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We arrive home to see the windows covered in tarps

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We arrive home to see the windows covered in tarps. I look at Zak, scarred. "Zachary, I don't want to do this." I confess to him. "I don't know if I can handle this."  I start to shake. He looks at me, concerned. "Don't worry; everything will be fine. You can talk to them and tell them you miss them."  He takes my hand and kisses it. "I'm scared." I confess.  "Don't be love. It's your parents. There's no need to be scared."  "That's why I'm scared."  "Harley, I'll be by you the whole time. You won't be alone in this."  "I'm not ready, Zachary."  "Baby, listen to me, talk to them. You get scared; we can take a break."  "You promise?"  "I promise." He gives me a reassuring smile. I squeezed his hand, trying not to shake so hard. "Your shaking." He finally noticed. He gets out of the car walking over to my side. He opens my door, looking me in the eyes. His beautiful face was inches from mine. "Baby, you can do this. You'll like it." He brushes my hair back. "You promise you won't leave me?"  "I swear, I won't."  I grab his face and kiss him. He kisses back immediately. We heard voices, so he pulls back swiftly. "Hey, sister." Aaron says as he sees me. "Are you ready for your first investigation?"   "Not really. I'd be better  if it weren't my parents."  He nods in understanding. "I understand. " he then looks at how close Zak was to me. "What's going on?" He smiles, a bit confused. "She's terrified. She's shaking violently." Zak explains.  Aaron comes over and looks at me. "Did she have coffee?"   "No. she's scared, Aaron."  "Oh. Hey, listen, we will be right there the whole time. You feel scared, you grab one of us, and we will help you. You need a hug or something. We got your back, sister. It can get terrifying sometimes, trust me. I'm baiting." He offers, trying to comfort me. "Thank you, Aaron. I'll hold you to it." I try to smile for them.  We walk into the house. "Let's go upstairs and take your makeup off so if you cry, it won't run down your face." He tells me softly, leading me up the stairs. I follow him into my bedroom. Zak shut the door coming over to me, wrapping me in a warm embrace. I throw my arms around him, trying to calm down. "Look on the bright side; you get to do an investigation with me." He points out the positives. "This is true."  I mumble into his chest. "And there are no demons."  "True." He lets go and leads me to the bathroom, and runs the warm water. "We can't make it too obvious about us, babe. Hugging me and holding my hand when you do, it is fine. Please don't call me Zachary on camera."  "Okay, I understand." I wash my mascara off. "I have to give the back story and interview you, Miss Harley."   "Really?" I fake a smile for him.  "Yes, I'm excited." He smiles at me. I go to my closet and put on a tank top. "I was thinking the same thing. I was going to change my shirt ." He walks out, so I follow. He shuts the door behind him, shutting it in my face. "Ow!" I tell him.  I sit on the chair, waiting for him.  He comes out in a white shirt. "Ready."  He smiles. "You should wear white more often." I tell him.  "Right! Doesn't he look so handsome?" Aaron smiles and winks at Zak. "Shut up." Zak laughs.  "Okay, dude. Let's roll."  We walk down the stairs into the living room. "Look what I got." Nick shows us some creepy doll. "Why do you have Harold?" Zak asks, upset. "Are you trying to get her hurt?" "No, just thought it might add some interesting evidence."  "Put him in the garage. I will not have him in this house." Zak growls. Nick goes to the garage and puts the doll away. Billy comes over to us and starts talking to Zak, "so I was testing the equipment, and I got a message that I want to talk to you about."  "Alone?" He whispered back. "Yeah." He pulls Zak into a room, shutting the door. I sit on the couch, waiting for them to return. Aaron sits next to me. "You and Zak are dating, aren't ya?" He whispered to me. I looked at him, shocked. "No, we aren't." I lie to him. I feel terrible lying to him. "Okay." He nods. "I won't tell you." He whispers.   "What are they talking about in there?" I question him.   "Billy was testing the gear, and we got several messages about you and Zak. One of them wants you dead. Don't worry; we get those all the time. The other one was calling your name; it was a woman's voice." He tells me. I nod my head, trying not to shake. Zak comes over to me. "Are you ready?" He asks me, trying to hide the concern in his voice. "Yes." I stand up and follow him outside. Nick was standing there with his camera. "Rolling. 3 2 .." he points to Zak. "This investigation will not be like the ones we have done before. This time it's personal. You see, it's very dear to us. We are going to try and contact Harley's parents, who died in a terrible car crash. Harley is a girl I took in and is very close to all of us." Zak talks to the camera. "This is not for proof but closure."  He walks over to me. "Harley, are you ready?" He asks me. "Yes." I say as I look at him then at the ground. "Come On, sweetheart." He says softly. I follow him into the house. It was so pitch black. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. We go into my spare room to see the guys set up with computers. I go behind them and see it was a monitoring area. Different parts of the house were being monitored. "You ready, Miss Harley?" Jay asks me nicely. "I hope so." I sit on the couch, watching them.  We wait for an, and an hour then Zak pulls me aside. "Harley, you need to be careful. Nick brought that damn haunted evil doll, and it is not friendly towards you." He continues. "Stay by me, please."   "I will."

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