Part 4

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We arrive at the club where everyone was waiting for us, of course we arrive as the last ones. We greet everyone and decide to go inside, we had acces to a VIP area not far from the dance floor and the bar. As we were walking to the VIP area I could feel Max his hand on my lower back to help me get through the crowd, his touch on my back was soft but protective in some kind of way. Charles sat down next to Lando and Max in the VIP area as I look around "okay so what do you guys want to drink?" Daniel asks with a tiny smirk on his face "let's start with a round of shots!" He quickly adds before someone could says a word. Daniel walks off to the bar with Max, maybe help would be handy.
Since there was a free spot next to Charles I went to sit down next do him. The boy was laughing with Lando but as soon as I sat down his head turned to face me "You look beautiful tonight" he said in my ear so I could hear him loud and clear. "Well thank you Charles you look nice as well tonight". I could feel Lando jump up, the reason for that was that Daniel and Max were back with our shots. We all took one shot in our hands and looked at each other, we clinked our glasses and finished our first shot. Some of the face changed as they tasted the alcohol, I could feel the alcohol running down my throat. Not many minutes later a couple of other shots and drinks went down. Lando, Daniel and Max wantend to go for a dance, Max walked over to me and wraps one arm around my waist "want to join me... I mean us for a dance?" He asked in my ear, I could feel his breath stroke my ear and got goosebumps. "I would love to" I smiled, as we wanted to walk on the dance floor I looked behind me and saw Charles sit there just staring at nothing. "I'll be right there Max go ahead" I said to Max, he looked at Charles as well and nods. I watched Lando, Daniel and Max disappear on the dance floor.

I walked back to Charles and wrap an arm around him "what's wrong love?" He looks at me with a small smile "I don't know I was thinking about my ex, I mean you remind me of her" he looks at his hands. "I'm sorry... how did you two break up?" I've never been good with breakup stuff, how could I... I'm a 22 year old who has never been into a relationship. "We made the decision together, we saw each other more as friends" he turned his head towards me again and stared into my eyes. I clear my throat feeling a little awkward "I'm sure you'll find someone soon, you must have lots of girl attention" I stared back into his eyes and raised my eyebrow, he rolled his eyes at me with a smirk on his face "I'm sure of that too, maybe sooner than I expected... and I do get a lot of girl attention but that's not important" he places his hand on my thigh, I quickly looked down at his hand and smiled awkwardly. "Right let's join the others now" I said and quickly stood up.

We both walked to the boys who definitely had a couple of drinks without us. I laughed at Daniel his dance moves, the guy has some moves. I felt a hand around my wrist and turned around to see who it was. It was who I hoped for, it was Max. A smile appeared on my face and he dragged me to the bar "let's do a couple of shots together" he said and ordered some shots before I could say anything. "What was up with Charles?" He asked while we waited, I shrugged "just some girl problems" Max nodded "and that's why he needed you?". I raised my eyebrow at max "needed me? No not at all he just needed a chat". He starts laughing "he has been following you on Instagram for a while and always want to talk about you with Lando, my guess is that he used that as an excuse to get a little chat with you". What in the world was max talking about, it must be the alcohol so I just shrug it off. The bartender handed our shots, I wanted to drink one but Max stopped me as fast as he could "if we don't look into each other's eyes, we will have 7 years of bad sex" he explained himself, I started laughing "right okay and we don't want that of course". We drank our shots while looking into each other eyes. I could feel the alcohol kick in as we walked back to the dance floor. Everyone was having a great time, even Charles forgot about his girl problems. We were dancing and laughing with each other, I never thought that I would be out with these boys.
Max and I were dancing the entire night, at one point they played a romantic song. Daniel and Pierre were slow dancing, Charles and Lando were slow dancing so Max and I decided to slow dance together. He pulled me close and we started dancing, I could hear him humming with the song so I looked up at him "I thought you didn't sing?". He laughed and squeezed me softly against him "I don't sing in the shower" he winked and I placed my head against his chest. I wasn't listening to the music anymore, his heartbeat was way more interesting.

After a few more songs we decided to head back to the hotel, Lando invited all the boys back to our hotelroom so no one had to walk to their hotel alone.
On our way there were made jokes by Daniel and Max, of course Lando was laughing his ass off and at one point I really thought he would piss himself.
A couple of meters in front of the hotel I jumped on Max's back, the first few seconds he was shocked but his reaction time is so fast that ge quickly grabbed my legs and went in the hotel straight to Lando and I our hotelroom. Pierre ran directly to the couch and in 3 seconds you could hear him snoring.
"Okay so the couch is taken, someone can sleep on the other couch, in bed with me and then we need one more spot right?" Lando said looking around, Daniel walked to the couch "I'll sleep here no problemo" I walked to a closet and took out some spare pillows and 2 blankets. I placed one over Pierre who was already asleep, I handed one to Daniel and a pillow as well "thank lovely" he smiled and cuddled into the blanket.
"We can try to sleep with 3 in my bed" Lando said full excitement, I saw Charles face change lightly "I don't think that will work out my friend but I mean we can try" Charles said as he followed Lando and Max. "Well good night then" I said to myself because they definitely didn't hear it. I walked to my room and changed quickly into an oversized shirt, with a big sigh I fell into the bed. It was a good night and I was happy. I fell asleep with a big smile on my face.

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