Drunk In Love

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Everyone starts arriving pilling up on the couch. "Hey man." Billy smiles at Zak. I set the food out on the counter along with the alcohol. "Hello Miss Harley." Aaron smiles as he eats some peanuts. "Hello Aaron." I smile back at him. "How are you?" "I'm doing swell. How are you?" He asks me. "I'm doing fantastic." I place the napkins out. "That's good . How are you and Zak?" "Just great! Never been better." "That's great to hear." He pops open a beer bottle. "Harley?" Zak calls me from the couch. "Yes?" "Can you get me a drink?" He asks me kindly. I grab him a beer and hand it to him. Aaron sat down on the couch with the guys. "How's the o'l ticker doing?" Aaron asks me. "Much better." I smile at him. "Good." Billy nods then talks to his wife. "Babe can you get me a beer?" Billy asks Diana. "Sure." She gets up and gets it. She gave me a crooked grin. "Men." I whispered to her. She nodded agreeing with me. I sit on the couch next to Zak looking at the Christmas tree and all the presents under it. We put it up early for some reason. It's November and Zak wanted me to buy all the presents now. He's really excited for Christmas. He puts his arm around me. Zak turns on the new episode of Ghost Adventures. "Harley, I don't know how you do it. Going on one investigation was enough for me." Diana says to me. "I love going on investigations. It's scary and exciting. Plus I get to keep an eye on the boys,making sure they are safe." I smile happily to her. "And get this, she's terrified of Ghosts and demons." Zak speaks up. "Are you serious?" Jay's wife,Ashley, asks me shocked. "Yeah."I blush. "I use to be scared of ghosts but then I realized they are just people just invisible. Demons and other things scare the crap out of me though." "Why do you go then?" "I love doing it. It's like going to a haunted house at Halloween. It's scary yet fun." "I see." They nod their heads. We watch the new episode talking when the commercials were on. The front door opens revealing Bacon and two girls. "Bacon." Zak smiles as he greets him. "Zak this is Misty." He introduced his girl. "Hello." Zak smiles politely. "Hello." She smiles back. The other girl sits by Aaron. He places his arm around her and smiled. "Oh this is my girl Shannon." We all meet and greet them then the show comes back on. "Oh my god! You threw up water." Ashley says to me. "Yeah it was scary. I felt like I was drowning." I admit. "That scared the shit out of me." Zak says. "Dude,that scared the shit out of all of us." Billy corrects him. They were pretty scared for me that night. I thought I was drowning. "Yeah." Aaron agrees. We finish watching the episode then head out to the back yard. Zak Turns on some music while I bring out the drinks and snacks. Zak saved me a seat next to him. They laugh and joke as they drink their beers. I'm the youngest one here. Gracie comes over and places her head on my lap. I pet her as I joke with everyone. "Babe,can you make me a drink please?" Zak asks me kindly. "You want it like before?" "Yes." He answers. I get up and go on the kitchen and make him a drink. I go out and hand it to him siting back down with him. "Harley, how old are you?" Bacon's girl asks. "I'm nineteen." I answer her. "Are you really?" "Yes." "You seem at least twenty one." She tells me as she takes a drink. "Do you drink?" "No." "no,plus I won't let her drink." Zak tells her frankly. "That's no fun." "It's whatever." I shrug. I get up refilling Zak's glass. I go to the cupboard and grab the gummie worms. I sit down next to Zak handing him his drink. "When are you going to do it?" Billy asks Zak. "When we go to Tennessee. I already bought it." He smiles. "Bought what?" I look at him confused. "Nothing." He smiles at me. I let it slide and eat my gummies. "Where did you find those?" Zak asks me. "My secret stash." I smile up at him. "Can I have one?" I hand him a white and blue one because he can't have red food die. We have a good time joking around and laughing. I get up and refill Zak's drink. I watch Bacon's girl flirt with Zak. She's drunk. I realize I was still pouring the jack in his drink. I stop and look down. "Crap." I add more coke hoping to even it out. I hand it to him and sit down. "Thanks babe." He smiles. "Your welcome." Zak should be slowing down on the drinks. They start heading home. "Baby." Zak whines as he puts his head on my shoulder. He's drunk. It was just me and Zak. "I love you so much." He finishes his glass and sets it down on the table. I take his hand and lead him up the stairs to the bedroom. "Go to sleep." I tell him. "I'm not tired." He stands back up following me down the stairs. I clean up the food while Zak tries to help. He puts the alcohol in the oven. I run over and pull them out. "They don't go there." I put them in the cupboard. I finish cleaning up our kitchen looking for other messes. I felt strong arms wrap around me. I felt warm soft lips press against my neck. "I love you so much." He breaths softly on my neck as he yanks me closer to him. "Youre mine tonight." He slips his hands down to my pants. I want this so bad. "Baby." I turn around and face him. "Please." He begs me. He then kisses me hard. I could taste the alcohol on his breath. His hands were at the bottom of my shirt. He pulls it over my head. He throws it in the sink. He picks me up and carries me up the stairs into the bedroom. He throws me on the bed climbing on top of me. He bends down kissing me as he fiddled with my pants. He kissed my lips then trails down to to my chest. "I want you so bad." He growls deeply. He gets my pants off then takes his off. He's so damn sexy. He climbs back on top of me sucking and kissing me. He pleasured me, making me feel so good. I slip my hands down to his Boxers and take them off. I get on top of him and kiss him all the way down.

He was getting ready to put it in. I shouldn't be doing this. He's going to kill me tomorrow. "STOP!" I tell him. "What's wrong baby?" He stops and looks at me. "I can't do this." I push him off of me. I grab some pjs quickly getting dressed. "Baby, please. Just tonight." He begs me. "When youre not drunk then I will." "I'm not drunk." He comes over trying to pull my clothes off. "Zachary, you are drunk. That's why we went this far." "No,it's because I love you." He kisses my neck. "Please? I want you so bad." He breaths. His strong hands were around my waist holding me close to him. What should I do? I want him so bad. I need him. No! Wait until our honeymoon. "Tomorrow we can." I lie to him. "But I want you now!" He grumbled. I slip his grip and go into my room. I slam the door in his face. I lock the door and climb into bed. I can't believe I turned him down. I wanted him so bad. I can't do that to him when he's drunk. Zak was still standing by my door. "Go to bed Zak." I tell him. "Will you sleep with me?" "Not tonight." "Why?" "You're drunk." "No! No, I'm not." I wait an hour then open the door. Zak was asleep on the floor. "Wake up." I shake him. He opens his eyes shocked. "Let's get you to bed." I hold my hand out to him. He takes it and follows me across the hall. "You're my best friend." He tells me. "I just love you so much." He climbs into bed. I place the covers over him and pick up all of my clothes. I couldn't find my underwear though. I gave up and went to bed. "Gracie?" I call her. She comes over to me and into the bed. I fall asleep with Gracie next to me. I still can't believe I turned him down. I did the right thing though. He would be proud of me not doing it with him.

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