All For Love

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***Zak's pov***

"Dude, what are you reading? You haven't put that book down since we left her house." Nick speaks to me.  "Nothing." I push his hand away from the book. "Oh my god, is that Harley's diary?" Aaron laughs."dude, that's low."   "I'm just curious. See if she's getting into any trouble." I half-lie. I just want to see what she's about. Know what she's thinking and know what she's thinking about me. I probably shouldn't have taken it, but oh well. She'll get over it.
"Any juicy secrets?" Nick smiles.  "Did you know she smoked?" I ask the guys.  "Yeah." They all answer me.  "How the hell did I not know about it?"   "Because she hides it from you," Billy tells me flatly. I continue to read her diary. She has had a crush on me ever since I've met her. My mother was very close to her mother. I always played with her when she was young. She doesn't remember that, though. She only counts when we reunited. It's probably best we count it that way. I still can't believe I fell in love with the three-year-old girl I played with. Maybe it was meant to be. I was always protective of her back then, as well. I was mainly showing off with my girlfriend at the time, but I loved to be around Harley. She loved being around me, as well. Always coming over to me, sitting in my lap, bringing me a toy. "This one is for you." She hands me the blonde female Barbie doll. "Why can't I have the guy Barbie  doll?" I smile at her. "Because I want this one."   He giggles. She's so adorable. "But this one looks like you." I play with her. "Okay." She drops the boy doll and takes the one in my hand. We play dolls as Christen watched me. She came over and kissed my cheek. "You so good with kids." She whispered into my ear. "Thank you." I smile at her. She tilted my head and started kissing me. I kiss back immediately. I heard Harley begin to cry. I pull back and look at her. "What's wrong, sweetie?" I ask her softly.  "I think she's jealous." Christen chuckles. I should have known then she loved me. She didn't talk to me for a whole hour. "What did you do, Zak?" Stacy asks me as she holds Harley. "She saw me kiss Christen," I explain.  "Aww, she likes you." She chuckles. "Baby, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" I ask her softly. She puts her head on Stacy's shoulder and cries. I walk out of the room and go to the garden and pick a red rose. I walk in to see Christen light up . "It's for Harley." I chuckle as she slumps back into the couch. I hand the flower to her, and she giggles with her sweet laugh. She holds her hands out to me for me to pick her up. I hold her in my arms, hugging her. "Can you forgive me, princess?" I smile. "Yes." She kisses my cheek "muah" I still see her as my little girl. It's hard for me to see her all grown up. I want her to stay sweet and pure forever. I continue to read her diary. 

"Sadness and disbelief are what claims my heart. I will never be happy again. My parents are lost. I can not find them without being in a dream. They died! In a car crash from a drunk semi-truck driver. They never stood a chance. God hates me. He took them away from me. She is leaving me alone and stranded. I'm going into the orphanage tomorrow if no one claims me tonight. My family doesn't live in Las Vegas as I do. They all live in California and Florida. Someone is knocking on the door. It's probably the cops again." She enters. I remember that night very clearly. I was sitting at home talking to the crew about a new episode we did. The phone rang loudly, as loud as thunder. I saw it was my mom. "Hello?" I answer. Mom was weeping on the phone. "Mom, what is it? What's wrong?" I ask her frantically as my heart raced. "Steve and Stacy are dead! Car crash." She sobs violently on the phone. "Oh my god! When did this happen?" I walk out of the room to get privacy. "Two hours ago. Harley doesn't know yet. She's all alone! She's going to be put in an orphanage." She calls me. "What is the address? I'm on my way." I grab my keys and rush to the door. She tells me the address, so I put it in my phone. "How did you find out?" I ask her. "The cops called me. It was Stacy's last request. She wants me to take care of Harley." She balls. "I got her mom." I drive to her house to see all the lights on and cops in the driveway—I run-up to the door. I knock and watch as a police officer opens the door. "Where is she?" I ask him. "Who are you?" He asks me. "I'm an old family friend."  "How do you know?"  "My mother called me and told me," I explain.  "What's your mother's name?" He questioned me further. "Nancy, Nancy Bagans."   "Okay, come in. She's upstairs in her room." He tells me. I rush up the stairs to hear sobbing on the other side. I knock on her door, preparing myself for the worst. She probably doesn't remember me. The door opens to reveal her. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She has long, dirty blonde hair, wet crystal blue eyes, a small thin stature with womanly curves. She had black makeup running down her face. "Zak." She looks at me, shocked. "You remember me?" I give her a small smile.  "Yes." I open my arms, and she takes my hug immediately. "They are gone!" She sobs.  "I know, I know." I rub her back. She cries into my shirt for a few minutes, then pulls back. "They were going to take me to an orphanage." She wipes her tears. "I know that's why I'm here." I tell her softly. "Do you want to stay at my place or  stay here?"I ask her softly.  "Your place. I don't want to stay here." She cries again. "Let's pack." I walk into her room and sit on the bed. "I'm surprised you remember me," I say casually. "I barely do. I've seen your face before. I remember you playing with me and kissing some girl. That's it, though." She tells me as she packs.  "Yeah, you weren't too happy about that." I chuckle. I watched as she packed her stuff. "Do you need help, sweetie?" I get up and go over to her. "How long am I staying?" she asks me with a shaky voice. "As long as you want." I offer her. "What do you need me to grab?"  "Can you grab my pink stuffed dog?" She asks me. I go over to her bed and grab the dog. "Aww, you still have pinkey." I smile at her. "How did you know her name?" She asks me, shocked. "I bought you this dog." I smile at her. "You did?" She looks at me, puzzled. We finished packing, and I carry her stuff down the stairs. "Come on, sweetheart." I hold the door open for her. The cops come over to me, wanting my name, address, and personal info. I took her to my house, introducing her to the crew. She cried for several weeks, not eating or doing anything.

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