Vacation Continues

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I roll over and hold Zak close to me

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I roll over and hold Zak close to me. I look at the clock to see it was only one in the morning. "Zak." I call him and wake him up. "What is it love?" he mumbles. "Let's go exploring." I tell him. He rolls over and looks at the clock. "Baby, it's way to early. Go back to sleep." he rolls away from me. "Fine." I sigh and lay in bed and try to go back to sleep. I lay in bed for thirty minutes unable to drift back to sleep. I get up and get dressed. "Shhh." Zak tells me. I be quiet as I get ready. I go out on the balcony and sit in the chair and look over the ocean. It's so beautiful even in the dark. I close my eyes and listen to the crashing of the waves. "Baby come back inside and sleep." Zak tells me. "I'm not tired." I tell him as I open my eyes to look at him. "You were just asleep." he tells me softly. "No, I was listening to the ocean. It's calling me." I tell him with a smile. "Okay, I'm going back to bed." he tells me and goes back to bed. I watch the sun slowly come up from behind the water illuminating everything in sight. The colors were so beautiful as they were painted into the sky. The oranges and pinks created a beautiful picture. Soon Zak came and joined me. "Beautiful isn't it?" I smile at him. "Very." he smiles back. We sit and watch the picture unfold before us. "So let's go grab some coffee and start our day." he smiles at me. We go out and get some coffee as Zak gets tea. "So this morning we are going fishing."  "Alright." I smile at him. Zak loves to go fishing. We stop by a fishing place and rent some poles and bait. Zak and I walk down the the water's edge and sit on a rock and hook up. Zak ties my hook and line for me then hands me the pole. I go over to the water putting my feet in it. I cast my line and reel in. I felt a tug on the line and then reel in faster. "Bite." I tell him. "Already?"  I then pull up a sea bass. "Look at him." I show Zak my fish.  "You've got to kiss him." he jokes with me. I kiss the fish and thank him. Zak finally gets his line in the water and starts to fish. We fish for hours with constant bites. "I won." Zak holds up a huge fish. "You cheated." I play with him. "How did I cheat?" he chuckles at me.  "I don't know but you did." "Alright." he laughs at me. I get out my phone and take a picture of Zak fishing. He looked at me and waved to the camera.  "Let me see babe." he tells me. I go over to him gripping my phone tightly so I don't drop it in the water. "I like it." he kisses my cheek. He reels in and stands up. "Let's go return these." he walks back to the fish shop. We return them and go to the hotel. "Change into your bathing suit."he tells me as he goes into the bathroom. I go to my bag and look for a bathing suit. He packed my one piece. I put it on with out complains and grab my bathing suit cover. Zak comes out in his black swim trunks and a t-shirt on. "lets go." he says as he grabs a towel and walks out the door. Zak walks back in and grabs some black bag. We walk the soft sandy beach finally finding a spot. Zak picked a spot near the surf classes. "Here." he hands me sunscreen. I put it on and struggle with my back. "Zachary, can you help me?" I ask him kindly as I hand him the bottle. He takes it and puts some on my back. I finish up and do my legs. Zak takes it and puts it on himself. "Can you do my back?" he asked handing it to me. I take it and massage the sunscreen into his back. "Remind me to come to you for a back rub." he smiles at me.  "Will do." I smile at him. He goes in the black bag an pulls out snorkels and goggles. "You ready to see some turtles?" he smiles to me. "Of course." I smile at him. We put our snorkels and goggles on the top of our heads and go in the water. Zak picks me up and throws me in the deeper end. I laugh and giggle having a blast. He takes my hand and smiles to me. "I'm so happy we did this." he tells me as he leans down and kisses me. I wrap my arms and legs around him and kiss him better. I know I'm crossing his line right now but I don't care. To my surprise he holds me closer as he kisses me. He pulls back and smiles at me. "One day I'm going to marry you." he breaths to me.  "All you have to do is ask." I smile at him.  "Don't get your hopes up on it being anytime soon."  "That's to late." I smile at him.  "Why is it to late?"  "Last night I thought you were going to ask me." I blush as I tell him.  "Yeah, I thought about that too. This is just a trip for us. I'm not proposing to you just yet Miss. Harley." He tells me kindly as he tries to spare my feelings.  "I understand, let's go look at the turtles. On ward." I point the the reef. He laughs at me and swims forward. "Your so damn cute."  "I know." I smile at him. I get off and swim next to him. We put the googles over our face and the snorkel in our mouths. Zak starts looking at everything. I do the same and see all the fish and sea animals. He then dives down. We swim though a school of fish. The colors of the fish and the rocks down here is remarkable. Zak points to something behind the coral. I swim over and look at it. It was a turtle! I raise my hands up excited. We get more air and swim down to the turtle. Zak makes the turtle swim in the open for me and I run my hand down its back. Soon all the fish disappeared. Zak grabs my arms and yanks me behind him and pushes me up to the surface. I get air and swim back to Zak. He pushes me away from the reef. He grabs my hand and points the the reef. I saw a small reef shark swimming among the rocks. I point to the top and we both swim up. I take my snorkel out as we reached the top. "That's a reef shark. Completely harmless."  "How do you know that?"  "Discovery channel." I tell him.  I put my snorkel back in and dive down the the turtle. Zak put himself between me and the shark.  I just love how protective he is with me. My man facing possible danger for me. We finish snorkeling and head to the beach. We lay down in the sun. We laid there for awhile then Zak's phone started buzzing. I look at him upset. We agreed not to use our phone on the trip. "It's an alarm." He smiles at me. "For what?" I questioned him. He gives me a crooked grin. "Time for your surf lessons."  I look at him shocked. "Come on." He packs all of our stuff up.  We walk over to the surf lessons and begin. I fell off a lot in the beginning then got the hang of it. Zak couldn't even stand on the board without falling off. He finally got the hang of it as well. We surfed the small waves laughing and smiling the whole time.  After our lessons where over we walk back to the hotel. "Let's go to Mamas crab shack." Zak says as he looks at his phone. . "Alright." I smile at him and sit next to him. He looks over at me and smiles. "Are you having fun?" He asks me with a crooked smile.  "Best time of my life." I smile at him. I stand up and straddle him. He puts his hands on my waist holding me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I love this man with all of my heart. He kisses me back gripping me tighter. My heart raced as I kissed him. Zak pulls back breathing hard and places his forehead on mine. "I love you Zachary." I breath softly to him. "I love you Harley." He stares into my eyes. "I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you." I tell him sincerely. "Same baby." He steals a kiss. I smile at him and hug him. "My Zachary." I smile into his shoulder.  "My little Harley." He holds me tight. I'm so glad he's not my "father" anymore. He's my big strong man. I'm the happiest person alive right now. So this is what true love feels like. Just having him next to me makes my day brighter. Waking up every morning and seeing his handsome face, feeling his warm embrace, making my heart race. Every touch, every kiss sends shock waves down my body. I want him forever and ever. Zak pulls back and looks me in the eyes. "You don't know how much I love you." I tell him sincerely.  "I love you more than anything my love." He tells me as he kisses my cheek. I get up and put my shoes on. "Let's go." I smile at him. He gets up and grabs the keys and holds the door open for me. We drive to mama's crab shake and sit down. "We should get the seafood boil." Zak tells. "Yes!" I smile at him. Zak orders for us. "What's planned for tonight?" I ask him with a huge smile on my face. "We are going to the hotels traditional Barbecue."  "Where they cook the pig in the ground?"  "Yes." He nods his head and takes a drink.  "That's exciting." I smile at him. The lady then dumps the seafood on our table. That's a lot of food. Zak and I dig in. "Holy kitty cow." He says as he tries so crab. "Think I'm going to shit a pearl." He says as he eats some crab. I laugh loudly at him. He continues. "Think I just had a clamgasim."  "Oh my god Zachary." I laugh and wipe away my tears. "Have you tried this yet?" "No." he hands me a piece and I take a bite. "Holy shit." I nod my head. This is so good. The sweet flavor of the ocean and the butter mixed with the seasonings just sends sensation on my tongue. We eat our food and finish every last drop. Zak pays and we go to the car. "That was delicious." I smile at him. "It was." He agrees with me.  "So now what Mr. Bagans?" I Press myself against him and put my hands in his back pockets.   He paused and looked at me. "Umm we can go back to the hotel." He breaths.  "And do what?" I give a crooked grin. "Umm relax." He then pulls back and looks at me. "Your not behaving." He tells me.  "It's not fun behaving all the time." I smile at him.  "Harley, please behave. "  "fine." I sigh and get in the car. I'm starting to think he doesn't really love me. He has sex with all the other girls but won't have sex with me. Am I that repulsive? I know I'm not that experienced or that good looking but I mean it's starting to hurt, him denying me all the time. I should stop trying it's useless. I'd never be good enough for him. We ride to the hotel in silence. I look to the window at all the other couples laughing and holding hands. Zak parked the car and looked at me. "Come on." He gets out of the car and goes to the balcony. I follow him into the hotel room. Why is he mad not like I was going to have sex with him in the parking lot. I just grabbed his ass. Okay maybe that was crossing the line. "Zak.." I start to say then he cut me off. "I know, but If you don't start behaving then I can't sleep with you."  "Zak, I'm sorry. It's not like I grabbed you else where."  "I know, I'm just telling you. You better not ever do that." He shakes his finger at me.  "I would never. I'm not that ballsey." I joke with him. He didn't take my humor. "I'm taking a shower." he storms into the bathroom locking the door. I go out on the balcony and watch all the other couples Holding hands and have fun. They are all here on their honeymoon. One day Zak and I are going to get married. It will be a glorious day! Marrying the man of my dreams. Having him mine and only mine. Then we will have kids lots of kids. I want a whole soccer team. I go back in and lay down on the bed. One day miss Harley one day. I close my eyes and try to sleep. Zak poked his head out of the bathroom and looked at me. "Took you long enough." I mumble.  "Go to sleep." He says then goes into another room. He's still mad at me. Oh well. I felt the bed shift. I turn over to see Zak. "I'm sorry I got mad. I over reacted."he whispered softly.  "It's fine  I'm use to it." I roll back over and try to drift back to sleep. Zak sighs upset. "Harley don't be mad."  "I'm not." I'm totally crushed. "I can tell your upset."he says. "I'm tired."  "Of what?"  "Zak, I'm fine. I'm use to you denying me all the time.nothing new."  "I'm not denying you."  "Ha." I laugh at him.  "Can't we just have an appropriate relationship?"  "Yeah."  "Good,well get some sleep." He gets up.  "Zak?" I call him. "What is it love?"  "I'm sorry."  "I know, love." He smiles at me.  "Zak?"  "Yes love?"'he smiles at me.  "What was it like being possessed?" "Well it felt like I was in a dream. I wasn't in control of myself. I have no memory of what happened. The only time I was in somewhat control is the first day I came back." He sighs and tells me upset at the topic."  "Oh." I nod my head.   "Go to sleep love, I'll be back to come get you."   "Where are you going?"    "To the store. We need food to cook tomorrow." He then comes over to the bed and sits on the edge. "I'll be back." He leans down and kisses my cheek. I smile at me and close my eyes. 

Zak's pov **

I leave Harley on the bed sleeping. I'm not mad at her for what she did in the parking lot. I actually liked it. I just had to put her down so I could control myself. I drive to the grocery store and try to shop. I hope she's enjoying her vacation. She deserves it. I know I've put her through a lot. I'm surprised she's still here. Knowing Harley, she wouldn't put up with all this crap. She must really love me. One day I'm going to make that girl my wife. I want her to be mine already. I should buy a ring and propose to her on this trip. No Zak! She's still a girl she's not ready to be a wife. We could be engaged for a couple years and wait to have a wedding when she turns twenty one. I park my car in the parking lot and get out. I walk in and start shopping. I grab some pancake mix and chocolate chips. I grab stuff for me as well. I've spent so much on this trip. I have well I'll make more soon. I finish shopping and walk around town. I see a jewelry shop and walk in. What are you doing Zak? Get the hell out of here. I look at the rings and smile. "Can I help you sir?" A lady asks me. "No,just looking." I tell her. I then spot a ring Harley would love. "Can I see this one?" I ask the lady. She takes it out of the case and hands it to me. "How much is this?" I ask her.  "Two thousand."   "Alright." I put the ring down. Do it Zachary just buy it. I take out my wallet and pay for it. She hands me the bag with the velvet box. I take out the box and put it in my pocket. I walk out and go back to the hotel room. Harley was passed out on the chair on the balcony. I pick her up and put her in bed. I lay next to her and hold her close to me.  

"Baby, wake up

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"Baby, wake up." I kiss her cheek. She slowly opens and turns towards me. "Zachary." She smiles tiredly. "Good evening."  I smile at her.  "You ready to go to your dinner?"  "Yes, are they going to be throwing fire?"   "I believe so."  "Come on." I sit up and get dressed. "Babe, I got you a dress." I lay it out on the bed. I thought she could use a Hawaiian dress for this evening. She raced into the bathroom and put it on. I check my pockets and realize I left the ring in my other pants. Harley comes out and twirls for me. "Breathtaking." I smile at her. I go into the bathroom and grab my pants. I shut and lock the door. I pull it out and look at the ring. Still here. I put it I'm in my pocket and pace the floor. Should I ask her tonight? No, wait. I take the ring out and place it in my pants that were hanging up. She'll never look there. I go out to see her sitting on the bed. "Let's go." We head down and see everyone wearing matching Hawaiian shirts. "You'll never catch me in a shirt like that." I point to the couples.  "I can't picture you in a shirt like that." She admits to me.  We find a table and sit down. A girl comes over and gives us laes. We watch the man on the stage throw fire around. Harley was completely memorized. "Watch him drop it." I committed. "Zachary." She crosses her arms. She's so cute. We dance and eat under the stars. "Tonight is simply wonderful."she smiles up at me as we continue to dance. "Let's go walk the beach." I lead her to the beach. I wish I brought the ring. We walk hand and hand down the shore. I look down at my shoe to see it untied. I get down on one knee and tie it. "What are you doing?" She asks me. I look up at her and smile. "I'm tying my shoe. Don't get your hopes up." I stand up. "Trust me I knew you weren't proposing. I thought you hurt yourself." She tells me flatly. "Oh yeah? Then why are you upset?"   "I'm not upset."  "Yeah okay."  "I'm not. You made it very clear your not going to propose to me."  "Yeah." I feel bad now. I just might propose sometime soon. 

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