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Hello to whoever is reading this note, this is Leela.

I just wanted to put this note on the current completed story to let you know that I will be taking a full hiatus for the rest of the year. As you read further on, for anyone who cares to read the author's note, I am going to give my reasons as to why there have not been any updates on any ongoing stories. This is me being as real as possible, no sugarcoating, etc.

First, I would like to start off by stating that my drive for writing came to a dwindle post-pandemic because during the pandemic I was writing a story that is already completed and will remain published, unlike the others that are to be unpublished. Along with that, I was in nursing school, which at the time I deemed myself a failure because I could not get past these first classes that were difficult and this was only level one.

It took a toll on me mentally and emotionally to the point that two years ago, I decided to take a break from school since it had been six years of me not excelling in nursing school and feeling I would never graduate. So for the year 2022, I decided to take that year to decompress from school along with a living situation with a family member that put me in a bad space.

Just to put it lightly...I am still recovering mentally and emotionally from living with that person because to this day I cannot look this person in the eye. Living with them for two years was pure hell; that is all I will say.

Second, in the same year 2022, I decided to get a job at the end of the year and did not realize how much this would take a toll on me mentally but most importantly, physically. I do not want to sugarcoat this topic because anyone who reads my post knows that I hate my job to the fullest. I am a convenience store worker; no, I don't want to make it seem like I am whining but it has taken a toll on my body very badly.

For the past year, I have endured working eight hours a day, standing long hours without a break and I feel like I am walking on eggshells. My left leg took the worst of the pain when I started to the point now that my right leg, particularly my knee, is taking the pain.

It's excruciating to the point where I am taking OTC pain relievers or muscle relaxers every day to ignore the pain. When I get home from work; day or night, it is hard for me to walk because my feet are in pain, knees are screaming for help, ankles, you can name it. I try to hide my pain from everyone but it usually slips out when I express my pain in a joking manner.

It's not a joking matter when my family members notice it and are at this point worried about overall health. Instead of walking straight, I now walk with a limp at home because there is pain in my feet. I know I have to go to the doctor's at this point but to be honest, I am scared and I know I should not be because I have to see what is going on.

Basically, my job is killing me.

It has come to the point where I plan to work the rest of the year at the job but I will be leaving at the beginning of the year. I have talked to a sibling of mine including some friends who are worried for me. I have made these final decisions because I cannot continue working here knowing I am destroying my own body because my body screams in pain every day.

Along with this, I have decided to go back to school at the beginning of the year with a new major to finally graduate and find something better for myself. I just want to focus on school and my family understands that. As for a job, I am going to look for something better in the future and hope to heal my body.

Now that you've reached the end of this note, the reason why I explained these factors is because they have taken a toll on my well-being. This also stems from the fact that my job is killing me but has also ruined my hobbies for me; writing being the first.

Writing for me was like my escape from reality but I do not write anymore because my job has snatched that away. I have so many books that I want to publish but have not done so over the years. My thought process of writing has been blocked for a long time and I need to get out of it completely. All I do is work and come home feeling exhausted and in pain. There are bouts of me wanting to write a chapter for my ongoing stories but I cannot do that.

It has been many months since I've last updated these stories and it breaks my heart because I love my stories. I love my readers who take the time to read, vote, and comment because I share my creative ideas in each chapter but it hurts to know I have not done so in months.

That is why I want to take this full hiatus because I have to take care of myself before I even come back to writing. I do not know how long this hiatus will be but do not ever expect a year-long hiatus from me. That will not happen. I need to focus on my well-being and health and I am nervous about what is to come.

I am just hoping that my readers do or try to understand where I am coming from because I do not want to sound like a broken record. I am tired of sounding like a broken record to my family and friends and finally want to do something about this. Likewise, I still will be here to give updates on my profile or if you have questions or concerns about any stories, you can shoot me a message.

Thank you for reading and understanding.

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