New York

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"Are you all packed?" Zak smiles at me.  "I am." I smile back. We put all the luggage in the car and drive to the airport. "I'm excited for this trip." Zak flashes me a huge happy smile. "Why are you so excited?"  "I've been wanting to go there for a while. I'm excited it's finally happening."  "Yeah, the old New York Prison." I smile back at him. He smiles even wider and parks the car.  "I don't know why you scheduled one so close to Christmas though."  "Sorry love." he flashes me another stunning smile. We get our luggage out and enter the airport. We check and drop our bags off. Zak took my hand and lead me to the terminal. Everyone was waiting there for us. They all smiled as they looked at me. "Hello miss Johnson." Aaron smiles at me. "Hello Mr. Goodwin." I smile back at him.  "Bro i'm excited." Aaron smiles at Zak. "Me too."Zak smiles. "Are you nervous?" Billy asks. "No, I'm totally ready fore this." Zak smiles then kisses my hand.  "Good." Billy smiles. We then board the plane. I sit by the window while Zak sat middle and Aaron sat outside."I get window coming back." Aaron tells me. I smile at him then nod my head. "Okay." "I'll sit outside." Zak pipes up.  "That's right, you hate sitting middle." I remember.  "Yeah." we then listen to the fight attendants then we take off. the lady brings around drinks and snacks for us. "I'm so excited dude!" Aaron smiles. "You've been wanting to go to the prison too?" I ask him. "Yeah." He smiles. "We all have been excited for this." Billy says from across of us. "Yeah." Jay and Ashley agree. "I'm missing something." I admit. "you'll know why soon. This investigation is going to be amazing." Zak smiles as he looks at me with his happy blue eyes. When he smiled his eyes would smile too. He was truly excited. "Did ytou know it snowed in New York yesterday?" Jay asks us.  "Yeah, Zak mentioned that." I say as I lean forward to see him.  "Do you like the snow?" Billy asks.  "I'm okay with the snow. It's really pretty but i'm not  a big fan of the cold." I answer him. "She likes kissing in the snow. She thinks its romantic." Zak smiles at him. We talk the whole way. I hold Zak's hand tightly as we land down. We get off then grab our bags. We go to the door to see it was snowing adding more blankets of snow to the ground. We got our two borrowed cars and drive to the hotel. "Are we there yet?" Aaron asks.  "Yes, now stop asking." Billy says getting annoyed.  "Yay! Zak we're here." Aaron smiles turning around.  "We're here?!?"Zak smiles widely.  "Yeah!!" Aaron celebrates. "Yayayaya!" Zak celebrates with him. I shake my head at them. They are like children. We finally get out and head to our room with our luggage. Zak opens the room and lays down the bed. Traveling takes a lot out of him. My tired old man. I go to the shower and get cleaned up. I get out and see Zak still on the bed playing on his phone. "Hey beautiful." He smiles up at me. What's he up to? "Hello." I smile back at him. He puts away his phone and stands up. "So everyone is going to tour around town. Do you want to go or stay here?"  He asks me.  "You're tired so we can stay here." I tell him.  "I'm not tired, I'm fully energized. So what do you say?" He smiles widely.  "I guess, I mean I have to get ready." I go to my luggage and pull out some warm clothes. I change then start on my make up. "Hey G, you ready?" Aaron asks from the bedroom. "Yeah, just waiting for Harley to get cleaned up." Zak says. I look in the mirror to see the guys standing at the door. "Really?" i smile at them.

"God, this is going to take forever!" Aaron plays with me. I finish up then go out to them. "I hate when you wear makeup." Zak tells me.  "Why?" i question him.  "I just do, I mean you look beautiful and all, i just like you natural looking." Zak tells me.  "I use natural colors, very earth tone." i tell him.  Aaron then buts in. "No arguing." i grab my purse along wih my phone. "I'm ready." I smile at them. "Let's go." Jay smiles. "So tomorrow is the interview?" Billy asks Zak.

"Yeah." Zak smiles widely. He was truly excited you can see the twinkle in his eyes as he smiled. He never gets this excited for a lockdown.

"You nervous?"

"Not at all, I'm so ready for this." Zak takes my hand in his.  "I can't wait." Ashley giggles.

I then finally ask. "Okay, so I didn't do my research. What I said everyone so excited about?" I'm so confused it's not even funny. "You'll see, it's hard explain." Zak tells me softly. We then walk around the cold city. "Do you have it with you?" Aaron asks him. "Oh yeah, I made sure not to forget it." Zak smile she back. "Forget what?" I question him. "A book on the prison." He tells me. "Oh, can I read it?" I ask him.

"Tomorrow night you can."

"Why not tonight?"

"Because I'm reading it tonight." He explains to me. "Oh okay." We then shop around. Ashley and I wanted to go in the clothing store. "We can stay out here." Aaron tells us. I look at Zak confused. "You don't want to come in with me?" "I will in a minute baby. I need to talk to the guys real quick." "Come on girl, let's have girl time." Ashley pushes me into the store. Ashley pulls me around the store showing me every piece of clothing. "You should try this on." She hands me a pink and black flannel shirt. I go to the dressing room and try it on. "Here try these too." She slides a bunch of clothes under the door. She's acting weird. "You have to show me also." She tells me. I try on every piece and show her. I put on my last outfit. A white sweater with a black frilly scarf, dark black jeans, a white beanie hat. (See picture) "baby, you in here?" Zak asks. "Yes, third stall." I tells him as I put the hat on. "Did you try on all of your clothes already?" I open the door and show him. "I like it." He smiles at me. "Ashley picked it out." I tell him. "Really? She has good taste." "I'd say so." "Alright, buy your clothes. We are going to dinner." "Am I going?" I ask him. He then smiles at me."yes love , you're going." "Okay." I go back in and shut the door. I change back into my clothes then come back out with my yes pile. I go to the counter and pay. I grab my bag and follow Zak out of the store. "Harley you're a complete different person now. You act so different." Aaron tells me. "I'm a changed person, I grew up." I simply tell him. "Yeah, she's an angel now." Jay says. "You guys are now seeing what I saw all along." Zak tells them. We end up at some Mexican restaurant. We get seated down at a large table to fit all six of us. I sat next to sat and Ashley. "You should feel right at home here." Zak smiles nudging me. "You have no idea haha." I smile widely at her. "Some day we will go to Mexico, Italy, Paris, and Ireland." He smiles at me. "Yes please." I smile completely thrilled. "You can be our translator." He smiles sweetly. "I'm not that good." I say as I look at the menu. "Don't down yourself, you are fluent in Spanish and know a lot of Italian." He tells me. I smile at him then look back at my menu. What do I want? I want a chimichanga. The waiter then comes back over taking orders. He finally gets to me. "Yo quiro chimichanga por vovore." I smile at him. "Carne o pollo?" (Beef or chicken?) he asks me. "Carne." I answer. "Si si.¿ hablas Español?" He smiles. "Si." "muy bien." He then goes to Zak. "Enchilada." He tells him. The waiter then leaves. "That's probably the only Spanish I'll understand." Zak smiles at me as he eats more chips and salsa. "Oh really? What did I say?" I tease him. He then nails exactly what I said. "Very good Zachary." I smile proudly at him. "Let me guess if we have children then your going to talk to them in Spanish?" He smiles. "Of course, I want my children to be bilingual." "Smart choice." He nods his head. Continuing to eat salsa and chips. We then got our food continuing to talk as we ate. Zak stole a few bites from me so I took some from him. We finish up then go back to the hotel. "I'm so tired and full." I tell Zak as we walk to our room. "Same." He tells me as he unlocks the door. "Alright, let's get ready for bed." Zak yawns as he shuts the door. I grab my pjs and strip down. I put them off then wash my makeup off. Zak was next to me brushing his teeth. I finish up then brush my teeth. Zak was already in bed. I finish up and go over to him. He felt warmer than usual. I put my hand on his chest to feel it bare. "Are you in your boxers?" "I am, don't get any ideas. We are in a hotel." "I'm not, I was just wondering." I tell him. "Okay." "You excited for tomorrow?" I ask him making conversation.

"Yeah I am. Why do you ask?"

"You can't stop smiling and you said over and over how excited you are." I explain.

"I see." He nods his head.

"Is this location that notorious?" I ask him.

"Yes." He smiles.

"Well I'm happy for you." I tell him softly as I kiss his cheek. "Thank you baby. Get some sleep, it's a big day tomorrow." He tells me softly. "Alright goodnight, Zachary." "Good night Harley."

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