Christmas Continued

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I open a clothes box and pull out a nice black shirt with GAC on the front and a lace back with a nice pair of dark jeans. I rush to the bathroom and put it on. Perfect. I go out and show Zak. "Beautiful."we finish opening gifts and clean up our mess. I sit in the couch looking at my bracelet. I just love my new jewelry. Zak liked his new badass necklaces rosary. He refused to take the ring off from around his neck. Zak then sat down by me. "Merry Christmas beautiful." "Merry Christmas Zachary." I smile st him. He then pulls out his phone and messes on it. I pull out my phone and go to Facebook. I see Zak posted several pictures of me opening my gifts and a picture of me With a bow on my head. "Had a great Christmas morning with my baby girl. I some what got my wish. I got to spend Christmas with her thanks to this insane blizzard. She hasn't taken me back yet, I hope she does. Right now I'm nothing more than her father. I'll keep on waiting." I like the post then scroll down to the comments. 'She will Zak don't worry.' 'Don't worry she still loves you.' I turn the tv on and scoot over to Zak. He smiles and puts his arm around me. I lay in his arms as we watch the sappy Christmas movie on the hallmark channel. The woman then got married. I turn over to Zak and pull the ring out of his shirt. He watched me quitely as I put the ring on my finger and smile. "Can I wear this today?" "No." "why not?" I ask him softly. "I already told you why." "Please Zachary, just today." "No, you shouldn't have even seen this ring. Youre not wearing it until I propose." He tries to take it off my finger but I clinched my hand so he'd be unable to. "I'm not done looking." "Harley Ann." He tells me upset. "I'm looking." "You can look after I propose." "That is if you ever do." I say. "What's that suppose to mean?" He asks me upset. "If we ever get back together or if you ask me." "I wish I never told you that. I knew you would throw it in my face." "I didn't throw anything in your face." I argue . He takes my hand and unclinches it Taking the ring off my finger. "Ow." I take my hand back hand. "Sorry." I get up and go to the hallway. "Where are you going?" He sighs. "I'm taking a nap." "Gracie is staying with me." "Why?" "She's my dog and I want her to stay down here with me." He tells me. I run upstairs and grab all of my blankets and pillow. I go back down stairs and lay it out on the floor. I put my headphones in my phone and turn on my music. I lay down Getting all comfortable. Gracie lays next to me keeping me warm. I turn my music all the way up so I don't have to hear him. "Harley!?!" Zak yells at me. "What!?!" I yell back he take one earbud out. "I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me. I just want you to still love the ring when your finally able to wear it." "Okay." I roll my eyes. He's just saying that to get on my good side. I close my eye and try to sleep. Beep beep beep. I look at my phone to see Zak was texting me. "Merry Christmas!! Did you like all of your not gifts?" "Yes, thank you." I replied then turn my back to him. "What was your favorite?" "The cleats and the jewelry." I text back. "Which one?" "The bracelet." "I'm glad you liked them. Mine was the pictures you drew and the watch." "That's good. I'm trying to sleep." I text nicely. "I want to talk to you. I don't get to see you anymore." "He replies. "I'm tired." I text back. "Are you going to take me back?" He texts me. "Zak stop! Let me sleep!" "Just answer my question." "I don't know." "What can I do to get you back?" He texts. I don't reply an close my eyes. Beep beep beep "???" "Let me sleep!" I tell him. "If I let you sleep will you?" He asks me like a child. "Zak just stop!" I tell him. "I've given you everything Harley. I bought you nice things, I've been nice to you, I've taken care of you, and I've paid for everything for you! Why do you still hold a grudge towards me?" "YOU DID ME WRONG! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE MAD!" I continue to yell at him. "You sent me over the edge! I'm done with you!" I get up and take all of my things up stairs. "Gracie." I call her. She runs up the stairs and jumps on the bed. I unicellular shut and lock my door. I get into bed and try to sleep. BANG BANG BANG "Open the damn door!" "No! Go away." "Give me my damn dog." "She's my dog." I tell him. "Ha, no she's not." He laughs rudley. "How about you have her for a week then I have her for a week." I try to del with him. "No, absolutely not!" "Why are you suddenly wanting her?" "SHE'S ALL I FUCKING HAVE LEFT! NOW GIVE ME MY DAMN DOG!" He swears. "Go away!" I tell him. "Not until you give me my dog!" I get up and open the door. "Come on Gracie." Zak calls her. Gracie just laid there. "Ha, she wants to stay with me." I laugh at him. "Gracie! Here now!" He calls her more sternly. She then gets up going to him with her tail between her legs. "Can't I just sleep with her?" "Sleep with me then you can." He tries to bargain with me. "Fine! You've gone crazy you know that!" I yell at him. God I hate this man! "I know." He sighs. "It's always about what you want! Occasionally it's about me. You shut me out,you deny me all the time. I'm starting to think your scared. Well know what you need to man up!" He then looked at me completely pissed. I saw the fire burn in his eyes. I probably shouldn't have said that. He then storms over to me getting on my face. He's going to hit me. He's going to hurt me. I hold my hands up protecting my face. "Don't hurt me." I felt him push my hands down. "I NEED TO MAN UP?!?! YOU THINK IM SCARED? Honey you have no idea! You have no idea how many bitches I've fucked. I'm not scared of sex! I love it! The only reason I haven't had sex with you is because I'm waiting for our honeymoon. I want your first time to be special and memorable. I denied you because I'm a gentleman! I want the best for you! Don't you DARE tell me I need to man up!! And you know what! You need to get Rose out of my damn house! I'm tired of being scratched and pushed. Would you stop I'm not going to hurt you. Now Get your grumpy ass to bed. " he blows up. I crawl into bed then look at Gracie. "Gracie." I say lowly. I want to cry. She comes in bed with me and lays down by my feet. I turn my back to Zak not even wanting to look at him. "Harley, do you even know what you want? Do you even want me back? Downstairs you acted like you did." He sighs and asks me calmly. "I don't know anymore. You make me so mad." I put my face in my pillow. "Look at all the nice things I've done for you. Look at all the jewelry I bought you." "DO YOU WANT IT BACK?" I yell angrily at him. If he's going to hold this against me too then he can keep it. He then sighs. "No,keep it." I then felt the bed shift and the covers move. I soon felt his warm body press against mine soon following by his strong arms warp around me. "I'm sorry I blew up. You hit a nerve. I've missed you, I've missed us. This storm will pass and I'll make you my wife." He whispers softly in my ear. "Yeah." I mumble trying to sleep. "Then we will have little ones running around." He says with a smile in his voice. "Yeah." "How do you want to be proposed to?" He asks me softly. "Something magical and special with lights hanging all around. Something original." I visualize. "Prefect." He kisses my cheek. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

I wake up to see it was dark outside. I was laying on Zak's shoulder. I look up at him to see he was staring at the wall. He then looks at me. "Hey." He says. "Hey." I reply. "Did you have a nightmare?" "No, why?" "You were screaming." "What did I say?" I ask softly. "My name, you miss me and stuff like that." "No I didn't." I try to sit up but he held me tighter. "I videotaped it." "Why did you video me?" I ask upset. "Here, just watch." He pulls out his phone then goes to Facebook. He shows me the new video he did. "Merry Christmas everyone." He whispers. "Sorry I have to whisper. The girls are napping." He then videos me sleeping next to him. "So we just had a great Christmas morning at Harley's house. She hasn't taken me back yet for those who are asking. She doesn't know what she wants. I'll just keep waiting. On a happier note she loved all her Christmas presents. She's wearing them right now." He smiles and shows my new jewelry. "So I did pretty good. Harley got me a new watch and drew me the best present ever. She can draw what ever she sees and she drew me a photo album of us together." He smiles and shows his new watch. "ZACHARY!!" I started screaming. Zak looked over at me with a mixed expression of shock and worry. "ZACHARY!" I started crying. "Baby, I'm right here." He tells me softly. "I need you, please." I beg. "Baby ahh I'm right here." He comforts me. I then sit up crying. "Are you okay sweetheart?" He speaks to me ever so softly. "I miss you." I continue to cry. "Baby I'm here now. Don't worry." He holds me in his arms. I was half asleep half awake. "I'm doing a Facebook live right now. Do you want to tell the fans anything?" He tries to distract me. "Happy birthday." I mumble. Man I'm out of it. "Do you mean Christmas?" "Yeah, happy Christmas." I close my eyes and lay on Zak's shoulder. "Sorry guys, she's exhausted." He apologized to the fans. "Well we wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year." "Happy birthday." I mumble again. "And Harley wishes you a happy birthday." He chuckles. "Tune in Saturday's for new episodes of Ghost Adventures. Good bye and merry Christmas." The video then ends. "Oh. Where is Gracie?" I look for her. "I think she's on the floor. She got scared when you were screaming." "Then why are you still here?" "Please don't start this." He sighs. "Where's my Gracie?" I sit up and look for her. I saw her on the floor laying down. I get up and go to the bathroom then come back out. "What's for dinner?" I ask Zak. "No idea." He answers me as I walk down the stairs. I heard footsteps behind me. I look to see Zak and Gracie following me. I go to the fidhe and look for food. Nothing, I open the freezer to see a family sized lasagna. I take it out and set the oven. Seven o'clock. "What can I do?" "Set the table." I tell him as I get the drinks. "Yes ma'am." He smiles then sets the table. I sit on the couch and stare at the wall. Why? Why me of all people? Gracie then comes over laying on my lap. Soon Zak came over to us and sits next to us. "How are my girls doing?" He puts his arm around me. I sigh and look at the floor. ground. "What's wrong?" He asks me softly. "Why do you love me? I'm nothing but a spoiled,selfish, brat kid." "No you're not. I just said that to hurt you. I love you with all of my heart. I love how sweet, caring, tough, strong willed , hard working, and thoughtful you are. You make me so happy. I just love being around you. I hate how stubborn you can get and how mean you are when your pissed. I hate what your doing to us as well but you will still have my heart." He tells me from his heart. I don't know what I'm doing. I hate /love him. I can't stay mad at him. "How can you still love me after how I treated you?" "Because I know the real you. You are the most caring and loveable person I know." "I'm sorry. I'm just really angry and hurt." I apologize to him. "I understand. When do you think you'll forgive me?" "I don't know." I sigh and look at the ground. We then eat dinner in silence then go to bed in separate beds. Take him back Harley.

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