Heart Attack

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**Harley's pov**

I sit at the table eating chicken. I start to sweat and become extremely exhausted. My chest was really heavy as if someone's was sitting on it, pain shot down my left arm. "Zak, I'm not feeling well." I tell him as he talks with Aaron. "What's wrong?" He looks up at me. "I'm really hot and my chest hurts." I explained. "You may have heart burn." "I'm going to lay down." I tell him as I grab my chicken and go up the stairs as Gracie follows me. I take a bite and swallow, the peice wouldn't go down. I cough trying to see if it will come back up. I gasp for air trying to breath. I felt my heart race faster then I've ever felt it. The pain in my head and the pressure around my face hurt. I become light headed. Gracie started barking at me then raced down the stairs. I grab a lamp for support but end up knocking it down to the ground. I try to breath unable to get any air. My chest felt like it was going to explode. I try to call Zak for help but nothing was coming out. Everything then went black.

**Zak's pov**

"I'm going to lay down." Harley tells me then goes upstairs. "So I say we go to Mexico." I tell Aaron. I heard Harley start coughing then stop. Gracie started barking then came down the stairs and started barking at me,tugging my pants. "Hey, stop that." I tell her. She growls at me then continued to tug my pants. I heard something crash up the stairs. "Harley!?!" I call her. She didn't answer. Something's wrong. I rush up the stairs following Gracie. Harley laid on the ground completely red in the face. "AARON CALL 911!" I command him. I open her mouth to do CPR. I saw a piece of chicken stuck in the back of her throat. I stick my finger in and fish it out. I got it then began CPR. I check her pulse to feel it abnormally fast. "That's not good." I begin full CPR as Aaron talked on the phone with dispatch. "Come on Harley, please come back." I beg her as I continue. "She's not breathing, she's knocked out." Aaron tells them. "He's doing CPR now." "Her heart race is to fast." I say between breaths. He then repeated it into the phone. He puts the phone on speaker so I could hear. "Was she complaining about chest pain?" He lady asks us. "Yes." He answers. "She might have had a heart attack." She's informs us. I force myself to keep going not wanting to give up on my baby girl. I wipe away my tears as I continue to work. "Baby." I give her air. "Please come back." I beg her as I pump her heart. She opened her eyes half way completely dazed. She grabbed her chest and then went completely limp. "NOO!" I yell as I work harder. "Don't...you ... dare..die ..on ..me." I say between breaths. The paramedics then come in. "Sir you can stop now." "My baby." I continue to work. They pull me away from her "difibulation!" One guy yells. They tear off her shirt and cut her bra. They stick the pads to her chest and shock her trying to restart her heart. They bring in the stretcher and place her on it. I follow them into the ambulance. Harley half way opens her eyes and starts searching. "Zak." She mumbles in a scratchy voice. "I'm here baby." I place my shaky hand on the side of her face. "Help me." She croaks. She then starts to shake violently. "Don't touch her." They yell at me. "What's happening?" I freak out. "Seizure." He tells me. We make it to the hospital and they roll her out. "Sir wait in the waiting room." One medic tells me. I do as I was told. I sit down and lose all of my composure. My baby dying. She's dying. Sadness and sarrow swept over me like a flood. My whole world is tumbling down around me. I sat in the waiting room on what felt like an eternity. The guys then come in getting the full story and try to comfort me. Soon the wives came in as well. "My baby girl." I weep. "She's too young." "Zak,she'll be okay." Aaron tells me. "No! She's dying Aaron!!" I yell at him. "I think it was that damn doll." Jay mumbles. "It's all my fault." I cry. I don't care if they see me crying I don't care. My baby is more important to me. The medic comes over to me getting all the information. The waiting room was quiet the only thing I could hear was my crying and the wives crying. I try to believe she will make it . I soon fall asleep in the chair.

"Mr. Bagans." A woman calls me. I jump up and go over to her. Please be good news. "Harley had a massive heart attack and a seizure. We had to restart her heart and put her on oxygen. I'm sorry to tell you this but she's not going to make it. Right now she's in a coma." Her words slapped me in the face as my heart was carved into pieces. The warm tears ran down my face. "You can see her now." She leads us to the hospital room. Harley was hooked up to several Machines and laid on the bed limply. I go over and hug her. "My baby girl." I weep hard. My poor baby. I felt hands on my back trying to comfort me. "Please baby, please don't leave me." I beg her. "Zak sit down." Ashley tells me softly. I sit in a chair they pulled by her bed for me. I grab her cold hand and hold it in mine. "Guys let's give him some privacy." Ashley tells everyone. They leave and shut the door. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for hiding you and denying you. I'll tell the whole world about us. We can get married and have kids. I'll take better care of you. Please come back." I beg and promise her. She laid on the bed not moving. I've never felt so hurt in my entire life. My baby girl, my love dying. She's too young. She can't leave me now. "God, please bring her back." I stand up and hug her again. I kiss her sweet lips on last time. I place my hand on the side of her face and kiss her harder. "Please come back." I whispered to her. I sit back in the chair letting my heart pour from my eyes. I heard the door open and people come in I ignore them and continue to sob. "Take me instead, don't take her." I hold my face in my hands.

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