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I walk the long dark hall with my camera in hand. The darkness surrounded me like a black veil. The only light I have to guide me is off the camera screen. I know, I am walking dangerous halls, the halls that belong to a killer. He roams these very halls in search of his next victim, waiting for the prey to fall into his waiting hands. I could feel his presence near me, watching, waiting. He stood silently as I ventured on. I tried to communicate with him but got nothing in return. I could feel him all around me.

My footsteps were the only sounds I could hear as my breath felt like ice. I look back to see a male shadowed figure standing behind me. I could feel the fear get trapped in the middle of my throat. I ran down the hall blindly, Finally reaching the door at the end. I find myself in an empty field, completely alone. I must be on the opposite side from where the boys are. I wish Zak were near me; I need my husband near me. I pull out my walkie talkie to try and communicate with him, to my surprise, the battery was dead. I didn't have my phone with me due to the fact I left it at nerve center. I look back at the building to see the dark figure standing off in the distance. I felt my heart race, my breath gets knocked out of me, I wanted to scream, but no sound would escape. I say there was another building off to the side, so I ran to it. The moonlight lit my path to the abandoned building. I ran through the tall grass as it brushed violently against my skin. I come to the door frantically trying to open it. Once I open it, I run inside. I noticed I was in a pool room; I know a little girl drowned here.

"Hello?" I call out. I could hear little footsteps running around on the second floor. I point my camera upstairs but see nothing out of the normal. I could feel an evil presence near me, just watching my every move. "I don't like the feeling in here. I feel like something bad is about to happen." I say as I look through the camera. "He's coming." I heard a little girl, whisper. "Who is coming?" I ask in return.

"Zak, please come get me." I say into a camera they put in the room. "My walkie talkie is dead, my phone is up there, and something bad is about to happen," I speak into the camera. I heard a loud thud and a locking sound. I run to the door to see it was stuck. Oh great here we go. I walk away from the old door before sitting in front of the "x" camera. I pull out a spirit box then turn it on. "Who shut that door?" I ask with no response.

"Is there anyone in here with me?" I ask.

"Yes." I got an answer from a little girl.

"What is your name?"

"Sarah." She comes through.

"What do you want?"

"You...To play." Her voice came through once more. I could tell this little girl wasn't human. She was a demon trying to trick me.

"ZACHARY!!!" I scream for him.

"HARLEY!! OPEN THE DOOR!" To my surprise, he answered from outside. I turned on my flashlight, shinning it on the door; I yanked the handle as hard as I could. "ZAK!!" I scream. "I'M COMING, I'M COMING!!" He yells as he kicks the door. I felt everything around me get fuzzy and start to fade away. "" I grab the door for support. I heard glass break somewhere near me. "Zak?" I call out to him once more.

"HARLEY!?!" I heard someone rush over to me. I see Zak's outline looking at me. "SOMEONE HELP!! MY WIFE NEEDS HELP!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
I noticed, I laid in his strong arms as his hands held on to me tightly.

Everything went black.

I watched as Zachary started CPR on me. He went on for two minutes until the rest of the boys arrived. "SHE'S NOT BREATHING!" Zak frantically yelled. I felt myself spit out the water that tasted like chlorine.

"Harley! Harley!" Zak shakes me. I open my eyes to see we were still in the hospital. "It's okay; it was just a dream." He comforts me. "Do you want to talk about it?" he kisses the top of my head. I tell him every detail about my dream, trying not to leave out anything.

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