Bad Luck

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**Zak's pov ***

Harley jumps out of bed rushing around getting ready. I've never seen her get out of bed this quickly. She throws on her jersey and pants. Oh it's game day. Fantastic. She puts on her makeup and does her hair. I go in the kitchen and make her a smoothie. She comes over to me with huge smiles on her face. "Well good morning." I smile to her. "Good morning." She beams up at me. She is so happy and excited. She walks over to me and hugs me from behind. "I love you."  "I love you to baby." I tell her as I turn around and hand her the smoothie. She takes and then sits down at the counter. "What time is the game?" I ask her as I wash out the blender. "Six." She answered right away. "Alright." I nod my head. I put the blender in the dish washer then clean up my mess. She finishes her drink and cleans it out. "Well I'm off." She walks away. "I'll drive you today." I grab my keys and follow her. I help her with her bags and place them in my trunk of my charger. She hops into the passenger seat as I drive. "I'm so excited you are going to be at my game." She bounces from excitement. She's so cute. I really don't want to go to her game. She's going to get hurt again I know it. "I think we are going to win this one. I can feel it." She tells me. I have a really bad feeling about this game. I think I might skip it and pick her up. No, she'd be so disappointed, I can't do that to her. I'll go and hide in the back.  "Did you hear me?" She places her hand on my thigh. "What?" I ask her. She then smiles at me thrilled. "I'll save a seat for you on side line or do you want bleacher seats?"  "Umm I'll go in the bleachers." I say. Then I could hide in the back. "Okay, I'll save you a front row." She smiles at me. So much for hiding. Watching her play soccer is scarier then an investigation. The first game I came to she tore her ACL.  That was terriable. Harley takes her buckle off and looks over at me. "Have a good day, focus, get good grades." I tell her as she gets out of the car. She comes back in and kisses my cheek. "You missed." I smile at her. She then kisses my lips and then pulls back with a sexy grin. "I love you." She shuts the door. I drive home and think. Maybe I should fake being sick. No, man up Zachery! It's only a little soccer game. I get home and sit on the couch. If she tears her ACL again I'm going to flip. 


Harley is playing tonight. The whole crew is here. "She's going to kill it." Aaron says to me. I nod in agreement. The game starts and Harley sat on the bench. "Come on coach! Put her in!" I yell at he coach. This is Harley's punishment for getting into a fight. We were losing five to zero. The coach finally looks at Harley then sends her in. "There you go!!" We hoot and holler for her. She gets ready and plays hard. Harley is the hardest working girl out on that field. She's not the best player but she's up there. She scores a goal in the top left corner. "Woooooo!" We yell and jump up and down. She smiles and points to me. I raise my hands up and clap for her. That's my girl. Harley had several assists and scored another goal tying up the game. She was getting roughed by number twelve on the opposing team. "You see that." I tell Aaron. "I have a bad feeling about her." He tells me. The guys blow an air horn getting to excited. Harley scores another goal then gets hit by that number twelve. "Hey!!" I yell at her and the reff. Harley was knocked down and laid on the ground. She sat up and shook her head. She got up and walked it off. She got a free kick and missed. She would have made that easily. Something Is not right. "She missed!" Jay says shocked. "Something is not right." I tell the Guys. The game continues and Harley fights for the ball. She was going really aggressively. She kicked the ball put passing it to a teammate. Harley was still fighting with this number twelve. Twelve threw a punch. Harley was socked right in the eyes. "HEY!!"I yell at her to stop Attacking my baby. Harley went to turn but the girl stood on her foot locking her to the ground. Oh God! The pain on her face was instantaneous. She tore something I know it! She's in pain. My baby girl! My heart sunk as I realized what happened. She laid on the floor grabbing her knee crying. He team doctor runs out to her. I race out of the bleachers and jump the fence. He guys were calling me to get off the field but I can't leave her there. "My knee." She cried.  "Baby girl. I'm here." I try to comfort her.  "Sir your not aloud to be ont the field." The doctor tells me.  "This is my girl." I get mad at him. He tries to get Harley to walk to the bench. She couldn't not walk on it. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the sidelines. "Zak?" She looks at me for the first time. "Yes, sweetheart. I'm here." I tell her softly as I sit on the bench with her in my arms. The doctor looked at her knee. "It's swollen already. I think she tore her meniscus." He tells me  and the coach. "Did we win yet?" Harley asks us sounding dazed. "How many fingers am I holding up?" He holds up two fingers. "I don't know." She answers. "I think she might have a concussion." He tells me. The guys come over to check on Harley. She then turns to the side and pukes. "Yeah definitely has a concussion." He tells me. My poor baby. I take her home and make a doctors appointment. "What's your name handsome?" She asks me in he car. I look at her confused. "Siri what are the symptoms of a concussion?" I ask my phone. "Symptoms may include headache, confusion, lack of coordination, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sleepiness, and excessive fatigue." she tells me. Oh god! "So what is it?" She asks me. "Zak." I answer him. "Are we on a date?" She asks me with a smile.  "No, I'm..." I start but was quiet. "Your??" She asks me.  "I'm your father." I tell her.  "No, your not my parents are dead." She tells me. She was hitting on me and flirting with me the whole time. I took her in to the doctors two days after it happened. She tore her ACL and meniscus along with having a concussion. I made the appointment for her surgery and drove her home. She limped around the house unable to straighten her leg. I feel so bad watching her hobble around. Just wait until she's on crutches. I took her to get her surgery not letting go of her hand. "Will you be here the whole time?" she asks me. "As long as you want me here." I tell her. The doctor puts the Iv in her and puts the knock out drug in her tubes. "I love you." she tells me as she is falling victim to the drug. "Do I get a good luck kiss?" she asks me. I chuckle at her amused. I kiss her cheek and hold her hand. "You missed." she tells me upset.  "No, I didn't."   "Your suppose to kiss my lips."  "No baby. I can't do that." I tell her as the doctor comes back. "She's still awake? She must be fighting pretty hard. To stay awake."  she says. Harley finally starts to doze off. they rolled her away from me. I sat anxiously in the waiting room. I watch as all the guys come in. "Is she in surgery all ready?" Aaron asks me.  "Yeah, just went off." they all sit down waiting for her to come out.  I walk up to the office to see how long her surgery would take. "She should be done any minute." she tells me. I sit back in the c hair and wait. "Don't worry G. she'll be okay." he tries to comfort me. It has been an hour since the lady told me she would be done. 

"Mr. Bagans." the doctor calls me. I looked at Aaron shocked. "She's fine bro." he tells me softly. I get up and go to her. "She's all done. It went very well. She's awake now." she takes me back. The guys follow me. "Where's my Zachary?" she was crying. "He promised me."  I go over to see her throwing up crying. She looks up at me. "Zachary." she smiles at me. She then looks at all the guys. "My boys are here."  she lights up. She could barley hold her head up. We put her in a wheel chair and placed her in the car. "I wanna go home. I don't like it here." she complains. "You'll be home soon." I promise her. The guys followed me to the house. Aaron rode with Harley in the back holding the bag up to her face. I looked in the mirror to see she was laying her head on his shoulder. Drop it Zak. "She's going to throw up on you." I tell him upset.  "I got the bag ready." he informs me. 

Harley was doing terrible. I had to help her do everything. She absolutely hated it when I had to help her go to the bathroom. I got her a care giver for a short while to help her. One morning she was in the kitchen trying to fix breakfast and just stopped. I watched her as she became wobbly. I rushed over to her catching her when she fell. "Watch your knee. I tell her." she fainted!***

The phone rang and it was Harley calling me. I pick up the phone. "Yes?" I answer her.  "So I talked to coach and I'm starting!"  "That's great babe." I try to sound excited for her. "Oh and I saved seats for you and the guys."  "The guys are coming?"  "Yeah, Aaron texted me telling me he was going."  "So just Aaron?"  "Not sure I didn't ask. I saved them anyways." 

I drove to Harley's college parking in front of the stadium. Be happy Zak, she's not going to get hurt. I walk in and pay. I find the seats she saved for us. I sit down and watch her practice. She smiled as she saw me. I waved at her and went on my phone. Get off your phone she's counting on you to watch her. I get off and watch her warm up. Aaron and the guys come over to us. "I'm surprised your here."  Jay tells me as he sits down with Ashley. "I don't want to be here." I admit.  "Well she is thrilled your here." Billy tells me as he sits with his wife. "Jeez, everyone is coming for her." I comment. The game starts and Aaron blows some kind of horn. Harley went very hard and took the ball from the girl in blue. "Wooo!" Aaron yells. "Hey be happy G. She's doing great!"  She passed the ball to her teammate and they scored! I clap my hands as everyone screams. She smiles up at me then frowns. "Dude she knows your not happy." Nick tells me. Come on Zak be happy for her. Billy hands me a beer and a hot dog. "Cheer up." He tells me. I take in and try to enjoy the game. Harley scores a beautiful goal. "Whooo!" I yell at her. "That's my girl!" I take Aaron's horn and blow it. Harley smiled widely at me. Harley played her heart out. She got hit and fell to the ground. I hold my head shocked. "She's fine G." He tells me as she gets up. She gets up and everyone clapped. She shook her head at the girl who fouled her. She scored. I grew happier as the game went on. I had fun with the guys and their girls. The game finished and Harley ran over to me. She jumped in my arms so happy. I hug her back proud of her. "I'm so proud of you." I tell her. We go to dinner celebrating her win. Everyone drinks as Harley sips on her rootbeer. We make it to the car away from everyone she pulls me down and kisses me. I pull back and stare into her eyes. "I couldn't be any prouder of you." I brush her hair back. "Thank you love." I smile at him. We drive home and Harley takes a shower then crawls into bed with me. I read my book as she climbs on top of me,straddling me. I set my book down and look up at her. She leans down and kisses me passionately. I place my hands on her waist and kiss her back. She slips her hands down to the bottom of my shirt trying to pull in over my head. I let her and kiss her back. She pulls back and looks at me. "Not so fast." I flip her over getting on top of her. I press myself against her and kiss her neck. She sighed in pleasure as I kissed her. I smiled and bite her neck. She let a moan escape her soft lips. STOP Zak!! I kiss down to her chest then stop. I pull back trying to control myself. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I calm down and then go back out to Harley. She wore my shirt with no pants laying on top of the bed. She's so sexy and beautiful. I walk back into the bathroom trying not to let it escalate. I grab my stuff and go into the guest bedroom to sleep. 

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