gracie." She lies to me. "Gracie is laying down over there." I tell her. "Gracie you left me." She says upset. "What do you need?" I sigh and pick her up. She was about to say something then stopped. She was going to say something dirty I know it. I set her back on the couch and get her some food and a drink. I hand them to her and go back upstairs. I wait at the top to see if she was going to do anything. She looked up at me and smiled. She then waved at me and winked. She's trying to get rid of me. She wants me to go upstairs and take my shower. I walk into the bathroom and let it slide. She's a tough girl she can handle what ever she's up to. What if she chokes again or gets hurt. She can't walk she has to drag herself around. I take my shower and and try to calm down. I heard Gracie growling downstairs. That's not good. I get out with my towel wrapped around me and go to the top of the stairs. "Shh." She tells Gracie who was pulling her on a blanket. "Daddy's going going to hear you." She whispers to Gracie. I watched as she went into the kitchen and pulled herself up to the fridge. What is she doing. "Do you tthink he'll wwwant ham?" She says to Gracie. Gracie kept pulling Harley on the blanket. "No, I'm hhhere now." See whispers. Aww she's trying to make me something to eat. I smile and go back to my shower. I clean myself up and get out. I wrap the towel around me and go to the bedroom and get fresh clothes. I look down the stairs to see Harley making me a sandwich on the floor. She's so cute. I watched as Harley goes to the fridge and tries to stand up. Oh no. I rush down the stairs and go into the kitchen. I catch Harley as she falls. "Harley!" I get mad at her. She could have gotten hurt. I carry her to the couch and set her down. "It's nnnot fair!" She gets mad at me. "Just sit on the couch. You're going to end up in the hospital again." "I can't walk!! I can't take this!!" "Just calm down. Your going to have a heart attack again." "Zzzzak it's not fair. Iiii can't mmmove my legs." She cries. I sit next to her and hold her in my arms as she cries into my bare chest. "I know, I know." I rub her back. "I'm helpless." She tells me. "That's what I'm here for baby. For better or for worse. I'll help you through this." I tell her. She stopped crying and just laid on my chest. "Can I go get dressed now baby?" "No." she mumbled softly. "Why not?" I smile at her. "Iii like it." "Okay." I smile at her and let her rest. I wait until she fell asleep to get dressed. I carried her upstairs with me and set her on the bed. I tuck her in and get clothed. Gracie jumped up in bed with Harley. I smiled and let it slide. My two girls. I get into bed with them and sleep.

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