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"Baby wake up." Zak kisses my cheek. I roll over and put my head under the pillow. "You have to get ready. Our plane is going to leave soon." He tells me. I sit up and look at him. "Our plane?" I smile at him. He nods his head and gives me a crooked grin. "Yes, we are leaving today." He tells me. I get up and race to the bathroom and get ready. I can't believe it! Zak and I are getting away and going on a vacation. Just the two of us. He won't tell me where we are going though. I hope we are going to Italy. I cover my bruises and face in makeup. I look in the mirror to see they were still some what visible. I walk out to see Zak putting the luggage in the car. I go behind him and hug him. "You ready beautiful?" he turns around and hugs me. "So ready." I smile up at him. "You're going to love it." he kisses the top of my head. We get in the car and drive to the airport. I stay awake and talk to my man. "I'm surprised you stayed awake." he smiles at me. "Me too, I'm just so excited." I bounce up and down. "What makes you so excited?" he asks me. "It's going to be just us on a vacation, it will be so fun." "Same, baby I want you to know this is not our honey moon. so please try and behave." he warns me. "I'll try. No promises. Why don't you love me like that?" I sigh and let it slip. "You don't understand I'm not going to do it because I love you. I want our honeymoon to be special. Think of it as this, the bible says to wait until marriage and that's what I'm doing." he explains to me as he continues to drive. "Since when do you care about waiting until marriage?" I ask him. "Since I have you." he answers me and parks the car. We get out and get our luggage. I wonder what Zak packed for me. He leads me to the gate and sits down. "Harley, this is it." he smiles at me. He pulls out his phone and videos me. "So Harley where do you think we are going?" he asks me. "Ummm France?" I guess. "No, not France." he chuckles. "Dang it." I play with him. "Now boarding to Honolulu." the lady says through the intercom. I gasp as my eyes go wide. "HAWAII!!!" I bounce up and down. "AHHHHH." I get up and hug him. He hugs me back then lets go. "Remember what I told you in the car." he says as he turns the phone off. We bored the plane and I hold his hand. He smiles at me and takes out his phone and head phones. He lets go of my hand and gets all situated. I get out my phone and text him. "Are you going to hide me the whole time?" I text him. He reads it then looks at me. "No." he tells me. I smile at him widely so proud of him. This is going to be he best time of my life. I get out my phone and and play my music.

We exit the plane and go to a car Zak rented. We load the luggage and buckle up. "Ahhh!" I freak out. "Excited?" He chuckles at me as he drives off. "You have no idea." I smile at him. We make it to the hotel. It was a big white fancy building. It looked very expensive. I get out with Zak as he helps the bag boy grab our bags. The ladies in Hawaii clothes came over and put leis on Zak and I. I smile at him so happy. Nothing can ruin this. We enter the hotel hand in hand. The hotel was huge and fancy. White marble floors, high ceilings with a water fountain in the middle. We make it to the desk and Zak checks in and grabs the key. "You're on floor one, room 15. Enjoy your stay." The lady tells us. We go to the first floor as the bag boy brings our bags. Zak hands me the key and smiles. "I hope you like it Miss Harley." He smiles at me. . We look for our room finally arriving to the right room. I put the key in and Turn to Zak who was filming me. "I'm so excited." I smile widely at him. "Open it baby girl.wait hold on." He tells me as he gets in front of me and sneaks into the room not letting me see what's inside. "Okay now open it." He tells me. I open the door to see the most beautiful hotel room I have ever been in. "Welcome to your suite." He smiles at me. The floor was a white marble to my left was the kitchen with fancy white cabinets with silver handles, to my right was the living room with black leather couchs sitting in front of a big screen tv. I make it to some door and open in. I see it was the master bedroom. The bed was a white bedspread with a red blanket laying across, a black base board. The bed was huge! I look to see it was overlooking the ocean. There was a patio out the sliding door that lead to the beach. To the left was the resort pool with a tiki bar on the middle. "How do you like it?" He smiles at me. "I absolutely love it." I smile at him. I go over and kiss him sweetly. "Thank you baby." I breath. A knock interrupted us. Zak goes over and opens the door. It was our bags. I help him bring them in. We unpack and get all situated. "Can we walk the beach?" I ask him with a huge smile. "Of course. After that we have reservations." He smiles and comes over to me. He places his hands on my hips and leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back the same and slide my hands to the back of his neck pulling him down to me. He picks me up set me on the bed getting on top of me. Yes! He kisses me harder as he started shaking. His breathing was getting heavier as he continued. He kissed my neck then gave me a hickie. He pulls back and looks at me. "I love you." He tells me then gets up and goes into the bathroom. I sigh and go outside and sit on the porch. I sit and watch the beautiful ocean crash on the beach. Zak then comes out to me. "Are you mad at me?" He sighs and sits next to me. "No, I just don't understand why you won't go far with me. I'm right here you don't need to do it yourself." I could tell he was embarrassed that I figured it out. "When we are married baby. I can't do that now. Trust me when we are married you'll get sick of me." He places his and on mine. I look at him and smile "No, I won't get sick of you." "Let's go on the beach." He smiles and stands up. We walk out to the beach hand and hand. "Why are you doing this?" I ask him as we walk down the beach barefoot. "Because I feel bad for beating you. I feel bad for what I've put you through. I wanted to make it up to you. Plus thought we could use a get away." He tells me softly as he stops at the sign. "You know I do wish this was our honeymoon." "Me too." I smile up at him. We walk the beach and talk. I go to the water's edge and put my feet in the sand. The water then comes in and washes over my feet. Zak does the same and we stare at the ocean. "Beautiful isn't it?" I ask him. "Extremely." I watch as a surfer rides the wave. "I've always wanted to learn how to surf." I tell Zak. "Really?" He smiles at me. "Really really." I smile back at him. We wash our feet then go back to our suite. "Here." He lays a black cocktail dress on the bed. "What is this?" I ask him as I look at it. "A dress I bought you." He flashes me a smile. "You bought me a dress?" I ask him. "Yeah, and heels." He lays them on the bed. "Zachary." I smile at him. "I just want this to be the best time of your life." He smiles at me. I go over and hug him. "Thank you." I smile at him and kiss his neck then pull back. I take my clothes in the bathroom and get ready. I put my makeup on and then put the dress on. It was perfect! I look in the mirror to see it showed my bruises. I get make up and cover them. I put the heels on and go out to see Zak buttoning his cuffs of the shirt. He wore a black button up shirt , black baggy jeans, his nice black dress shoes, a gold chained necklace, and his glasses. He turned and looked at me. He stopped dead as he saw me. "I forgot to give you this." He pulls out a necklace from his pocket. It was a beautiful diamond necklace. "Turn around." He whispered softly to me. I turn around and lift my hair up. He puts it around my neck and clasps it. We walk out and get into the car. Zak puts in he destination into his phone and gets the directions.

We make it to a fancy restaurant and get out. Zak locks the car and takes my hand. "I love you." He tells me softly. "I love you Zak." We then walk in. Zak goes to the counter and talks to the lady. "Bagans for two." He tells her. "One moment please." She tells us. Zak sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. "Honey what happened?" A women comes over to me and asks. "What do you mean?" I ask her. Zak grabs my hand upset. "Did he do that to you?" She asks me. "No, I was jumped." I lie to her. Zak was really upset at this. "Where was he when this happened?" "At work. He would never hurt me." I tell her calmly. Zak took his arm from around me and held his face in his hands. Is he crying? I rub his back trying to comfort him. "I see. Get better." She walks away. "Zak don't worry about it." I tell him softly as I hug him. "You don't understand Harley. It hurts to even look at you knowing what happened." He tells me. "Please don't be upset about this. I'm fine and I'm here with you." I sit up and look at him. I see I left some makeup on his shirt. I rub it off and kiss his cheek. "Bagans,party of two." The lady calls us. We get up and go to our table. It was a candle lite dinner with a fancy white table cloth. I pull out Zak's chair and sit in my own. "That's suppose to be my job." He tells me still upset. She hands us the menu and takes out a pad. "What would you like to drink?" "Can I have this wine and she will have this." He points to the menu. She nods and writes it down. I look at him confused. He sighs and looks down at his hands. "I'm so sorry." He tells me. "Zachary!" I get mad at him. He snaps his head up. "I don't want you feeling sorry for me. What happened happened. Leave it behind us. It's not your fault. It was that damn demon. I want to have a nice night and a good vacation." I tell him as I whisper harshly. He nods his head in understanding. "Yes ma'am." "Thank you." I cross my arms. The lady brings out our drinks.Zak had his card ready to show the lady. I look at my glass shocked at what Zak ordered me. "It's a virgin." He tells me. I nod my head in understanding. Zak orders for us then looks back at me. "You look stunning tonight." He smiles at me. "Thank you, you do as well." I take a sip of my drink. "You had no idea how weird it was shopping for you. People were making faces at me the whole time." He chuckles. "I bet." I smile at him. "Yeah, the lady had to come over and help me." He admits as he takes a drink of wine. Our crab then comes and we sit and enjoy our meal. Zak pays and leads me out to the car. "Thank you so much Zachary." I smile at him. "Your welcome darling." He then drives us to the beach. "Take a stroll with me." He smiles. What is he up to? Such a nice perfect night so fancy and sweet. Wait. He's going to propose to me! That's why he's doing all of this. Keep calm. I take my shoes off and leave them in the car. He takes my hand and leads me. To the beach. "You know, this vacation is going to be the best. Just having you by my side makes every minute perfect." He tells me as he looks at the ground. "Same." I smile at him. "Tomorrow we are getting up early so we can travel the island." "Sounds good with me. You have this all planned out don't you?" "Of course." He smiles at me. Zak gets out his phone and takes a picture of the ocean. I get in front of the camera and make a face. "Baby stand out by the ocean." He tells me with a smile. I do so and smile for the camera. "Beautiful." He smiles at me. I go look and see my bruises stand out. "We can get Aaron to photoshop it." He tells me. Zak and I take a selfie together and Then we kiss having the ocean in the background. "Today couldn't have been any more perfect." I smile at him. "Same, I'm glad you had a great day." He kisses me for real. We go back to the hotel room and go to bed. I guess he's not going to propose to me.

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