Part 7

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My phone started buzzing, it's probably Lando to let me know what he was doing or when he would be back. After 5 more minutes laying in the sun I thought it was enough and went back to the hotelroom. I had two more hours to get ready for my date with Max tonight, I couldn't help but feel really excited but also
What if he regrets taking me on this date and I bore him to death or something else. A deep sigh left my mouth as I turned on the shower, I scrolled through my phone to find some nice music to listen to while showering.

After my lovely shower I dried my hair with the hairdryer, my curls immediately showed. "Why do I have curls" I sighed as I looked at them in the mirror, taking my straightener so I could get rid of these curls as fast as possible.
My phone buzzed, it was Max. A smile formed on my face.

Just letting you know that I'm gonna take a shower and come over ;)

Okay perfect! I'll be ready, can't wait for our date ;)

See you soon love

While I was straightening my hair I could here Lando had returned "Nora are you here?"
"I'm in the bathroom! Give me 5 minutes!"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm getting ready wait a second"
That boy had no patience, none... I rolled my eyes and got dressed. I was wearing a little black dress with black heels, these shoes will kill my feet but everything to look cute right.
"Nora!" Land yelled
"What Lando? No need to yell like that I'm not deaf" I said while walking over to him. His eyes looked at me from head to toe "where are you going?"
Shit I forgot to tell him "oh I'm going to get dinner with Max" I didn't want to use the word "date" because I know how he gets when I use that word. And now it's not just any guy, it's his best friend.
"What? Since when? What about me?"
His mouth could not stay still for one second "damn Lando I'll give you some money, order something or go eat dinner with Daniel, Pierre and Charles"
"Well that sounds like a plan" he grabbed his phone and started to call the others. My phone buzzed again, it was Max telling me he was waiting outside the hotel, I texted back that I would be down in 5 minutes.
"Be careful Lando, see you later tonight" I smiled and kissed my brother on the cheek before leaving.

Once I walked out of the hotel I could spot Max right away, he looked so good as always of course. He waved at me and I walked over "hey Nora" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek "Hey Max" I greeted him as wel. "We can walk if that's alright with you it's right around the corner"
"That's perfectly fine by me"
Together we walked to the restaurant, when we got there we took place at a table for 2 with the most incredible view over the city.
"How was your day?" I asked as we sat down.
"It was alright, we filmed 2 videos as well for on the YouTube channel. We also had a photoshoot in front of the green screen. Time flied to be honest with you"
"Oh really I can't wait to see those videos and the pictures"
He laughed "I got tired of standing in front of the green screen that was just I don't know... not a fan of it"
"I'm not surprised by that" I laughed, we ordered something to eat and to drink. I ordered a white wine and spaghetti, Max ordered a beer and spaghetti as well.
"What did Charles want when he talked to you in your room?"
"Oh uhm he wanted to go on a date with me..."
His facial expression changed as I was talking, I could see he was not amused.
I smirked, could he be jealous...
"What did you say?"
"What do you think? Would I sit here with you if I would've said yes?"
He realised the question he just asked was unnecessary "you're right" he laughs at himself.

The conversations we had came so smoothly, it was like we knew each other our whole life. We talked about everything, everything thing I told he understood and vice-versa. After a good 3 hours we realised most people that were in the restaurant left, we lost track of time and that's something I don't have much, I wanted to pay for us but Max stopped me "my treat Nora" he smiled.
"Are you sure? I don't mind paying"
"Oh come on I'm a gentleman, I'll pay. Next time you can pay"
"So there will be a next date?" I asked full with confidence, his cheeks turned light red and it made me feel so good. "Of course there will be a next date"
We walked out together and his phone went off
"Max Verstappen" he said as he answered his phone.
"Oh hey Lando, what's up dude... we just walked out why?... Yeah I'll ask her if that's okay... right one second..."
I frowned at him "what does Lando want?"
"He asked if we could go to a karaoke bar since it will be the laste night before everything turns serious"
"A karaoke bar?! Let's go right now!" I clapped in my hands joyfully, Max smiled and goes back to his phone call with Lando "yeah mate we are on our way, see you then mate" Max puts his phone back in his pocket. "Seems like we are going to a karaoke bar" he warms his arm around my should and we walk to the karaoke bar where the 3 other boys wete waiting. This could become awkward with Charles now since I just said I had plans and now he'll see those plans were with Max.

Max's arm disappeared from my shoulder as soon as we walked over. We said out hallo's and Pierre walked in as first since he made the reservation for a table. We all sat down, I was sitting between Max and Charles. The boys ordered a beer and I ordered a cocktail, Daniel took a book and a paper that was laying on the table. We had to write down what songs we would like to sing, I wrote a couple of songs down and so did the others. They would start playing songs in an hour and a half so people would drink a lot before they would sing.

That hour went so fast you can't even imagine, we laughed, we drank, we talked everyone was having a good time. A few people started singing karaoke and it was so much fun to watch. There were a few girls sitting at the table in front of us and a blonde haired girl looked over at our table every now and then. I couldn't figure out who she was looking at so I just decided to ignore it. It was time the first song we wrote on the paper was announced, Daniel and Max jumped up and gave each other a high five before they walked to the stage. Lando, Pierre, Charles and I laughed our asses off, they couldn't sing at all but they had so much fun. They even made their own version of the song. When they finished we applauded, just like everyone else. As they walked back to us Max got stopped by the blond girl and she started talking, I looked at him and I never thought I would have a jealous feeling but somehow I was jealous.

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