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"Baby wakes up," Zachary tells me softly as he gently shakes me. I open my eyes and look at him tiredly. "What is it, love?" I ask him as I close my eyes again. "We are going to be leaving soon." He tells me softly as he brushes my cheek with his index finger. "Can I go?" I ask him softly.  "No, you have  you have college, and I don't want to see you get hurt anymore." He brushes my scratches. I sit up and look at him. "What time is it?" I rub my face.  "Two o'clock." He gives me a crooked grin. I get up and go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. "Where are my clothes I gave you?" "In my underwear drawer." I yell from the bathroom. I heard him open it then close it. I go in and see him fixing his belt. I hug him from behind, holding him close. He turns around and keeps me close. I close my eyes, trying to take it all in. His strong warm embrace, the steady drumming of his heart, his sweet smell of rich cologne. "I don't want you to go."  I mumble tiredly. "I know, baby. I'll be home as soon as I can." He tells me as he kisses the top of my head. "I'll call you everyday and text you, I promise. I'll only be gone for a week. Don't get in any trouble or get hurt." He looks into my eyes. "Do you promise me?"    "Yes, I promise." I say truthfully. "Can I stay at your house when you come back?"   "That's the plan." He gives me a small smile brushing my hair back. "Can't wait." I smile up at him. He turns his head to the door to see it was open. He walks over and closes it. He comes over to me, placing his hands on the small of my back. I was pulled to him, pressed tightly. I put my hands on his shoulders, staring into his beautiful eyes. "God, you're just so beautiful." He breaths leaning down to me. He surprised me by kissing me hard. He slipped his tongue in my mouth. He's never kissed me like this before. My heart was racing, as my face got hot. He pulled back, taking my hands in his. "I love you. Please remember that. I just want to get to know you better and know what makes you tick." He tells me softly as If apologizing to me. "Zak, you know all about me," I say to him as I put my hand on his chest. "I know." He smiles at me. "I'm going to miss you, princess." He hugs me again.  My phone started buzzing on my nightstand. I look to see it was Zak. 'I love you'   'I love you more,' I replied, trying to catch some sleep. 'I love you most,'  he texts me back . 'I love you most to infinity. That's fine, I win. Now good night.' I text, turning off my phone and going back to sleep.

My alarm clock buzzes, making me jump out of bed. I get ready and then look at my phone. Zak blew it up while I was sleeping. 'Sleep tight. I love you. I want to come home already. Have a good day at college. Text me when you're awake.' He texted. Aww, that's so sweet. "Thanks, Zak. I wish I were going with you guys."  I put a jalapeño burrito in the microwave and pour some milk. "About to take off." He then sends me a picture. (See below). "You are so handsome, baby." I text him. "Thanks, love. Oh, I have to tell you something. I feel terrible about it."   "What is it?" I ask him. "I stole your diary." As I read it, my heart sank.  I run upstairs as quickly as I could to check my drawer. Sure enough, it was gone. "ZAK, HOW COULD YOU!!"I text angrily at him. "I'm sorry, baby. please forgive me."   "AFTER I TOLD YOU NO! DO YOU KNOW HOW EMBARRASSED I AM?!?"  "I'm sorry, baby. I love you; I just wanted to know more about you. We are taking off. I love you ."


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