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Harley's pov**

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Harley's pov**

"Baby, wake up." I felt a soft kiss on my cheek. I open my eyes to see Zak already dressed and his hair was done. "We have to go." He tells me softly. I look over at the clock to see it was two in the morning. "Come on our plane will be leaving soon." He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. He sets me down and goes to get my chair. I finish up and wait for him. He comes in and gets me and rolls me to the closet. "We will be at the airport most of the day. Then we are interviewing tomorrow." He tells me.  "Sweats." I sigh and pull down my black sweatpants. I also grab my black t-shirt. Zak helps me get dressed and he rolls me out to the car. Zak puts me in the car then puts all the luggage in. He gets in and drives to the airport. "Are the guys meeting us there?" I ask him. "They are." He says as he continues to drive. "Did you pack aleve?" I ask him. "Ugh no sorry." He sighs upset. "It's okay. I can buy some later." I tell him. My legs have been hurting a lot lately so that's why I need the aleve. We get to the airport and Zak helps me into my chair. He grab some all the luggage as I wheel myself to the entrance. It was quite a far way. "Keep going baby. Almost there." He encouraged me. We finally made it to inside. We dropped our luggage off then Zak started pushing me in my chair to wait for the plane. "You didn't eat this morning did you?" He asks me. "Nope." I smile at him.  "Gosh,I'm sorry. Let's get you something." He rolls me to a restaurant. "I just want a chocolate chip muffin." I tell him.  "Okay." He rolls me over to Starbucks. "Harley." Someone calls my name. I look around to see some girl come over to us. "Hello Zak." She smiles up at him.  "Hello." He says politely.  "I love your show. I watch them everyday and watch your live broadcasts." She smiles and bounces up and down. "While thank you." He smiles.  "Harley, I'm so happy your okay." She tells me.  "Thank you very much."  "Can I get a picture?" She asks us.  "Of course." I smile up at her. She takes out her phone and takes a picture of us.  "Get better." She tells me. "Thank you." I smile and wave to her.  "Let's get you some food." Zak rolls me up to the counter. "Yay, they have one." I smile and point to it. Zak buys me a muffin and a strawberry smoothie. We then go to our boarding area and wait. All the guys then showed up and sat with us. I tried to roll away but Zak caught me. "Where to?"  "Bathroom." I answer then He gets up to go help me. "I got her." Ashley smiles and rolls me to the bathroom. I'm so proud of Zak. He never complains or sighs. He has helped me so much. Ashley helps me go to the bathroom and gets me dressed. "You excited?"  "Very." I smile at her.  "The boys are different on investigations. This is work for them and they are completely focused." "I understand that. Zak might just keep in the hotel." I tell her.  "No, I think he's taking you with him."  "I hope so." We then go back out to Zak. He played on his phone until we started boarding. "We get to go on first baby." He looks up and tells me. "Because of me?"  "Yup." We go over to the boarding tunnel. Zak hands the lady our tickets. We get on and Zak wheels me onto the plane. He takes me out and puts me in the chair. I buckle up while they tie my wheelchair down. Zak sits next to me and smiles. "You ready baby?"  "Yes." I smile at him. I watch as the people board the plane. A girl sat next to Zak. "Someone is sitting there sorry." He tells her. "Yeah me." She smiles at him. "I'm Trinity, your future wife." She smiles at him then winks. "Ha,your crazy." Zak laughs at her.  "Crazy for you." She flirts with him.  "Lady, listen. I'm in a relationship and she's right here." Zak points to me.  "Why would you want a crippled? She's no good for you. She can't help and provide for you."  "Because I love her. You really need to shut the hell up." He starts to get angry. "Lady can you move?" I tell her upset.  "Shut up crippled." She tells me. I took my belt off to beat her ass. I'm going to punch her right in the face. Oo she gets me so mad. Zak pushed me back into the seat. "Ma'am?" Zak calls the flight attendant. She comes over to us. "Can you take her away from us. She's harassing us and needs to leave." Zak tells her. "Ma'am come with me." She take so the lady away. "Awe, I wanted to see Harley kick her ass." Aaron said from behind me then sat next to Zak. "I wouldn't let her. What were we supposed to do when we get kicked out?" "Take a bus." He laughs . "No!" He laughs. I lay my head on Zak's shoulder and close my eyes. "How's your heart?" Zak asks me. "It's fine." I say softly. I grab his hand and hold it. We took off, I squeezed Zak's hand keeping my eyes closed. "Are you scarred?" Zak smiles at me.  "Yes,what if we crash?"  "We aren't." He reassured me. Zak let go of my hand but I grabbed it again. "Harley let me get my phone." He chuckles.  "That's so cute."  Aaron smiles. We finally leveled out so I let go of his hand and opened my eyes. I look out the window to see the busy city we left behind.  

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