The End Of Us

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Zak and I have been home for about a week now. Our vacation had been nothing but pure bliss. I'm sad it's over. "Harley?" Zak calls me as he walks in the my front door. "I'm in here." I call to him from the kitchen. "Hello beautiful, how have you been?" He asks me as he wraps me in a big warm hug. I smile and continue making myself a sandwich. I felt him kiss my neck with his facial hair tickling me. "I've been thinking." he starts and places his chin on shoulder. "I want you to move back in with me." I freeze as I hear him say this. "What do you think?" "I think it's a wonderful idea." I smile widely. "That makes me so happy to hear that." he hugs me even tighter. "Of course we have to come up with a reason to tell the guys why you are moving back in with me." "Why can't we just tell them the truth?" I ask him. Zak sighs and lets go then leans against the counter. "I'm not ready yet. What if the guys reject me? To them your my daughter." "They seemed all to excited to me. Remember when they were asking. They couldn't seem any more thrilled." "I'm scarred." he admits to me. "Zachary, they are your friends. They will be happy for us." "Later on down the road. What if we break up and then what am I going to do about them?" "You plan on breaking up with me anytime soon?" I hand him my sandwich. He tilts his head to the side and looks at me. "No, but your temper you might." "I don't have a temper." "Oh really? How many people have you gotten into fights with?" "That's different." I say in my defense. "Whatever." He takes a bite of the sandwich. I start making myself one. "We should start packing now." He says with a mouthful. "Now?" I smile at him as I put avocado on the bread. "Yes!" He smiles too excited. "What am I suppose to do about my food?" "Bring it with us. I needed more food anyways." He finished his sandwich. "Oh I see, you just want all of my food." "That's it exactly!" He jokes with me. I finish making my sandwich and sit down and eat it. "I'm so happy you agreed." He sits down next to me and watches me. "Of course." I smile at him. "You make me so happy." He tells me and takes my plate after I finish. I go upstairs with Zak following me. "Wait I brought boxes." He raced down the stairs and out the front door. I sit on the bed waiting for him. He comes up with a few boxes. He places them on the floor and went to my closet and took all my clothes out leaving them on the hanger. "Start on your drawers." I get up and grab a box and clean out my drawers. Zak goes out with all my clothes in his strong arms. We pack all day and finally finish up. I grab a family photo and get in the car. "You ready to go home?" He smiles at me. He was truly excited that I was moving back in with him. I know I really hurt him when I moved out. We make it to the house and unpack the car. I start with the food as Zak started on my clothes. We finished then sat down on the couch. "I'm so happy your home. Please don't leave again." He wraps me in a big hug. "I won't Zak." I hold him close to me. "I came up with a reason." He mumbled softly. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, you were scared because of the spirits still there." "Or I'm dating you and it's something serious so I moved back in." "I like mine better." "Of course you do." I sigh.

It's been a month since I've moved in. It's simply wonderful.Zak went on his investigation Wednesday, leaving me all alone in the cold empty house. He should be home soon. I fix him some Italian chicken waiting for his arrival. I heard the garage door open and him coming in. "Honey, I'm home." He says loudly. I felt arms wrap around me and a chin rest on my shoulder. "Man, I've missed you." He kisses my cheek. "I've missed you too Zachary." I place the chicken on the table. "I've got you something." He pulls me to the garage. We enter the garage to see it normal. What is he doing? He pulls me to the car and hands me a sparkly collar. "what's this for?" I ask him confused. Why is he handing me a collar? "Wait here." he tells me then goes inside. What in the world is that man up to? He finally comes back out to me smiling ear to ear. "So how do you like it?" he smiles at me and puts his hands on my waist. "Well its pretty." I say to him. He leans down to me and kisses me. I kiss him back throwing my arms around his neck. I've missed him so much. He pulls back and leads me to the house. I go back to the kitchen to see something moving in there. I look to see a dog with a green bow on their head, putting their paws on the counter smiling at me. It was the most beautiful white dog with black spots and a black eye."Surprise!!" Zak smiles at me. "A puppy!!!" I smile so happy and run to the dog. The dog jumped up and down and kissed me all over my face. I laugh and giggle. "Hi baby." I pet her. "What's her name?" "Gracie." He smiles at me. "My Gracie." I sit on the ground and pet her, she jumps up on me excitedly . "Hi Gracie." I smile at her. I stand up and hug Zak. "Thank you." I kiss his cheek. "Youre welcome." he smiles at me lovingly. I'm so happy I have a puppy. "Now let's eat." Zak rubs his hands together. He sits down at the table and waits for me. I place the rest of the food on the table and sit next to him. "Looks so good." he starts to dig in. I let him grab his food then grab mine. We eat dinner as Gracie sat on the floor watching us. "I'm just so happy right now." I tell Zak. He looks up and me and smirks. "I knew you would. They ran out of pugs I was about to leave then I saw Gracie and I knew you would love her." "I do. I love her." I get up and go to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" he asks me as I mess in the kitchen. "Gracie needs to eat too." I smile at him and grab some ham and mash potatoes for her. "She has dog food in the car." he tells me. "Nah, dog food is boring. She needs real food not kibble." I place the plate on the floor for her. "Harley, that's what dogs eat." "Not anymore." I sit back down at the table. "You're going to spoil her aren't you?" "Of course." I smile then eat my chicken. She's my little girl I'm going to spoil her all the way. "Mother hen is coming out." Zak chuckles at me. "You know it." we finish dinner and clean up the table. I give Gracie the rest of my scraps while Zak was cleaning off his plate. I love my family. We finish and i change into my bathing suit and go out to the pool for a night swim. Gracie swims in the pool with me. "Isn't that cute." Zak says as he sits on the chair and watches us. "Zachary, you should join us." "I'm to tired to swim right now baby." he gets out his phone and plays on it. Gracie and I play fetch in the pool. "My two girls playing together." Zak says to his phone as he videos us. I get out and so does Gracie. I wrap myself in a towel and sit next to Zak. "Thank you Zachary." I smile at him again. I'm so thankful and happy he bought me a dog. "Your welcome." he says as he goes on Snapchat again. "So the guys and I are going out to eat tomorrow night,at the Wild Horse saloon, would you like to go?" "I'd love to." I smile at him. "Alright, and please don't make it obvious about us." "Fine." I sigh. Zak and I go to bed. I bring Gracie in and put her up on the bed so she can sleep with me. "No, i brought her a bed." he places the bed in the corner. "Sorry Gracie, Daddy says no." I whisper to her and put her down on the floor.

Tonight we are going out to eat with all the guys

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Tonight we are going out to eat with all the guys. I put on my cowgirl boots, cute country shirt, with sparkled bootcut jeans. Zak had his black boots on and black button up shirt with jeans. God, I love that man in jeans. I smile to myself and pass him. I felt myself getting pulled back and twirled around. "Where are you going cowgirl?" he breaths softly as he stares into my eyes. He leans down and steals a kiss. We then walk out and see Gracie sleeping. "Bye Gracie, behave." I tell her as we walk out the door. Zak and I finally get to the restaurant and see the guys waiting for us. They picked a table by the dance floor and the stage. This place is amazing. Lights everywhere, a big stage in front of the dance floor. Fake Horses hung from the ceiling. We sit down joining the guys. "This was supposed to be a meeting Zak." Aaron comments on me being here. "I can leave." I tell him Before I sit down. "I'm just messing with you." He smiles at me. I sit down as Zak sits next to me. I watch the people on the dance floor dancing and laughing. I want to dance with them. The waitress comes over and takes our drink orders and brings appetizers. I eat the mozzarella sticks as I continue to watch them dance. The lady comes back and takes our orders. I order a burger while most of the guys do as well. "Zak do you wanna dance with me?" I ask him interrupting his conversation. "Not really." he tells me a bit upset that I interrupted. "Aaron will you dance with me?" "Sorry girl not right now." he apologizes to me. I sigh a bit upset. I watch the people on the dance floor have a great time. "Fine, I'll dance by myself." I get up and go to the dance floor and line dance with the crowd. I look back to see the guys still talking and watching me. A slow song comes on and I put my hands up like I'm dancing with an invisible person. I dance by myself with my eyes closed. I felt someone start dancing with me. I open my eyes and see a very handsome boy dancing with me. He had a strong jaw bone, blue eyes, soft white skin, that go along with handsome features. "Can't let a beautiful woman like you to dance all by yourself." he smiles at me. "That's very sweet." I smile up at him. "I'm Matt." he smiles. "I'm Harley." I smiled at him. "That's a very beautiful name." he smiles at me. We slow dance to serveral songs. "Can I cut in?" I heard Zak say. I look up to see him pissed. "Of course." Matt lets go of me and walks away. Zak then holds onto me and starts to dance with me. "How dare you dance with another man. I'm so disappointed with you." he tells me harshly he was pissed. "He danced with me." "You knew what you were doing! How would you like it if I was dancing with another woman!?!" He tells me. "I'm sorry." "No your not! I wish I never brought you. It was a mistake to even bring you here." He tells me harshly as he loses his temper. "Can't you just behave and listen for once." "I guess not." I sigh and look down at the ground. "I can't believe you. You cheated on me Harley." "No I didn't." "Really!! That's your problem!!" "Of course it is! You know what your problem is?!? You hide me away from everyone scared of what others will think of you dating an eighteen year old! You are putting me through a lot hiding me away and keeping me in that cold lonely house." "That's why I got you a damn dog so you wouldn't be lonely!" "Do you know what I want?!! I want you to tell everyone about us!" "I'm not doing that!" "Then you won't have me then!" "Would you knock it off!! You're talking nonsense." "You are nonsense!! This relationship is nonsense!!" "Fine!! I don't need you anyways!!" He let's go and sits at the table. I stand there shocked and upset. That's it we are over. I grab my food and say bye to the guys. "Where are you going?" Aaron asks me. "I'm going to my home." I say and grab my purse. Zak didn't even bother to look at me. "How are you getting home?" Jay asks me. "I'm taking a cab." I say to him. "What happened? What's wrong?" Aaron asks as he looked at me then at Zak. "I've changed my mind. I'm going to let you guys have a guys night. Gracie needs to be feed anyways." I walk out and call a cab. They drive me to Zak's house. I pay and get out. I go in to see Gracie waiting for me. "Hi Gracie, we are going to a new home." I pack all of her stuff in my car and grab my things. I drive away to our new destination.

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