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**Zak's pov**

I sit at the table and talk with the guys trying to have a good time. This whole thing was a mistake. I should have never bought her. "Zak what happened?" Billy asks me.  "I told her she shouldn't be dancing with other boys and she blew up. It's what ever." I sip my drink as I try not to think about it. That stupid girl! She drives me absolutely insane. I'm glad she's not here. "She didn't do anything wrong it was just dancing. They were dancing very appropriately." Jay says trying to clam me down. "It doesn't matter. It's over."   "Zak, take it easy on her. She barely gets out and has fun."  "Are you saying I keep her all trapped up?"   "Well yeah, all she does is go to school and once in every three months hangs with Hailey. She doesn't have a real life."  "I'm trying my best okay! I'm giving her a Home,food, things! I bought her a dog to make her happy." I get mad. "G, she needs friends and a life." Aaron tells me.  "She's a big girl, she can do what ever the hell she wants to do."   "G, you need to make it up to her."  "Aaron, I do everything for her."  "She needs friends. I'll see if Veronique will talk to her." Nick says softly.  "Whatever." I grumble and eat my food. Harley's probably sitting in her room with Gracie and crying. I can't believe we are over. We have our guys night laughing and joking around. I finally make it home around midnight. I go into he bedroom to see she wasn't there. I walk across the hall and open the door. Empty as well. Where is she? "Gracie?" I call her. "Gracie come here." Nothing. She took the dog with her. I run into the bedroom and into the closet. All of her stuff was gone. No! I'll give her some time to cool down. I'll go over to her house next week. She doesn't want to see me and I don't want to see her for awhile. I hop into bed and go to sleep.

I wake up to the bed cold and empty. It's not the same waking up with out her holding me. She always holds me when I sleep. I roll over and stare at the empty bed. I sit up and look at Gracie's empty bed as well. My family gone...missing. I stay in bed not even wanting to go to the gym. I get up and take a shower. I stand there and place my head on the wall. I really screwed up. I should have danced with her and not over reacted. She was just having fun. Maybe we should tell everyone about us. They will think I'm a pervert for dating my daughter but it will make her happy. I just want her home. The rest of the day I sulk around the house not wanting to do anything . I need her around. Why did she take Gracie with her? How long is she going to be gone? I make myself a sandwich then realize I'm not even hungry. I really screwed up. I need my girls back. My phone started buzzing, I ignore it and plop down on the couch.Its been three days now, no sign of her coming home. My doorbell started ringing. I get up and rush to the door. My baby came Home! I open the door to see it was Aaron. I felt my arms drop to my side. "Hey G, how are you doing?" He asks me. "Terrible." I admit as I open the door for him. He comes in plopping down on the couch. "No word from Harley?" "None." I sigh. "She hasn't come home?" "No." "Have you called her?" "No, I was giving her some space." "You should call her." "I will." "Bro, no offense but you look terrible." "Yeah I know." "She'll forgive you." "I just want my girls home." I lean back on the couch. "I know, she will Zak."

I wake up bright and early heading over to Harley's house. I walk up to the front door and knock. She probably doesn't want to see me. She doesn't answer the door. I get my keys and unlock the door. I walk in entering the house. "Harley?" I call her. No answer. "Harley? Gracie?" I search the house for her. Empty. I look in the closet to see it was completely empty. She hasn't been here. Where is she? Did she get hurt? Did she get in an accident? I take out my phone and call her. She didn't pick up. My heart began to race as my heart dropped. I text her scared. "Harley are you okay where are you?" I call her again. "Harley please call me. Where are you?" I leave a message. I wait several hours and no reply. I call her grandma . "Hello?" She answers. "Hello, is Harley over there?" "No,haven't seen her." "Oh god." I bend down starting to panic. "What's wrong?" She asks me. "Harley and I got into a fight and we broke up. She left last night and I can't find her. I'm so scared right now." "Zachary! You need to find her. I'll call her now." "Okay let me know." I then hang up. Where's my family? I want them back, I need them back. I wait for the call telling me she's alright. I look at all the pictures of her in the hall. Her smiling so happy and joyful. I want her back. My phone started ringing so I quickly answered it. "Hello?" "She didn't pick up." Her grandma tells me. Oh my god. She's hurt I know it. I get off the phone and try Harley again. "Harley please pick up. I have to speak to you." I leave a message. I try texting her . "Baby, where are you? I'm sorry please come home and tell me where you are." "Harley are you okay??" "If you don't pick up or answer me I'm calling the police." I text her. I look and see she was reading my messages. "Answer me please." She then sent me a text. "I'm fine!" I then call her. "Hello?" She whispered. "Oh my god Harley! Where are you? I've been looking all of the place trying to find you." "What do you need to know where I am anyways?" She asks me upset. "Because I care about you. I'm sorry please come back home." "Zak, I can't do this anymore." She tells me. "Baby, please. I love you and want you back home." "Zak, I don't want to be a secret." "I just need time. We will let them know soon." "How soon?" "A month." I tell her. "Please." "Will you come home and be with me again?" "I don't know." "Baby please. I want my girls back." "Fine." She sighs. "Thank you, where are you?" "I'm at Hailey's house." "Oh okay." "Yeah." "When will you be home?" "I don't know Zak." She says a bit upset. "Why are you mad?" "I'm trying to sleep!" "It's noon." "I stayed up all night and I'm tired!!" "Why were you up all night?" "Hailey and I went dancing." "You went to a club!?!" "Yes ,I did! I really want to go to sleep now." "Who the hell were you dancing with?" "With Hailey!" She gets frustrated with me. She was dancing with a guy I know it. I let it drop not wanting to piss her off anymore. "What ever, do you have Gracie?" "Yes." "How about you come home and sleep there?" "I really don't want to drive right now." "Please?" "Fine!! You make me so mad!" She hangs up. I drive back to my house and wait for her to arrive. I hear the garage open and wait for her to enter the house. She finally comes in with Gracie at her heels. "Go see daddy." She tells Gracie. Gracie comes over to me and jumps up waggging her tail. "Hi Gracie." I smile at her. I go over to Harley and give her a hug. She hugs me back then let's go. I bend down and kiss her. She smelled funny. I pull back and kiss her neck. What is that smell? That's alcohol ! "Have you been drinking?" I ask her. "No, I haven't taken a shower yet. Some guy spilled his drink on me last night." She walks past me. "Harley.." "I only had a shot of tequila." "Harley!! You're under age!!" "I know that!" She yells at me. "THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU DRINK?!?" I yell at her. "BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT YOU!!"


"I DIDN'T LIE! I ALREADY TOLD YOU!!" "It doesn't matter anymore. Just don't drink again. Go take your shower and get some rest." I calm down. She storms into the room. I sit on the couch and rub my face. She didn't take the break up well either. Gracie comes over to me and lays on my lap. "Did you protect mommy?" I talk to her. "She's not doing to well. Don't worry mommy will get better." Harley then comes out with her hair all wet. She goes into the kitchen and takes out my sandwich and eats it. "Gracie?" She calls her. I heard dog food being put into her bowl. "Is that dog food?" I turn around and look. "Yes." "Since when do you give Gracie dog food?" "Since today!" She tells me irritable. "Sorry." I turn my head back around. She waits for Gracie to finish her food. They both then go into the bedroom to take a nap. I get up and follow them and get in bed with them. I hold Harley close to me and close my eyes. My sweet girls Home. Harley gets up and runs to the bathroom. I heard her throw up and start crying. She had more than a shot. I get up and go to the bathroom and hold her hair back. Gracie came in and started barking at us. Gracie is very protective of Harley. "I know, I know." I tell her. Harley finishes and flushes the toilet. "How much did you drink?" "I don't remember." She sighs. "Does your head hurt?" "Yes." "You need to sleep it off." "Can I sleep in the bathtub?" "No." I get up and go into her bathroom drawer and get A rubber band. I put her hair up and out of her face. I lead her back to bed.

Harley is doing better now, she has smiled more and plays more with Gracie. She refuses to go out of the house with me though. Every time I invite her to go with me and the guys she declines me. We have had a few fights but she forgave me. I've been trying really hard to please her and make her happy. I turn to see her sleeping with Gracie. I get up and get dressed and put my bags in the car. I felt arms around me. I look down to see her hugging me. "Are you leaving today?" She asks me. "Yes." I answer her. I turn around and hug her back. "When will you be back?" "Monday." I answer her. "A whole week?" "Yes,I'm sorry." I kiss her head. "Be safe." "I will be." I go on my trip and bring back a haunted doll and put it in the house. This doll has been known to cause heart attacks and seizures. I think it's pretty cool.

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