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We arrived home carrying the groceries inside

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We arrived home carrying the groceries inside. "Hello, you two." Arron leans against the door smiling at us. "Hello, Aaron." I smile up at him. "Where have you two been all day?" He asks as he raises his eyebrows up and down. "We went out to breakfast then shopping." Zak tells him as we put the food away. "On a date?" He nudges Zak playfully. "Get some." He smiles widely. I love Aaron, He's just so happy and positive. He's such a goofball. We are really close. "No, it wasn't a date." Zak lies casually. There goes my heart dropping into my chest. I really wish it wasn't a secret. "It better not have been a date." Nick pipes up. "Why not? I think they'd be cute together. Look how close they are." Billy chimes in. "Same." Jay says. "The age difference is too big! He could be her father!" Nick argues. "True." Billy agrees with him. "Age doesn't matter, though." Jay voices his opinion. "Yeah, if you want a scandal. That's like dating a teacher." Nick argues with him. "Well, Zak is not my teacher, so yeah. Plus, there is no age for love. Love has no size, shape, color, age, or boundaries. In other countries, people give away their daughters to have an arranged marriage. They are only kids." I say to them. "Amen!" Aaron agrees with me. I look over at Zak; he gave me an evil glare as he started texting on his phone. "Why does it matter anyway? We aren't dating and are not going to date. Plus, she's not my type anyway." He says, upset. My heart shattered into a million pieces. The truth then comes out. I knew I wasn't good enough for him. "Geez, dude, we are only Kidding." Aaron tries to calm down Zak. "Sorry, I don't want to look like a pervert." He explains, still heated. "It's not perverted; she's eighteen." Billy tries to comfort Zak. "Yeah, it is." Nick says, making things worse. I watched as a pillow flies at Nick. "No one cares what you think." Billy says to him. "You two should date. You'd be perfect for each other." Jay smiles nicely at me. "Nah, we will just stay friends." Zak says, trying to calm down."Good with you, Miss Harley?" "Good with me." I fake a smile. "Plus, he's not my type anyway." I mumble under my breath. The guys heard me and looking at me with disbelief. "He's more of a fatherly figure to me." I explain further. They nod their heads in understanding. We sit on the couch watching a movie. I can't believe he said that! I'm not his type. I felt sadness sweep over me. I pull out my phone to take my mind off of it. I see several texts from Zak. 'why did you say anything??' 'After I told you I wanted it to stay a secret. Now they know we are dating.' 'I knew you couldn't keep it between us.' 'Harley, I'm sorry I was upset.' I stop reading then glare at him. He rubs his face then gets out his phone starting to text. I place my phone down, not even wanting to read what he texted me. I storm upstairs into my bedroom, completely crushed. I sit on my bed, writing fiercely in my diary. I felt the warm tears run down my face with a sting from my make up. I lay down on my bed with my face in my pillow, sobbing. I'm not his type! He doesn't love me; I'm just his open option. I'm a free sample. Three light taps made a presence on my door. "Go away!" I command. The door slowly opened, revealing Zak. I threw my pillow at him, not wanting to see his face. He stared down at the ground. He walked in and shut the door with his back. his hands were hidden behind his back. "Go away. I don't want to see you." I tell him bitterly. he sets the things on my ground by my bed's foot; he sits on the bed next to me. "Okay, let me hear it." he asks what's bothering me. "Did I tell everyone we are dating? NO! I kept that between us.I didn't give any hints, lead on's nor did I show any interest. They were messing around, Zachary! She's, not my type! Then why the hell are you here?" I whisper angrily. He sits and thinks as he stares at his hands. "I know you're mad. You have absolutely every right to be. I'm sorry for what I said and texted. That was completely out of line. I was trying to get them off my back and throw them off. I was angry and in the moment. You are my type. You're everything I've ever wanted. I love you, Harley." I was silent as his kind apology hit me. He takes my face in his big hands, wiping my tears with his thumbs. "I'm sorry, baby. I knew you were hurt when I said that. Then when you called me the same thing and a father, I knew I skrewed up. So I brought you something to make up for it." he gets up, walking to the foot of my bed. He hands me a beautiful red rose; he always gives me a rose when I'm upset. I have no idea where he gets them. Probably from my rose bush in the back yard. I smell the sweet freshness of my beautiful flower. Zak sits next to me once more with black clothing in his hands. "What's this for?" I ask about my rose. "Aren't you mad at me?" "For my beautiful lady, to make your sadness go away. I was a real asshole saying that. I also got you these." he holds up his favorite black hoodie with the ghost adventure logo on it. "To keep you warm when I'm nowhere in sight. I know how much you love wearing my jackets, so I got you one." he hands it to me. I take it and smell it. Smells just like him. "My shirt for you to wear when your sleeping when I'm away. For you to know, I'm always with you. Go on, smell it." he hands it to me. I smell it smelling his freshly sprayed cologne. "I just sprayed it so that it will last longer." he gives me a small smirk placing his hand on my knee. "And this is for you to know I will always love you." he leans in and kisses me.

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