Secret Love

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I felt warm arms around me as I open my eyes to see I was in Zachary's arms. I want to start my day off like this every morning. "Good morning, beautiful; how was your night?" Zachary sings to me.   "It was wonderful with you by my side." I sing back to him then kiss his cheek. He was staring at the ceiling. "I've been thinking." He starts. Great, I'm in trouble. What did I do?  "Uh, oh." I mumble.   "I don't think we should tell the guys yet." He tells me, then looks at me. I sigh with relief. Okay, I can live with that. "I can't tell Arron?" I ask softly.   "No, you can't tell Arron." He smiles at me. "When the time comes, you can tell them."  He holds my hand.  "Can I tell Hailey?" I ask.    "No, let's just keep it between us for now, sweetheart."     I sigh."Okay." He then changes the conversation. "How did you sleep?"   "Perfect." I smile as I turn towards him. He was so warm. "Yeah, you were sound asleep." He smiles at me. His smile is just breathtaking. My heart flutters every time. "How did you sleep?" I ask in return.   "I was up for the most part." He replies. I then question him."Why?"   "I was too excited." He mumbles.   "About what?"  " About being with you." He blushes. "Awww." I smile flattered."I'm so happy you told me. You've liked me for a year?"   "Me too, Yeah, the first time we had a conversation, I fell in love with you. That's when you were seventeen, so I couldn't do anything. I decided to wait for you and continue to talk to you." He explains softly to me. "You're so sweet, Zachary."   "I try." He shrugs. "How long have you liked me?"   "I've always had a crush on you. On my birthday, I knew I loved you." I explain truthfully.   "I wish I told you sooner." He sighs. I lay with him and hold him close. He picks his head up and looks at me. "Let's go eat. You and me, a little breakfast date."    "I love it." I jump up and go into my closet. Zak sits up and watches me prance around the room. I pick out a nice long red shirt with light blue pants. I change then skip to the bathroom. I brush my hair along with my teeth, then do my makeup. Zak had his bedroom door shut. I sit in the chair and wait for him. He finally comes out. He wore a black t-shirt, black baggy pants, his thick black glasses, a silver chain necklace with an immense charm in the middle. He was so handsome. I can't believe he likes me. Me of all people. I'm not model type like he is. He walks into my room then walks out wearing his jacket. "It's cold today." He whispers, trying not to wake the boys. I get up and go to my closet and change my outfit. I put on black pants, a long-sleeve red and a black plaid shirt with black sleeves, and a low backline. I grab my leather jacket and put it on. "You didn't have to change." Zachary whispers to me. I walk over to him and say."Yes, I did."   "Okay." He says. I take his necklace and look at it as He watches me. I then head down the stairs with Zak following. We are racing out of the house and into the car. I put my buckle on while Zak does the same. I giggle from excitement. Zak smiles at the sound of my laughter. He pulls out and starts driving. I put on  'Hold On' by Wilson Phillips. He smiles, then chuckles."It amazes me; you listen to music I grew up with. You know more 80's and 90's than I do, AND I lived through it!"  

  "Old soul, what can I say?" I smile widely at him. He chuckles."You're telling me." We sing along to my music from my phone until Zak parks the car. Zak sighs and takes the key out of the ignition. He looked like he was contemplating something. "What's wrong handsome?" I put my hand on his. He looked down at my hand, then my eyes, then quickly look away. He pulls his hand from under mine and puts it in his lap. "I don't know if I should be doing this. I'm really selfish." I look at him, confused. Doing what? "Doing what?" I ask him softly as I make him look at me. He had pain all over his face.
"Dating you. You're still a girl, Harley. I love you with all my heart, but you're young. Other people..." he looks out the windshield. "Zachary! Don't you dare!" I get mad at him. "Don't you break up with me. I haven't even been with you for a day yet. I don't care what other people think of us. My grandpa married someone my mom's age. Don't do that to us, ending it because of what others think." He was still looking out the windshield. "You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. I don't want us to be over." He tells me softly. I get out of the car, trying to calm down. He really wants to end it because of what other people will think of us. "Now you're mad at me." Zak comes over and sighs with his hands in his pockets. "A little bit," I say truthfully.  He looks at the ground and kicks a rock. "I wish I never said anything." He was genuinely sorry he said anything. "I'm glad we got this over with now instead of later." I admit and hug him. He gave me a quick hug then let go pulling back.

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